Sevier County 4-H

Sevier County 4-H’ers see government in action at 4-H Day at the Capitol

Sevier County 4-H’ers with DeAnn Vaught.

Sevier County 4-H members participated in 4-H Day at the Capitol, where they met legislators, learned about the legislative process, and shared how they are making a difference in their communities through 4-H.

They were among the 500 4-H members from 54 of Arkansas’ 75 counties who participated in the event held every other year when the Arkansas Legislature is in session. The statewide gathering is also a chance for 4-H to showcase its impact on a large scale.

The Sevier County delegation included 4-H members John Moe, Chip Stamps, Evan Wolcott, Max Rosson, Wade Melton, Kambree Haarmeyer, Leighton Frachiseur, Caselyn Van Voast, Braylee Reynolds, Margaret Moe, and Raegan Frachiseur along with Rex Hering and Kim Frachiseur.

The 4-H member group attended a Tribute to Arkansas in the Capitol Rotunda where several of the state’s elected officials spoke to them, including Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge, State Treasurer John Thurston, Secretary of State Cole Jester, and Attorney General Tim Griffin, who called the 4-H gathering “the single largest group ever assembled in the Arkansas Capitol” that he could recall.

Later in the day, members of the House and Senate read resolutions proclaiming March 4 as 4-H Day.

A highlight of the day was visiting with DeAnn Vaught and learning about her role as our local Arkansas Representative. Vaught spoke about the importance of young adults taking part in the legislative process and how they could make a positive impact.

Civic engagement and leadership are part of Arkansas 4-H’s mission mandates; the others are Healthy Living and Science.

4-H Day at the Capitol is just one event that helps 4-H members understand how they can lead and encourages them to think about citizenship and civic responsibility — tenets of the 4-H program, along with leadership, healthy living and science and technology.

To learn more about 4-H, contact Kimberly Frachiseur at the Sevier County Extension office at 870-584-3013.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs to all eligible persons without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Sevier County 4-H’ers learning about DeAnn Vaught’s job and how they can have an impact.

4-H’ers compete at District 4-H O’Rama in Malvern

Sevier County 4-H’ers competed against 4-H’ers from across the state at the District 4-H O’Rama at Malvern High School on June 19. To qualify for district level, they had to compete at the local County 4-H O’Rama.

The winners in the Senior Division (ages 14-19) were as follows:

Jacob Seymour placed 1st in Animal Science, Zae-Lei Frachiseur placed 1st in Wildlife, Evan Wolcott placed 3rd in Wildlife, John Moe placed 4th in Sports Fishing & Bait Casting, Chip Stamps placed 6th in Sports Fishing & Bait Casting, and Charlie Collins placed 8th in Gun Safety.

All 1st – 7th place senior winners are eligible to compete and represent Sevier County at the State 4-H O’Rama to be held at the University of Arkansas Campus in Fayetteville in July.

Junior Division (ages 9-13) winners were as follows:

Madison Tabler placed 1st in Performing Arts-Instrumental, Wayland Risley placed 3rd in Wildlife, and Asher Frachiseur placed 4th in Sports Fishing & Bait Casting.

Also recognized at District O’Rama are District winning Record Books. Record Keeping is part of the overall 4-H experience, and a record book is an important part of completing each project. It is a written history of a 4-H’ers project work and a narrative of their success and learning in 4-H. Record Books are judged at a local level, district level, and state level.

Beginner Category (ages 9-12) winners were as follows:

Rebecca Trauger in Foods & Nutrition, Madison Tabler in Music, and Leighton Frachiseur in Animal Science.

Intermediate Category (ages 13-15) winners were as follows:

Evan Wolcott in Wildlife Management, Ty Wagner in Health & Fitness, Katie Williamson in Health & Fitness and Raegan Frachiseur in Achievement.

Record Books in the Advance Category (ages 16-18) are judged at the state level. Winners in this category are recognized at State O’Rama in July. Winners in this category are:

Kyle Williamson in Wildlife Management and Jacob Seymour in Health & Fitness.

Sevier County also received the District Spirit Award for 4-H’ers demonstrating a positive attitude, extending generosity for others, and providing role models who set the standard for excellence.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Front row left to right: Landon Tabler, Asher Frachiseur, and Wayland Risley. Back row: Madison Tabler, Emily Stamps, Evan Wolcott, Chip Stamps, Jacob Seymour, John Moe, Charlie Collins, and Zae-Lei Frachiseur.

Sevier County 4-H Donates to Local Fan Drive

Sevier County 4-H’er, Ethan Wolcott, recently announced that he would be holding a box fan drive. The Be Cool, Stay Cool Fan Drive is a project that Wolcott has taken on himself, with help from the Sevier County Extension Office. He teamed up with Dr. Randy Walker and Angie Walker to reach more of the community. Ethan Wolcott, who is only 17, was able to raise $905, including $200 donated by Hale Real Estate. Dr. Randy Walker has agreed to match the $905 that Ethan raised, equaling a total of $1,810 for the Fan Drive. In the end, they were able to purchase 94 fans for Sevier County.

Many know Ethan Wolcott from the can recycling program he has held in the county for the past three years. Wolcott started the project to donate money to the 4-H POP-A TOP program, a program that helped 4-H families with medical bills. However, the program was ended due to COVID. Wolcott then decided to keep the money locally. By teaming up with the Walkers, Wolcott is able to give those in need, a way to stay cool this summer.

Left to right: Rex Herring, County Extension Agent-Staff Chair; Angie Walker; Ethan Wolcott; Kim Frachiseur, 4-H Program Assistant; and Janet Cantrell, County Extension Agent-FCS.

Left to right: Rex Herring, County Extension Agent-Staff Chair; Angie Walker; Ethan Wolcott; Kim Frachiseur, 4-H Program Assistant; and Janet Cantrell, County Extension Agent-FCS.

Sevier County 4-H’ers Compete in Chicken BBQ

Sevier County 4-H held their annual Chicken BBQ on April 3. Twenty-two youth signed up to compete for a chance to go on to District 4-H BBQ. Each 4-H’er cooked a whole chicken, cut in half, on a charcoal grill. The 4-H’er could use the seasoning of their choice. They were judged on how well they could start a charcoal fire, control the fire, food safety and handling, and how well they cooked the chicken. When the chicken was done, they picked their best half to be judged on appearance, color, doneness, and taste.

The Brothers Keepers Motorcycle Club 34 were very helpful in judging the competition and Pilgrim’s Foods donated the chicken.

The top two Senior 4-H’ers will compete at the District Poultry BBQ that will be held at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Arkadelphia on May 7. They will be given the choice to cook either a chicken or a turkey breast.

The top two seniors that will represent Sevier County at the District BBQ are Laikyn Morris and Alley Stinson.