Virtual Event

Hands-On Learning Sparks Interest in Health Care Careers for Arkansas Students

By Philip Allison

To help inspire the next generation of health care professionals, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) recently hosted a virtual event that gave nearly 950 Arkansas high school students an inside look at careers in the medical field. 

Students in northwest Arkansas prepare to dissect a sheep eye as part of the UAMS Find Your Future in Health Care event

Students from 69 high schools across Arkansas participated in the Find Your Future in Health Care online event. Participants saw presentations from a variety of health care professionals while also getting to participate in several hands-on activities. 

“We’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from teachers letting us know how much they and their students enjoyed the Find Your Future event,” said Jesse Cargill, the education coordinator for the UAMS North Central Region in Batesville. “I think the school districts across the state were grateful that their students could participate in a unique opportunity like this. And I know that UAMS is happy to have the opportunity to invest in these students and to show them some of the career paths that are available to them.” 

Hands-On Learning Sparks Interest in Health Care Careers for Arkansas Students