Secretary of State

Panel rejects bill granting secretary of state law enforcement powers

KUAR | By Daniel Breen

A bill to give the secretary of state’s office more power over the petition process failed in an Arkansas legislative committee Thursday.

Senate Bill 212 was rejected by members of the Senate State Agencies and Governmental Affairs committee. The bill would grant the Secretary of State’s Office law enforcement powers to investigate the validity of documents relating to ballot initiatives and petitions.

The bill failed on a voice vote after roughly an hour of debate and public comment. Activist Jimmie Cavin was one of several members of the public to speak against the bill, saying it gives the secretary of state too much power.

Panel rejects bill granting secretary of state law enforcement powers

Dwain Hebda/Arkansas Advocate

The Arkansas State Capitol.

Pro-choice group sues Arkansas Secretary of State

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A pro-choice group is suing Secretary of State John Thurston over a recent decision to toss out signatures gathered in support of loosening the state's strict abortion laws. They plan to take the case to the state supreme court. Arkansans For Limited Government put forward an amendment that, if approved by voters, would have legalized abortion in Arkansas up to the 18th week of pregnancy. The group collected over 101 thousand signatures, exceeding the baseline of 90 thousand. 14 thousand were collected by paid canvassers.

Secretary of State John Thurston threw out the signatures over a technicality several days later, saying the group broke Arkansas’ strict laws about paid canvassers when submitting paperwork.

Thurston said he was missing two documents. In a letter sent to the group on July 10th, he said he was missing a list of paid canvassers names and evidence they had read the handbook. He later said the group had turned in the paperwork too early.

Pro-choice group sues Arkansas Secretary of State


Supporters of an effort to legalize abortion in Arkansas filled suit in the state supreme court.

Secretary of State John Thurston to run for State Treasurer

Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston

Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston announced Wednesday (Aug. 9) he plans to seek election to the office of Arkansas State Treasurer.

The death of Treasurer Mark Lowery led Gov. Sarah Sanders to appoint Larry Walther to the post in the interim until the 2024 election cycle can choose a new treasurer to complete the term of office. Thurston is serving his second term as Secretary of State and has served two terms as Arkansas Commissioner of State Lands.

“Our state was dealt a loss with the unexpected passing of State Treasurer Mark Lowery. We continue to mourn his loss along with his family, friends, and staff,” said Thurston. “With Governor Sanders’ appointment of Larry Walther to fill the seat until the 2024 election, I am announcing my candidacy for the office of Arkansas Treasurer of State.”

State Capitol Exhibit Focuses on History of U.S. Marshals Service in Arkansas

(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston would like to invite the public to view the latest exhibit at the State Capitol.

In this exhibit, we celebrate the United States Marshals Service, the nation's oldest law enforcement agency, and showcase a brief history of the Marshals who brought law and order to our state.

Today, the role of the Marshal Service has expanded to include security to the federal judiciary and manages the witness security program. It manages and sells seized or forfeited assets of criminals, is responsible for the confinement and transportation of federal prisoners who have not yet been turned over to the Bureau of Prisons, and is the primary federal agency responsible for fugitive investigations.

On September 24, 2014, the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service, a groundbreaking ceremony was held in Fort Smith for the United States Marshals Museum; the museum is scheduled to open on July 1, 2023.

Secretary Thurston said, "The new U.S. Marshals Museum will be a showcase for Arkansas, encouraging tourism and serving as a true educational experience for those interested in our nation's history. We are proud to partner with them on this exhibit at the Capitol."

The Secretary of State’s Office would like to thank the following for their contributions to this exhibit: David Kennedy, Curator, United States Marshals Museum; Dave Lumbert; David Turk, National Historian, United States Marshals Service; and U.S. Marshal Jeremy Hammons.

The display is located in the fourth floor gallery and will be available for viewing through August 21st.

New Capitol Exhibit Focuses on Postal History in Arkansas Display Can Be Viewed Through Memorial Day

(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) –  Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston invites the public to come to the State Capitol and view the newly installed exhibit, “Special Delivery: Postal History in Arkansas.”

“Our State Capitol curators have done a great job, as always, on this exhibit. It is very educational about part of our history that many people may not know about,” said Thurston. Author Winifred Gallagher wrote, “The history of its post office is nothing less than the story of America.” This exhibit seeks to tell part of that story.

In 1775, Continental Congress began the process of creating a postal system to unify and connect the 13 colonies. No longer willing to trust the British postal system, Congress created its own and named Benjamin Franklin as its first postmaster. In 1792, Congress passed and President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act, which provided incentives for newspapers to be sent through the mail to promote civic and political engagement in the early republic.

