President Joe Biden

Judge blocks part of SAVE loan forgiveness plans after Arkansas sues

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A judge has blocked part of a Biden era policy to forgive student loans.

The multi-state lawsuit was brought on by seven states including Arkansas, represented by Attorney General Tim Griffin. The suit was against President Joe Biden, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and the Department of Education.

The Savings on Valuable Education or “SAVE” plan changes the income threshold for paying back student loans. The plan also forgives loan borrowers after 120 payments if their balances are below $12,000. U.S. District Judge John Ross blocked that part of the law relating to loan forgiveness. It was set to take effect on July 1, and would have amounted to billions in loan forgiveness.

Judge blocks part of SAVE loan forgiveness plans after Arkansas sues

Susan Haejin Lee/NPR

Billions in student debt will not be forgiven after a judge blocked parts of the SAVE plan from going into effect.

Womack forces Biden to sanction ICC Officials

Washington, DC—June 4, 2024…Today, Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) voted for H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation requires President Biden to impose sanctions against International Criminal Court (ICC) officials who investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute a U.S. person or our allies, including Israel.

Congressman Womack said, “Hamas is a ruthless terrorist organization that murdered the most Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including Americans. Israel has every right to rid the world of this evil force—and America should support them. The ICC's actions are baseless and outrageous. Despite President Biden’s weakness, House Republicans showed strength today by passing this legislation. There must be real consequences for the ICC’s illegitimate attempts to bypass our country’s and our ally’s judicial processes and sovereignty.”


  • On May 20, 2024, the Prosecutor of the ICC, Karim Khan, announced arrest warrant applications for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, together with warrants for Hamas terrorists.

  • In 2020, President Trump issued Executive Order 13928 sanctioning ICC officials, employees and associates who engaged in any effort by the ICC to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute U.S. citizens or allies – including Israel – that are not part of the ICC or have not granted the ICC jurisdiction.

  • On April 2, 2021, President Biden revoked EO 13928, allowing the ICC to target U.S. citizens and Israel.

  • The U.S. and Israel are not parties to the Rome Statute or members of the ICC, and therefore the ICC has no legitimacy or jurisdiction over the U.S. or Israel.

Arkansas delegation supports governor’s request for major disaster declaration

Wikimedia image

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton—along with Congressmen Steve Womack, Rick Crawford, French Hill and Bruce Westerman—wrote to President Joe Biden urging him to support Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ request for a major disaster declaration as a result of severe storms in Benton, Boone and Marion Counties on May 26.

“We encourage the president to quickly approve federal aid to help speed up recovery efforts in Arkansas,” members said. 

The letter can be found here and below:

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the State of Arkansas, we are writing to support Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ request to declare a major disaster, pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act, as a result of severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that began on May 24, 2024, and are continuing.

As Governor Sanders noted in her request, the severity of this event created disastrous amounts of debris, severe infrastructure damage, and resulted in the deaths of at least nine citizens and injured countless others. Arkansans will continue to feel the destructive impact of this storm as we work to rebuild.  

Preliminary damage estimates conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency show major impacts to local jurisdictions in Benton, Boone, and Marion Counties exceeding an estimated $6.4 million in damages. At least 217 homes were destroyed with an additional 94 sustaining major damage. In total, over 478 homes were affected by the storms, leaving a large number of Arkansans displaced and many counties left without power for days. 

Despite facing significant hardships from the severe storm, Arkansans have demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness and resilience. Communities from across the state have come together to support one another during this challenging time. But as it stands, we believe the magnitude of this weather event warrants supplemental federal assistance. The above-mentioned counties have seen homes, businesses, and important infrastructure severely damaged, and federal government resources will be critical in restoration efforts.

The entire Arkansas delegation is eager to assist in any way possible to ensure expedited evaluation of this request. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices with any questions. We thank you for your support, and respectfully ask for your attention and assistance in providing the resources necessary to ensure the safety and full recovery of Arkansans.

