Walmart Executive Pay

Combined pay for Walmart’s top six execs was $96.724 million last year

by Kim Souza (

The top six executives at Walmart saw higher compensation last year of a combined $96.724 million, or $264,997 per day. Most of the compensation is deferred or in stock options and shares, but salaries and bonus pay among the top six was $12.741 million or $34,906 per day.

According to the company’s proxy statement filed Thursday (April 25) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, CEO Doug McMillon saw his annual salary increase 2.32% to $1.505 million. He also earned a cash bonus of $4.5 million, up from $3 million the prior year. When adding in deferred stock compensation and other benefits, McMillon’s total compensation rose to $29.968 million, up 6.56% from the prior year.

According to the company’s proxy, McMillon’s salary is in line with that of 26 peer companies with more than $100 billion in revenue, including Walt Disney, Target, Amazon and Home Depot.

Combined pay for Walmart’s top six execs was $96.724 million last year