Cotton seeks answers on Biden’s sanctions of Israelis

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, seeking clarification on his February 1, 2024 executive order on imposing sanctions on Israelis “in the West Bank.” Senator Cotton asked President Biden to respond by February 27.

Text of the letter may be found here and below.

February 20, 2024

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden,

Your recent executive order targets Israelis with sanctions who are “in the West Bank.” Does this phrase include Jerusalem? If so, what parts of Jerusalem? Where are the borders within Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, that you are using for purposes of implementing the executive order?

Please provide your response by February 27, 2024.  

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.




Tom Cotton
United States Senator