Saline County 4-H

Saline County 4-H Robotics Club partners with Easterseals Arkansas to construct assistive technology device

By Rebekah Hall
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas 4-H members keep their hands and minds busy with a variety of science projects, part of the youth development program’s emphasis on STEM education. One such project found Saline County 4-H SeaCow Robotics Club members putting together a Voice It© assistive technology device at Easterseals in Little Rock.

HELPING HANDS — Katie West, Saline County extension 4-H agent, and Tamara Wald, parent volunteer for the SeaCow Robotics Club, look on as Wald's sons Issac and Luke get started with the video instruction portion of the Voice It© assembly. (Division of Agriculture photo.) 

Clad in their signature black and white checkerboard pants, SeaCow Robotics Club members Kyri Collins, Abby Wald, Issac Wald, Luke Wald and Sarah Wald, 4-H parent Brandon Collins, and coaches Mike Katsen, Stacy Statler and Tamara Wald gathered with Easterseals Arkansas staff to construct the device on April 5.

“Through our partnership with the SeaCow Robotics Club, we hope to shed light on an exciting opportunity for Arkansas school districts to collaborate with their Robotics, East, or STEM programs in order to assemble assistive technology devices,” said Katelynn Estes, doctor of occupational therapy and assistive technology specialist for Easterseals Arkansas Outreach Program and Technology Services. “This provides educational benefits for both the students receiving the device and for the students assembling the device.”

Estes said the Voice It© device reads RFID, or radio frequency identification, tags. These tags can be placed within everyday objects, tactile symbols, picture cards and more. When the Voice It© scans the tag, it speaks a word or phrase out loud using a prerecorded voice.

“For example, if a user has a tactile symbol representing the word ‘more’ with an RFID card installed, they can use the Voice It© in combination with the tactile symbol to speak the word ‘more,’” Estes said. “The Voice It© can also help individuals with low vision identify common objects around their home, school or work environment, such as medicine bottles.”

Tamara Wald, an occupational therapist and parent volunteer, said she was inspired to get involved after attending a course at Easterseals about helping children with multiple disabilities access assistive technology.

“I thought, ‘Why can’t our robotics club help them produce this assistive technology to get it in the hands of more children?’” Tamara said. “They told us there’s not enough of this technology to go around, especially when it comes to some of the 3-D printed items. We’re learning about 3-D printing as a club, so why not try to partner together? What more practical need is there than helping children?”

Some assembly required

Estes said that the assembled Voice It© device, made by the company VolkSwitch, is not available for purchase. However, the device’s design is available for free under a Creative Commons License. Estes said she 3-D printed many parts for the device, including the casing, which helped save on cost, as did the 4-H members’ assembly.

To assemble the device, 4-H members worked on its electrical circuitry, wired it for audio output, installed its battery, configured the device’s software and more.

“The student volunteers also installed feet on the device, verified it was working as expected and ‘wrote’ RFID tags for our Project Core Symbols,” Estes said.

The Project Core Symbols are a set of 3-D, tactile symbols that represent the 36 words in the Universal Core vocabulary, created by The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies and also licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Estes said that thanks to the collaboration between the SeaCow Robotics Club and Easterseals Outreach Program and Technology Services, the Voice It© device will be available for public school districts in Arkansas to checkout, giving students an opportunity to try out the device before schools invest in purchasing one.  

“Through Outreach, we are able to assist public schools and coach teams through a process where they identify features of technology that a particular student requires,” Estes said. “We point them towards specific devices that match the student’s needs, and then the schools may borrow the device in order to ensure data supports the use of the assistive technology. Eventually, they will need to acquire the technology permanently for that student if the trial is successful.”

‘Something for everyone’ in 4-H

Katie West, Saline County extension 4-H agent, said community service projects like this partnership with Easterseals are an important part of 4-H programming.

“Community service brings the children in and makes them feel like a part of that community,” West said. “This helps them become the citizens we need them to be later on, and they’re more likely to lead and figure out what problems they want to address when they’re older.”

Science, technology, engineering and math — or STEM — education is one of the three mission mandates that all Arkansas 4-H project work falls within, West said.

“We have natural resources, wildlife, forestry, electronics — there’s a wide range of programs and activities that children can do,” she said. “This group does robotics, so they’re actually learning technology and coding as well as engineering and how to get things to work.”

Wald said her children have enjoyed the variety of activities and opportunities available in their local 4-H club.

“We are interested in so many things in my family,” Wald said. “Not only does my family participate in the robotics program, but we are also part of a 4-H science club in Bryant, which is led by our wonderful teacher Kristin Higgins, who works in the state extension office. I think 4-H has really opened doors for my children and broadened their horizons to different topics.”  

In just one day, West said her 4-H members were involved in three different competitions: the SeaPerch Challenge, which is an underwater robotics competition, a shooting sports competition, and the 4-H Ross Photography Contest.