Womack celebrates West Point Class of 2024, Arkansas’ Third District graduates

West Point, NY—May 25, 2024…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3), Chairman of the West Point Board of Visitors (BOV), today joined President Joe Biden, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth, Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Randy George, Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy Lt. Gen. Steven Gilliand, and other Army leaders at the U.S. Military Academy’s (USMA) graduation ceremony. The event honored the more than a thousand young men and women, including four cadets from Arkansas’ Third District.

Chairman Womack said, “Just four years ago, these young men and women walked through the gates of West Point with a mission to serve and an eagerness to learn. During their 47-month experience, they have faced rigorous training, overcome adversity, and prepared themselves to lead America’s sons and daughters in our nation’s conflicts. Today, these same patriots will leave the world’s preeminent military institution as the next generation of Army leaders. As an Army veteran, Chairman of the West Point Board of Visitors, and Congressman with the distinct privilege to nominate students to service academies each year, it’s been an honor to watch their journey. Congratulations to Ashton, Garrett, Kayden, and Pierce, and every 2024 graduate. A grateful nation salutes you.”.

During the ceremony, the cadets who have undergone four years of rigorous academic, physical, and leadership training, swore their oath to preserve and protect the Constitution and serve as leaders of character. Each newly commissioned officer received their second lieutenant bars and will now head to their first duty assignments.

West Point is the preeminent leadership development institution that is focused on educating, preparing, and training the next generation of Army leaders. The USMA Board of Visitors is charged with providing independent advice and recommendations on academy matters, including morale and discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods, and other issues deemed appropriate by board members. Womack was first appointed to the BOV in 2012 by Speaker John Boehner and first elected Chairman in 2017. He is currently the only congressional representative from Arkansas to serve on the BOV.

Cotton, Colleagues introduce bill to repeal Biden Administration’s Arms Embargo on Israel

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, legislation that would force the Biden administration to send critical weapons to Israel. The bill comes after President Biden announced that his administration would withhold certain weapons from Israel if it conducted a full-scale ground invasion of Rafah in Gaza.

Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), Katie Britt (R-Alabama), Ted Budd (R-North Carolina), Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Steve Daines (R-Montana), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Deb Fischer (R-Nebraska), Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), John Hoeven (R-North Dakota), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi), John Kennedy (R-Louisiana), James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming), Roger Marshall (R-Kansas), Pete Ricketts (R-Nebraska), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Rick Scott (R-Florida), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) are co-sponsors of the legislation. Congressman Ken Calvert (California-41) introduced companion legislation in the House.

“President Biden’s decision to impose a de facto arms embargo on Israel is a betrayal of one of our most important allies as it fights an existential war for survival. This bill will reverse Joe Biden’s arms embargo and withhold the salaries of officials who implement it,” said Senator Cotton.

“President Biden’s decision to withhold a portion of the Israel security aid just passed by an overwhelming and bipartisan majority of Congress projects the very weakness that has become a trademark of his presidency. If President Biden will not release these weapons, Congress must act to enforce the United States’ support for Israel in its efforts to eliminate Hamas. I thank Senator Cotton for his steadfast support for Israel and introduction of The Israel Security Assistance Support Act in the Senate,” said Congressman Calvert.

Bill text may be found here.

The Israel Security Assistance Support Act would:

  • Force the Biden administration to complete the delivery of weapons to Israel.

  • Cancel the salaries of any Biden administration official at the Department of Defense or Department of State who take any action to withhold the delivery of weapons to Israel.

House passes Westerman cosponsored bills to combat Iranian aggression

U.S. Congressman Bruce Westerman

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 6046 and H.R. 5947, legislation cosponsored by Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) to comprehensively address the threat posed by Iran. Westerman released the following statement in support of the bills:

“Iran is one of the world’s foremost sponsors of terrorism. The Obama Administration set an unruly precedent of appeasing Iran that the Biden Administration has compounded. This weakness has emboldened Iran to continue launching unjustified attacks against Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East, just as we saw this past weekend. House Republicans acted swiftly this week with a slate of bills to stand with Israel and respond to Iran’s unprecedented attacks. I was proud to support these measures to further block Iran’s ability to continue financing these heinous attacks.”

