Senate Education Committee

Senate Education Committee begins work on adequacy and equity report

Lawmakers conduct the thorough review every two years, with the help of legislative staff. They use the results to determine how much to increase education funding, and whether or not to tighten curriculum standards and financial accountability measures.

The study is due on November 1, 2024, in advance of the next regular session of the legislature in 2025.

Arkansas Senator Jimmy Hickey, Jr.

Under the Arkansas Constitution the state must provide funding for an adequate and equitable education for every child. The legislature has the constitutional duty of appropriating tax revenue for state government operations, therefore it is the legislature’s responsibility to approve adequate funding of schools.

The Education Committee will meet regularly throughout the year to address the many aspects of school funding. The categories include teacher salaries, facilities and equipment, transportation costs and uniform curriculum standards. The new adequacy study will update how the state responds to the needs of small and isolated school districts, fast-growing districts and schools in fiscal or academic distress.

If necessary legislators can update the matrix, a chart that serves as a tool to determine whether or not the state is funding an adequate school system, under the mandates of the constitution, Supreme Court rulings and state laws. Staff reiterated to members of the Education Committee that the matrix is a tool to measure how the legislature funds schools, not how much schools actually spend.

In addition to keeping track of funding and spending, writing a new adequacy report includes evaluating how effectively current programs are achieving their goals. One method is a thorough analysis of student test scores, taking into account the different social situations in schools.

Generally, students in poor, isolated districts don’t score as well on standardized tests as students in prosperous neighborhoods. Similarly, students whose parents are college graduates generally score better than students whose parents never got a degree. After taking those factors into account, education officials can predict test scores.

A successful school is one in which students’ actual scores are better than the predicted scores. Legislative staff will schedule visits to those schools to learn what makes them effective. Staff also conducts surveys of superintendents, principals and teachers.

Throughout 2024 superintendents and school boards will closely follow the work of the Education Committee on adequacy, because the final product will be the basis for state funding of local school districts next year.

In Arkansas the major source of school revenue is state aid. Local property taxes are the second largest source of school revenue, and federal aid is third.

The legislature’s duty to provide equitable funding is challenging, due to disparities in local wealth and local property tax rates. The same tax rate in a city with manufacturing plants will generate much more revenue for schools than it will in an isolated region with no industries.

The state Supreme Court has ruled that under the Arkansas Constitution, the legislature must prioritize education funding. The legislature must rely on evidence to fund schools adequately and equitably, and legislators cannot simply appropriate to schools what is available in the state budget.

Arkansas governor’s education package advances to Senate

KUAR | By Antoinette Grajeda / Arkansas Advocate, Hunter Field / Arkansas Advocate

The Senate Education Committee after more than five hours of testimony Wednesday approved Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ sweeping education plan over bipartisan calls for amendments.

Dozens of teachers, students, parents and administrator groups testified at the occasionally tense hearing.

Senate Bill 294, also called the LEARNS Act, is the culmination of Sanders’ chief priority to make wide-ranging changes to the state’s education system. The legislation covers teacher pay, school safety, career readiness, literacy, “indoctrination” and a variety of other topics.

John Sykes/Arkansas Advocate

Sen. Breanne Davis, lead sponsor of Senate Bill 294, which would enact the governor’s education program, looks at Education Secretary Jacob Oliva, right, as he answers questions about the bill during a meeting of the Senate Education Committee Wednesday morning in Little Rock.

Senate Education Committee chair says teacher pay needs to wait on adequacy study

by Roby Brock (

State Sen. Missy Irvin, R-Mountain View, said it is important to follow the process of an adequacy study to raise teacher salaries in Arkansas.

The chair of the Senate Education Committee, Irvin said she has legal concerns if Arkansas lawmakers deviate from the formula that came from the 2004 Lake View case.

“… Legally, my concern is if you start to pick and choose one category outside of that adequacy process, I don’t think that that’s really following what the court wanted us to do, and so that is a huge concern from a legal standpoint, that you’re right in the middle of a study, you’re right in the middle of the process, and you picked out one category of expenditure and you didn’t take into consideration all the expenditures and the funding needed for public school in its totality, which is exactly what the Lakeview case was really all about,” she said.

Senate Education Committee Advances Bills on Patriotism, Planned Parenthood Restrictions


The Senate Education Committee advanced bills Wednesday (April 14) preventing schools from transacting with abortion providers, requiring students to have a moment of silence after saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and requiring the national anthem to be sung before sporting events.

Meanwhile, it declined to endorse a bill returning school districts to local control within five years of being taken over by the state, and a bill that would treat students’ voluntary religious expression the same as secular expression.

House Bill 1592, the Arkansas Student Protection Act by Rep. Mark Lowery, R-Maumelle, prohibits public schools from knowingly entering into any transaction with an individual or entity that provides abortions. It passed 5-3 on a roll call vote. The panel’s five Republicans voted yes and its three Democrats voted no.