“All of these were very different, and so are the children who were interested in these competitions,” West said. “Because of that variety, as they grow, they’re able to figure out what might be their best subject. They can get a lot of scholarships and learn new things as they go.

“They won’t start off knowing exactly what they want to be when they grow up, but with 4-H, they can try everything out, see what works and what doesn’t, and know more about what they are good at by the time they’re an adult,” West said.

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For more information about Arkansas 4-H, visit or contact your county 4-H agent at

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Saline County 4-H club designs 3D-printed bird eggs for county fair exhibit

BIRDING — Members of the Saline County 4-H club, the Salem Superstars, use their binoculars to spot birds at the Little Rock Audubon Center. (Division of Agriculture photo by Lori Canada.)

By Rebekah Hall
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

Lori Canada, extension 4-H STEM program coordinator for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and the parent of a Salem Superstars club member, said the project is an important intersection of wildlife and technology programming. STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

“As a STEM specialist, I see this as a great way to show kids that technology is in everything and anything,” Canada said. “It’s a good combination of learning about birds – the eggs they lay and the differences between those eggs – but also utilizing that knowledge through creating these 3D replicas.”

The Salem Superstars began the project by learning about bird species present in Arkansas, using binoculars to watch them in their habitats and studying images of their eggs. This included a field trip to the Arkansas Audubon Center in Little Rock. Canada then taught the students about 3D printing technology, demonstrating the printing method and showing students how to design their own eggs using a computer program.

Becky McPeake, the club’s leader and extension wildlife specialist for the Division of Agriculture, said the 4-H members have responded enthusiastically to the curriculum.

“They’ve been really excited about this project,” McPeake said. “We gave them a list of birds, and we asked them to select which birds they would like to study and learn about their eggs. As you might imagine, some of them really like the larger, predatory birds, and some of them were really enthused about birds they knew very little about and wanted to learn more.”

Kahlan Higgins, 12, current president of the Salem Superstars, said the project has made her more interested in learning about birds and other wildlife.

“My favorite part about learning about different bird species and their eggs is getting to learn what different eggs look like and how they are different from each other,” Higgins said. “Using the 3D printers has also been really fun. I have really enjoyed getting to see them printing different objects.”

After choosing their bird egg, the students designed them using the 3D modeling program Tinkercad. Canada described 3D printing as a “computerized hot glue gun.” The printers use a thermoplastic that melts when heated and is then extruded through a nozzle, layer by layer, to create a three-dimensional object. Canada helped the group members, who range in age from 5 to 12 years old, in designing their eggs.

She then downloaded their designs to another computer program, Cura, which breaks the designs down into individual layers and configures each design’s settings for the printer, including the heat temperature and the design of the infill of the egg. This determines whether the inside of the object is hollow or made of smaller hexagonal or triangular shapes, which keeps the object lighter and uses less filament per design.

“For the printer to know how to do the hot glue gun motion, it needs to basically slice the object into layers,” Canada said. “It’s like you’re slicing a cake, but vertically.”

Club members then use sanding tools to smooth their eggs down and then paint them to match those of their respective birds. Finally, the 4-H members will create an exhibit about their eggs and the 3D printing technology for the Saline County Fair in September.

Each student will get to make at least two eggs, and McPeake will include one of them in each of the wildlife kits she is compiling to distribute across the state. These kits are part of Canada’s plan to distribute science and technology equipment to county agents.

“We’re designing five kits that will be stationed in five locations that county agents can access and do outreach to 4-Hers and local schools,” McPeake said. “We hope that soon, anyone in the state who has an interest in wildlife curriculum could contact their county agent and coordinate educational outreach with those kits, or they could use them to train their 4-H leaders, who could then use the kits to teach kids about wildlife.”

McPeake said she hopes the kits will help get more kids involved with the 4-H wildlife program and excited about spending time outdoors.

“Kids today are so smart when it comes to technology, and they’re so engaged in technology,” she said. “We have found that kids are going outdoors less, and yet a lot of the research suggests that being outdoors brings so much value to their lives and to their mental health. This combination of technology and the outdoors is really a great one for this time and age.”

4-H is a youth development program operated by the Cooperative Extension Service. The Cooperative Extension Service is part of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. The program teaches participants life skills through the “learn by doing” model. Program participants gain knowledge through non-formal, science-based, experiential education activities.

For more information about 4-H, contact your local county extension agent or visit

Fast Facts:

  • 4-H members use 3D printing technology to design eggs of Arkansas birds

  • Bird eggs will be used in wildlife curriculum kits for county agents throughout state

  • Project will be exhibited at Saline County FairSALINE COUNTY, Ark. — The 4-H model of “learn by doing” encourages youth to acquire new skills through hands-on activities. The Salem Superstars 4-H club in Saline County is practicing this by combining technology and wildlife curriculum to create 3D-printed bird eggs, teaching participants about the innovative printing method and the Natural State’s bird population.