In 2021, the Biden Administration wrongfully removed the Iran-backed Houthis’ designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). Since then, the Houthis have increased their terrorist activities, including their ongoing missile and drone attacks against global shipping.

  • H.R.  6046 would mandate the reimposition of the FTO and SDGT designations on the Houthis.

Since President Biden took office, the Biden Administration has used certain waivers and licenses related to Iran to transfer $6 billion in Iranian funds to restricted accounts in Qatar and $10 billion in payments from Iraq. The Iranian regime is highly skilled in evasion, cutting corners, and blurring lines to hide the true use of these funds, and the Biden Administration is compliant and complicit in these efforts. Any funding to Iran, even if nominally in a restricted account, frees up more money for Iran to use on malign activities. Iran is too potent a threat to the United States and our partners to allow these waivers to exist any longer.

  • H.R. 5947 would eliminate any of these sanction waivers and licenses related to Iran.

Cotton to Biden: Investigate and Ban Temu

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden about the retail application Temu and its harmful practices, including gathering massive amounts of Americans’ personal data. Senator Cotton asked President Biden to address questions about the Chinese government’s control over the app, Temu’s violations of U.S. laws and regulations, and actions the administration can take against Temu.

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“As with TikTok and other invasive Chinese apps, Temu has no place in America. It’s a threat to American producers, investors, online retailers, and every single American’s personal privacy. I urge you to investigate Temu and to request the authorities necessary to protect Americans from this dangerous Chinese application.”

Full text of the letter may be found here and below.

April 15, 2024

President Joseph R. Biden?

The White House,?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW?

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden,

I write to you regarding the urgent threat from the Chinese retail application, Temu. This malign app is a pipeline of dumped, counterfeit, and slave-labor products from China that is also gathering massive quantities of Americans’ personal data.

After launching in 2022, Temu has skyrocketed to one of the most downloaded apps in America and already rivals eBay for online sales. It has achieved this astronomical growth through billions of dollars of advertisements, including Super Bowl ads, and by undercutting competitors with extremely cheap and often counterfeit Chinese goods. Temu sells many of its products at a fraction of the price of its American competitors.

Temu’s goods are cheap not because of fair competition, but rather because of China’s familiar combination of intellectual-property theft, government subsidies, and human-rights abuses. For example, Temu directly copies Amazon storefronts and then sells knock-off Chinese versions of the product at a deeply discounted rate. Temu also likely benefits from the use of slave labor. According to the House of Representatives Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, “American consumers should know that there is an extremely high risk that Temu’s supply chains are contaminated with forced labor.”

Temu is getting away with this intellectual-property theft, unfair competition, and use of slave labor by flooding the American market with more than a million individual packages a week. Worse still, the company is importing these goods tax-free under the so-called de minimis loophole in such volumes that Customs and Border Protection simply can’t keep up.

Further, Temu is harvesting vast amounts of personal information from American consumers. In fact, Temu’s data gathering may be even more dangerous than TikTok’s and, according to one lawsuit, the app can access “everything on your phone.” Google Play also removed Temu’s parent company Pinduoduo’s (PDD) app as a result of harmful malware hidden in the app that gave it access to everything from biometrics to information about Wi-Fi networks.[x] This poses a grave threat to Americans’ privacy. PDD Holdings received more than $400 million in “income” from the PRC government last year, which suggests that PDD Holdings may be selling data collected on Temu to entities affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party.

As with TikTok and other invasive Chinese apps, Temu has no place in America. It’s a threat to American producers, investors, online retailers, and every single American’s personal privacy. I urge you to investigate Temu and to request the authorities necessary to protect Americans from this dangerous Chinese application. I also urge you to end the de minimis loophole for China and other American adversaries.

