Education Boss: Arkansans Must Follow Guidelines ‘If We Want to Make this Work’

The return to school, blood plasma treatments and the need for more testing were key parts of Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s Monday (Aug. 24) COVID-19 briefing, with Arkansas Secretary of Education Johnny Key saying Arkansans must follow safety guidelines “if we want to make this work.”

Hundreds of thousands of students, educators, support staff and others returned Monday to in-class instruction at Arkansas public schools. Thousands of students elected to return to school only with virtual instruction. Gov. Hutchinson opened his briefing with a note to those returning to school.

Education boss: Arkansans must follow guidelines 'if we want to make this work' - Talk Business & Politics

The return to school, blood plasma treatments and the need for more testing were key parts of Gov. Asa Hutchinson's Monday (Aug. 24) COVID-19 briefing, with Arkansas Secretary of Education Johnny Key saying Arkansans must follow safety guidelines "if we want to make this work."