Keith Brooks

Republicans jockeying for leadership positions in Arkansas House

by Roby Brock (

Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock, became the third candidate to declare for House Majority Leader in the next Arkansas General Assembly. There are also three candidates seeking the Speaker of the House post.

Brooks joins Rep. Howard Beaty, R-Crossett, and Rep. Aaron Pilkington, R-Knoxville, in asking colleagues to vote them as the next House Majority Leader, a position held by Rep. Marcus Richmond, R-Harvey.

Beaty and Pilkington joined the race earlier this month.

“I intend to help the caucus speak boldly on the values we hold dear and have a caucus where every member feels heard, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique insights. The next session is going to be one full of change. I want us to embrace this change and lean in, our collective efforts will make our caucus more successful,” Beaty said.

Republicans jockeying for leadership positions in Arkansas House

Arkansas House votes to advance LEARNS bill after debate cut short

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

After hours of debate in committee, Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock, presented the Arkansas LEARNS bill for passage to his fellow House members on Thursday.

LEARNS is the name given to a 144-page omnibus education package championed by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Supporters and detractors of the bill spoke until Rep. Aaron Pilkington, R-Knoxville, ended debate prematurely.

During his bill presentation, Brooks hit upon familiar talking points like Arkansas’ low national rankings for education and literacy. Brooks said the bill was student-centric.

Arkansas House/Arkansas House

The Arkansas House of Representatives has voted to advance the omnibus education package known as the LEARNS Act.

LEARNS Act advances to House floor


Gov. Sarah Sanders’ LEARNS Act passed the House Education Committee Wednesday (March 1) and now heads to the full House for a vote March 2.

Senate Bill 294 by Sen. Breanne Davis, R-Russellville, and Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock, passed easily on a voice vote after Brooks closed for his bill and then many committee members expressed their reasons for voting for or against it.

Brooks told Talk Business & Politics that he plans to run the bill through the full House of Representatives on Thursday, March 2. Passage seemed a virtual certainty, as 55 of the 100 House members are sponsors.

Rep. Brooks, Sen. Chesterfield discuss LEARNS bill, changes to be made

by Roby Brock (

Two vice-chairs of the education committees in the House and Senate say there are changes to be made to Gov. Sarah Sanders’ LEARNS bill, but those changes are unlikely to alter votes in the state legislature.

Appearing on this week’s edition of Capitol View, Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock, vice-chair of the House Education Committee and the primary House sponsor of SB294, the omnibus education bill, said there is an amendment being added to the measure before it is considered in his chamber.

The amendment was added Friday afternoon. It offers technical corrections and clean-up language brought up in Senate testimony last week. It also outlines some steps of due process for teachers who may be dismissed; speaks to a requirement for teacher salary schedules; and outlines how auditing for potential misuse of public school money being used for private or homeschooling purposes will work.

Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock, and Sen. Linda Chesterfield, D-Little Rock.