Please provide answers to the following questions by May 10, 2024.

  1. To what degree does the Chinese government exercise control or influence over Temu and its parent company PDD Holdings?

  2. How many leaders of Temu and its parent company PDD Holdings are members of or affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party?

  3. Has your administration investigated Temu’s data gathering and its threat to American personal privacy?

  4. To what extent does Temu steal and counterfeit American products and has the Department of Justice’s Intellectual Property Section investigated Temu, PDD Holdings, and members of the Board of Directors for criminal intellectual-property violations?

  5. Has your administration directed the Department of the Treasury to investigate Temu for possible violations of anti-money laundering regulations?

  6. Has your administration directed the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate PDD Holdings for potential securities fraud given its status as a publicly traded company on the NASDAQ exchange? 

  7. Is it safe for military personnel to have Temu downloaded on their personal or government devices?

  8. What authorities would your administration need to ban Temu? If given these authorities, would you follow through with a ban? 

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Cotton, Colleagues to Biden: Hosting Iraqi Prime Minister is Inappropriate, Undermines Israel

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and 7 of his congressional colleagues today sent a letter to President Joe Biden to express their deep concern with the White House’s plan to host Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in April.

The letter notes that President Biden’s decision to meet with Prime Minister al-Sudani at this time sends the message that the Biden administration is more interested in appeasing Iran than supporting Israel defeat Hamas. The planned visit will occur even as Iraq continues to fund numerous terror groups and remains under significant Iranian influence.

Co-signing the letter were Senator Ted Budd (R-North Carolina), Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee), Senator Rick Scott (R-Florida), Congressman Jake Ellzey (Texas-06), Congressman French Hill (Arkansas-02), Congressman Mike Turner (Ohio-10), and Congressman Mike Waltz (Florida-06). 

Text of the letter may be found here and below.

March 28, 2024

President Joseph R. Biden
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20502

Dear President Biden,

We write to express our deep concern with your invitation to host Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to the White House in April. 

Hosting the Iraqi Prime Minister, especially while failing to meet with leaders of some of our most trusted partners in the region, amplifies the message of your ongoing campaign to undermine Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: The Biden administration is interested in appeasing Iran, not supporting our allies. 

The Iraqi government remains under significant Iranian influence, and the Iraqi government provides some $3 billion per year to the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces militias, including four U.S.-designated terrorist groups. These militias have attacked Americans and Kurdistan over 180 times just since October 7, 2023, resulting in three American servicemember deaths and over 100 casualties. Yet you continue granting sanctions waivers to the Iraqi government to import Iranian electricity and natural gas, all while using U.S. dollars transferred to Iraq from the Federal Reserve. And while you invite the Iraqi Prime Minister to visit Washington, you have refused to meet with Kurdistan Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, a critical partner and the host of the most U.S. forces in the region. 

The Iraqi government is actively working with Tehran against our Kurdish allies, including cutting off government funds and closing the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline, which represents most of Kurdistan’s economy. You should focus on reducing Iranian influence in Iraq and shoring up support for our partners in Kurdistan. As a precondition of any visit by Prime Minister al-Sudani, you should require the immediate reopening of the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline so that the Kurdistan Region is able to export oil and U.S. public and private financing are no longer threatened by Tehran’s influence in Baghdad. You should also require that the Iraqi government resume funding for the Kurdistan Region, the immediate sale of Kurdistan crude already at the Ceyhan port, and a full cycle of oil sales and payments to Kurdistan and its oil investors. Finally, you should not allow further U.S. dollar transfers to Iraq until the Treasury Department certifies that such transfers do not benefit the Iranian regime or its proxies.