As the United States grew in size and population, the post office also expanded. In Arkansas, the expansion of the Postal Service influenced pioneers to settle further into the untamed territorial land and, eventually, establish an independent state. Among the items displayed is a postal cabinet, on loan from Arkansas Post Museum State Park, that was used at Arkansas Post from the late 1800s until 1941.

In an era before mass communication, the post office connected citizens to each other and their government. This early Postal Service looked very different than the one we’re used to today. There were no mailboxes or house-to-house delivery: instead, people collected their mail from the local post office, which was the central place of importance in rural Arkansas communities. As the federal government improved the transportation infrastructure, postal roads linked post offices—and, as a result, towns—together.

In addition to being proof of payment for mail service, postage stamps have become a way to recognize noteworthy individuals, organizations, concepts and locations. Arkansas-related subjects have been honored in numerous ways since the early 20th century. Appreciation for stamps and stamp collecting preserve the history of Arkansas, the United States, and the world.


"Special Delivery: A Postal History of Arkansas" will be on display in the Arkansas State Capitol’s first floor galleries through Memorial Day. The Capitol is open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays.

Early Voting Begins Monday, October 24th

Voters are Reminded to Take ID to the Polls

(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston would like to remind voters that early voting for the 2022 General Election, Nonpartisan Judicial Runoff Election, and School Elections begins on Monday, October 24th.  

Early voting will run from October 24th through November 7th. Polls will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the final Monday before Election Day. Polls are closed on Sundays. 

To check your voter registration, find your polling location and operating hours, or to view a sample ballot, visit

A voter guide containing unbiased information regarding ballot issues, produced by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Public Policy Center, can be accessed at

If you have moved to another county since you last voted, you have until Friday, November 4th to update your voter registration with your county clerk for this election.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th.  Polls that day will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Arkansas law requires that voters present a photo ID before voting.

Election results will be available at the Secretary of State's website after the polls close on Election Day at

State Board of Election Commissioners denies certification of recreational marijuana ballot measure

by Roby Brock (

The State Board of Election Commissioners on Wednesday (Aug. 3) denied certification of a proposed constitutional amendment to legalize recreational marijuana for adults over the age of 21.

The SBEC review is part of a new process for ballot petitions. The panel cited concerns regarding sufficient background checks for dispensary owners and limits on THC, tetrahydrocannabinol,  a chemical found in marijuana.

Responsible Growth Arkansas, the group supporting the ballot measure, turned in more than 193,000 signatures for adult recreational marijuana use, more than twice what was needed to qualify. Secretary of State John Thurston signed off last week on the measure as having sufficiently met the signature threshold to qualify for the November ballot.

Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston Launches Veteran Voter Initiative

(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – The office of the Arkansas Secretary of State, in partnership with the veteran service organization We Are The 22, announces the launch of a Veteran Voter InitiativeThroughout the month of April, representatives of both organizations will be on the road, reaching out to veterans across the state to ensure that they are both registered and ready to vote. The #ARVetsVote hashtag has been established to highlight the initiative. 

Secretary Thurston is recruiting support for the initiative from all Arkansans by asking them to dedicate their vote to a veteran they wish to honor or encourage. To participate, Arkansans may visit the tribute page hosted on the Secretary of State's website and dedicate their vote to a veteran or an active service member by sending a message honoring their service to Arkansas voters may also link their tribute to social media posts using and the #Vote4ARVets hashtag. 

During the month of April, Secretary of State mobile offices and members of the We Are The 22 organization will be visiting veteran’s facilities and service centers across the state. At these mobile offices, Arkansas veterans and those honoring them, may register to vote and learn how to dedicate their vote in honor of a veteran or active service member. Additional election resources may be found on the office's website at  

We Are The 22 is a veteran service organization conducting direct suicide prevention and responding to veterans in crisis. Named for the average number of American veterans committing suicide each day (22). "When a veteran is in the darkest place in their life, there should be someone out there that cares enough to go find them, to sit down with them, and tell them there's hope," states founder Mikel Brooks. Members of the organization will be present at the mobile offices to assist voters in offering encouragement to struggling veterans through the Vote for a Vet campaign. Please visit for more information on the organization. For immediate assistance to a veteran in crisis please call their 24-hour, vet-answered hotline at 1-855-WEARETHE22. 

The voter registration deadline for participation in the preferential primary is April 25. The primary election will be held May 24. The general election will be held November 8, with an October 11 voter registration deadline.

State Representative Lowery exits Secretary of State’s race, will seek Treasurer’s post

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

State Rep. Mark Lowery, R-Maumelle, said Friday (Jan. 21) he would leave the Secretary of State’s race and would instead seek the Republican nomination for Treasurer of State.

Sen. Mat Pitsch, R-Fort Smith, has already announced for the Treasurer’s seat. No Democrats have announced yet.

Lowery has served in the Arkansas House of Representatives since 2013. He is the chair of the House Insurance & Commerce Committee.