Randy Forst

Delay pruning woody ornamental plants damaged by winter temperatures

By Rebekah Hall
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — Woody ornamental plants that suffered damage from this winter’s single-digit temperatures and wind chills shouldn’t be pruned until spring growth begins, said Randy Forst, extension consumer horticulture educator for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

WINTER DAMAGE — Due to single-digit temperatures and wind chills reaching into the negatives, many woody ornamental plants in Arkansas — such as the gardenia pictured — suffered damage that may be difficult to spot until new growth begins in the spring. Randy Forst, extension consumer horticulture educator and Master Gardener program coordinator, said gardeners should wait to prune these plants until damage is more evident. (Division of Agriculture photo.) 

“February is the month that we usually prune our woody ornamentals,” Forst said. “This year we will have to make an exception to that rule. Usually, woody ornamentals have time to gradually acclimate to winter temperatures, but that did not happen this past winter.”

Woody ornamental plants include gardenias, camellias, shade-loving hydrangeas, and witch hazel family members, the loropetalums and distyliums. Forst said the sapwood, or the young wood of the plant, and the cambium, the layer of the plant that produces new bark, suffered the most damage from the winter temperatures.

Beneath the cambium layer are two important parts of the plant’s vascular system — the phloem, which carries food from the leaves to different parts of the plant, and the xylem, which transports water and other minerals from the roots to the leaves.

“If the nutrient and water transport system is damaged, the true damage to the plant may not be evident until new growth begins the following spring,” Forst said.

Symptoms of winter damage injury can appear as tip and branch dieback – or the progressive death of twigs or branches, starting at the tips – bark splitting, sun-scalding, leaf browning or defoliation.

“Winter damage can also be attributed to secondary issues, such as the branches leafing out normally and then suddenly dying for no obvious reason,” Forst said. “After the damaged plants break dormancy in the spring, you will have a better understanding of what needs to be pruned and how low to go.”

To help minimize winter injury in the future, Forst said he suggested selecting native plants, maintaining adequate soil moisture in the root ball area before the ground freezes, and avoiding late summer or early fall fertilization. “This is the wrong time to encourage new growth,” he said.

Forst also suggested matching plants to their site, avoiding planting broadleaf evergreens in open, windy locations. Mulching the plant will also help conserve moisture and help insulate the root ball.

Forst is also coordinator of the Arkansas Master Gardener program. For more information, contact Forst at rforst@uada.edu, or check out Forst’s blog The Arkansas Garden and follow along on Instagram @TheArkansasGarden.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk.

Longtime extension agent appointed consumer horticulture educator, Arkansas Master Gardener coordinator

By Tracy Courage
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — The Cooperative Extension Service has a new consumer horticulture educator who will lead statewide outreach and coordinate Master Gardener programs.

NEW TO THE BEAT — Randy Forst, who has served as a county extension agent for 13 years, has been hired as the consumer horticulture educator for extension, part of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. In his new role, Forst will provide leadership for statewide horticulture programs and coordinate the Arkansas Master Gardeners program, the state’s largest horticulture volunteer and education organization. Forst began the new position Oct. 3. (Division of Agriculture photo.)

Randy Forst, who has served as a county extension agent for 13 years, has been hired as the consumer horticulture educator for extension, part of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. In his new role, Forst will provide leadership for statewide horticulture programs and coordinate the Arkansas Master Gardeners program, the state’s largest horticulture volunteer and education organization. Forst began the new position Oct. 3.

“Randy is the perfect person to lead our consumer horticulture program and Master Gardener program,” Dr. Bob Scott, director of the Cooperative Extension Service, said. “He has worked in the Delta, Ouachita and Ozark districts and is an expert when it comes to Arkansas horticulture. He will be an asset to our agents as well as to the hundreds of Master Gardeners we have volunteering across the state.”

Started in 1988 in four counties (Garland, Jefferson, Pulaski, and Saline) and with 40 members, the Arkansas Master Gardeners program now has more than 3,400 volunteers working in 67 of the state’s counties. Volunteers maintain hundreds of gardens and landscaping projects across Arkansas. Last year, they donated 128,994 service hours and provided 73,555 education hours.

Forst will support county extension agents across then state in managing all aspects of the Master Gardeners volunteer program, including policies and procedures, recruitment, training and management.

Forst has previous served as an agent and horticulture expert in St. Francis, Carroll and Pulaski counties. He most recently served as the staff chair for the Pulaski County extension office, where he worked with 560 Master Gardener volunteers.

“I just love it. The Master Gardener program is a great resource for Arkansas, and our volunteers do an exceptional job of educating others in their counties about horticulture,” Forst said. “It’s amazing the different projects we have across the state.”

Forst has a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Design and Urban Horticulture and a Master of Science in General Agriculture, both from the University of Arkansas. Before joining extension, he was a landscape architect in Tennessee.


For more information about the Master Gardener program in Arkansas, visit www.uaex.uada.edu/master-gardeners. To learn more about horticulture and other extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on Twitter at @AR_Extension.