Refuse Service

ACLU Files Promised Lawsuit Over Arkansas' Transgender Care Ban


The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit Tuesday against the state of Arkansas over a newly passed law that prohibits health care professionals from providing gender-transition procedures to individuals under age 18.

The lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court Eastern District against Act 626 was filed on behalf of four transgender youth and their families along with two doctors. It alleges the law violates the U.S. Constitution.

Act 626 prohibits physicians and health care professionals from providing gender transition procedures to individuals under age 18, or to refer minors to other health care professionals. It also prohibits the use of public funds or insurance coverage for gender transition procedures. It does not prohibit services for persons born with a “medically verifiable disorder of sex development,” such as external biological sex characteristics.



Bill Allowing Arkansas Healthcare Providers To Refuse Service Over Moral Grounds Fails In Committee


A bill that would allow healthcare providers to decline certain non-emergency medical services because of their moral opposition has failed in a legislative committee.

Members of the Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare and Labor committee voted not to approve Senate Bill 289 in a meeting Thursday following hours of debate, including an abbreviated public comment period cut short by a motion for immediate consideration.

Like other proponents of the bill who spoke in favor of it, Arkansas Surgeon General Dr. Greg Bledsoe cited abortion and gender affirmation surgery for minors as two reasons physicians should be allowed to decline certain services for moral reasons.

Arkansas Surgeon General Dr. Greg Bledsoe speaks in favor of Senate Bill 289 before members of the Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.CREDIT ARKANSAS LEGISLATURE

Arkansas Surgeon General Dr. Greg Bledsoe speaks in favor of Senate Bill 289 before members of the Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.


House committee says no to bill allowing medical providers’ conscience refusal

by Steve Brawner

An Arkansas House committee on Thursday (Feb. 25) voted down a bill that would allow medical providers to refuse to provide services that violate their conscience and also advanced a bill that would allow hospital and long-term care patients to have a loved one present with them in the facility.

The House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee voted 8-10 against Senate Bill 289, the Medical Ethics and Diversity Act, by Sen. Kim Hammer, R-Benton. Hammer said later Thursday that he will try to run the bill later and is considering amendments.