Your appeasement of Iran has endangered American national security and weakened our relationship with our allies. While the corrective actions outlined here will not undo the damage you’ve caused, they represent an important first step.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Boozman, Thune, Crapo Lead Colleagues in Demanding Biden Administration Increase Agricultural Exports

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, along with Sens. John Thune (R-SD) and Mike Crapo (R-ID), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, led 18 of their colleagues in urging U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to increase U.S. agricultural exports and improve the competitiveness of U.S. products abroad.  

“We expect trade to fluctuate in response to macroeconomic factors and market conditions,” wrote the senators. “However, the current sharp decline in U.S. agricultural exports is directly attributable to and exacerbated by an unambitious U.S. trade strategy that is failing to meaningfully expand market access or reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. While the Biden administration continually refuses to pursue traditional free trade agreements, China, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and others continue to ink trade pacts that diminish American export opportunities and global economic influence.”

The letter was also signed by U.S. Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Ted Budd (R-NC), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Steve Daines (R-MT), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Hoeven (R-ND), Ron Johnson (R-WI), James Lankford (R-OK), Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Jim Risch (R-ID), Mike Rounds, (R-SD), Tim Scott (R-SC), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).

 Full letter here and below:

Dear Ambassador Tai and Secretary Vilsack: 

We write to express deep concern with the continued erosion of critical markets for U.S. agricultural exports. For decades, the United States steadily increased market access for U.S. food and agricultural products. We accomplished this feat through negotiations of actual free trade agreements, removal of technical barriers to trade, and holding our trading partners accountable to their commitments, all of which have helped strengthen the agriculture economy at home and developed important strategic relationships abroad. Yet, in the last fiscal year (FY) alone, U.S. agricultural exports declined by more than $17 billion, and recent forecasts show a further decline by more than $8 billion in FY 2024. As a result, the U.S. agricultural trade deficit is projected to reach a record $30.5 billion in FY 2024. This decline is unsustainable, and we urge the Biden administration to immediately take action to improve the competitiveness of U.S. agricultural products abroad and reverse this trend.

We expect trade to fluctuate in response to macroeconomic factors and market conditions. However, the current sharp decline in U.S. agricultural exports is directly attributable to and exacerbated by an unambitious U.S. trade strategy that is failing to meaningfully expand market access or reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. While the Biden administration continually refuses to pursue traditional free trade agreements, China, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and others continue to ink trade pacts that diminish American export opportunities and global economic influence.

International trade is critical to the continued success of U.S. agriculture. For the 2023 marketing year, nearly 70 million acres of major crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat were planted to meet the demands of our foreign customers. Additionally, more than 95 percent of U.S. cotton produced, nearly 80 percent of almonds produced, and more than 70 percent of nonfat milk powder produced were destined for the export market in 2023. And in a typical year, half of U.S.-produced rice and 20 percent of U.S.-produced potatoes are exported. Diminishing access to foreign agricultural markets for U.S. industries creates significant economic headwinds and jeopardizes the livelihoods of more than one million American workers, farmers, and ranchers, as well as millions more U.S. jobs throughout the export supply chain. 

With our concerns in mind, please respond to the following questions within 14 days of your receipt of this letter. 

  • What specific actions does the Biden administration plan to take to increase U.S. agricultural exports in 2024?

  • Does the Biden administration intend to pursue new or improved free trade agreements with any countries to obtain new market access for agricultural products in 2024?

We further ask the Biden administration to take steps to analyze and consider the relationship between U.S. competitiveness and market share in foreign agricultural markets with negotiated tariffs, tariff rate quotas, and other market access provisions. 

A continued decline in U.S. agricultural exports is avoidable and unacceptable. The Biden administration must take immediate action to ensure this does not become a long-term trend. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. 

Cost of I-49 segment between Barling and Alma rises to $1 billion

by Michael Tilley (

Federal legislation that delivered $83 million for a foreign pilot training center in Fort Smith also brings to Arkansas $67 million to help complete Interstate 49 between Alma and Barling. Every dollar will be needed. The cost for the almost 14-mile segment has ballooned to $1 billion.

