Jim Hudson

DFA hears public comment on gender-neutral ID rule

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

On Friday, officials with the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration heard public comment on a rule change regarding driver's licenses and state IDs.

Under the gender section on their license or state ID, Arkansans were previously able to put an “X” instead of “M” or “F.” Arkansans could also change their gender marker on their license or state ID to reflect the gender with which they identify. DFA says the option was only used in about 500 cases.

In March, the department got legislative approval to stop the practice. DFA Secretary Jim Hudson told lawmakers he did not know of anyone who had been harmed by the policy. But, he said the rule change was necessary to prevent “potential harm.”

DFA hears public comment on gender-neutral ID rule

David Monteith/Little Rock Public Radio

The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration held public comment on licenses and state IDs.

Jim Hudson named by governor as DFA Secretary

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

Gov. Sarah Sanders Monday (Aug. 7) announced that Jim Hudson will serve as chief fiscal officer and secretary of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. He replaces Larry Walther, who was appointed as Arkansas Treasurer of State following the July passing of Treasurer Mark Lowery.

“Jim has devoted his career to serving the people and state of Arkansas. He has helped lead our state to record low unemployment and strong economic growth and has the experience we need to keep Arkansas’ finances strong. I’m honored that he has agreed to serve in my Cabinet and help us make Arkansas the best state in the country to live, work, and raise a family,” Sanders said.

Hudson has held various leadership positions in the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and the Arkansas Department of Commerce, most recently serving as the chief of staff under Secretary Hugh McDonald. In his role as chief of staff, Hudson had responsibility for driving improved efficiency and effectiveness of the department across all nine of its divisions.
