Presidential Election 2024

Asa Hutchinson qualifies for GOP Presidential debate stage

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Sunday (Aug. 20) he has qualified for the first GOP Presidential debate.

His campaign disclosed that he had submitted nearly 42,000 unique donors to the Republican National Committee. A requirement for participation in the first GOP debate, to be held in Milwaukee on Wednesday (Aug. 23), was 40,000 donors.

“I am thankful to the tens of thousands of Americans who have contributed to my campaign and helped ensure my message of consistent, commonsense, conservative leadership is represented on the debate stage this Wednesday evening,” said Hutchinson. “I intend to continue speaking the truth when it comes to the responsibility that Donald Trump bears for the attacks on our democracy and justice system. I look forward to a substantive debate in Milwaukee.”

Asa Hutchinson joins 2024 race for the White House

by Paul Gatling (

Asa Hutchinson officially launched his presidential campaign Wednesday (April 26) in front of the Benton County Courthouse in downtown Bentonville.

In an ABC television interview earlier this month, the former Arkansas governor, mentioned as a possible candidate for nearly a year, declared that he would run for president in 2024. He spoke for 23 minutes at Wednesday’s rally in front of several hundred people. He framed the occasion as a time when the nation’s future and his personal story come together.

“Bentonville is a big part of my life story,” he said. “But, so is Gravette, where I grew up on a farm and learned the importance of family, faith, and community. I also learned hard work from my dad by cleaning out chicken houses and building fences. And my life story also includes Springdale, where I was inspired by teachers who pushed me to learn, and it was in Springdale where my political awareness began with the nation’s divide over the Vietnam War and the struggle for civil rights.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson officially launched his presidential campaign Wednesday (Aug. 26) with a campaign rally in downtown Bentonville.

Sen. Cotton Talks Foreign Policy, D.C. Statehood, Supreme Court Expansion and His Political Future

by Roby Brock (

Still coy on running for President in 2024, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., offered a wide range of opinions in an interview Sunday (April 25) on foreign and domestic policy issues and the 2022 and 2024 election cycle.

Cotton, the state’s junior senator, was re-elected to a six-year term in November 2020. He was active on the campaign trail for fellow Republicans in 2020 and expects to travel broadly to support GOP candidates in 2022. He’s still not willing to discuss speculation that he may be a Presidential candidate in 2024.


Gov. Hutchinson to Form Outside Political Group to Shape National GOP Policy, Candidates in 2022

by Roby Brock (

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson may not have formally committed to a 2024 Presidential run, but he’s raising his profile to be a national voice in the 2022 cycle.

Hutchinson said Sunday (April 18) in an exclusive Talk Business & Politics interview that beyond taking the reins as chairman of the National Governors Association (NGA) this summer, he plans to start a political action effort for education advocacy and to raise money for GOP candidates across the U.S. in the 2022 elections.
