AG candidate Jesse Gibson wants to bring courtroom experience to office, outlines other priorities

by Roby Brock (

Democratic Attorney General candidate Jesse Gibson said he’ll emphasize independence, prison reform and human trafficking if elected to be the state’s chief legal officer, but he cites his nearly 25 years of courtroom experience as his primary qualification for the office.

“If you want to be the people’s lawyer, I think it’s imperative that you’ve actually had experience representing people in Arkansas courts. And that’s what I’ve done for 25 years almost. I’m not a creature of Washington. I am not someone who’s been a political operative or spent a lot of my time in the halls of Congress or the Capitol. I’ve sat across this very desk from people in Arkansas who have suffered immense loss, who have maybe lost a farm, lost a loved one. And I’ve seen the application of and the empathetic practice of law to their lives can make a huge difference,” he said in an appearance on this weekend’s edition of Talk Business & Politics.

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