Pulaski County Circuit Court

Pulaski County Circuit Court grants Attorney General's motion, dismisses blogger's lawsuit against Governor

LITTLE ROCK – Following the dismissal of attorney and blogger Matt Campbell’s lawsuit against Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders today by the Pulaski County Circuit Court, Attorney General Tim Griffin issued the following statement:

“This was the proper outcome for this baseless case after Mr. Campbell failed to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint—the second time this year he has had a case dismissed for failure to serve process. It’s unfortunate that cases like this waste taxpayer dollars and clog up our judicial system.”

Campbell sued Governor Sanders last year over alleged violations of Arkansas’s Freedom of Information Act. A Pulaski County Circuit Court judge today granted a motion to dismiss made by the Office of the Attorney General, which was defending Governor Sanders in the case.

To read the judge’s order granting the motion to dismiss, click here.

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