State officials in October 2022 ceremonially broke ground on the 13.7-mile segment that will connect a segment of I-49 in Barling north to the I-40 interchange in Alma. That section will include a bridge over the Arkansas River and have interchanges at Highway 22, Gun Club Road, Clear Creek Road and I-40. The bridge across the Arkansas River will be east of Trimble Lock & Dam and the U.S. 59 bridge. There are 180 miles of the I-49 route to build in Arkansas between Alma and Texarkana.

The MilCon-VA bill recently approved by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden included the $67 million for the work between Alma and Barling. The bill, pushed by U.S. Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark., was primarily focused on providing additional funds and programs for veterans’ health care but included money for other projects.

Cost of I-49 segment between Barling and Alma rises to $1 billion

EPA announces $53.099 million in water infrastructure grants for Arkansas

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $53.099 million for Arkansas to implement drinking water and clean water infrastructure upgrades. The money is from President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

The money will be used to support essential water infrastructure that protects public health and treasured water bodies across the state. Almost half of this funding will be available as grants or principal forgiveness loans, ensuring funds reach underserved communities most in need of investments in water infrastructure.

“President Biden’s Investing in America agenda continues to transform communities for the better with this latest infusion of funds for critical water infrastructure projects,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement. “With $50 billion in total, the largest investment in water infrastructure in our nation’s history, EPA will enable communities across the nation to ensure safer drinking water for their residents and rebuild vital clean water infrastructure to protect public health for decades to come.”

EPA announces $53.099 million in water infrastructure grants for Arkansas

Cotton seeks answers on Biden’s sanctions of Israelis

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, seeking clarification on his February 1, 2024 executive order on imposing sanctions on Israelis “in the West Bank.” Senator Cotton asked President Biden to respond by February 27.

Text of the letter may be found here and below.

February 20, 2024

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden,

Your recent executive order targets Israelis with sanctions who are “in the West Bank.” Does this phrase include Jerusalem? If so, what parts of Jerusalem? Where are the borders within Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, that you are using for purposes of implementing the executive order?

Please provide your response by February 27, 2024.  

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.




Tom Cotton
United States Senator

Cong. French Hill: Avoiding government shutdown ‘a very big challenge’

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

U.S. Rep. French Hill, R-Little Rock, will be heading back to Washington D.C. this week as Congress reconvenes, but his working hours may be brief in less than a month.

There are two pending government shutdown deadlines looming – Jan. 19 and Feb. 2. Hill, who appeared on this week’s Capitol View and Talk Business & Politics programs, said only Congress would pick Groundhog Day for a potential shutdown, a brinksmanship move the public has seen play out repeatedly in the last decade.

“This is really frustrating to me. In 2023, there was so much wasted time. We had a debt ceiling deal between House Republicans led by then Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House and President Joe Biden that would’ve allowed us to get our appropriations work done in time. And we squandered that and then we made it worse by throwing Kevin McCarthy out of office,” Hill said of the early October vote to boot McCarthy as Speaker. House Republicans spent weeks trying to select a replacement.

Seven of 12 appropriations bills have cleared the House and are awaiting action in the Senate, where political dynamics differ from the House.

Cong. French Hill: Avoiding government shutdown ‘a very big challenge’

Governor Sanders Condemns Biden’s Department of Defense for Infringing on Service Members’ Freedom of Religion

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.— Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders sent the following letter to President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin:

Dear President Biden and Secretary Austin,

As I expect you to be aware, on December 18, 2023, Colonel Dillon R. Patterson, Commander of the 188th Wing, announced his voluntary resignation from command of the 188th Wing of the Arkansas Air National Guard.  Col. Patterson has served our country honorably for 22 years and earned numerous awards and decorations. With all Arkansans, I thank Col. Patterson for his dedicated service to our state and nation.

Unfortunately, Col. Patterson was forced to personally choose between either continuing his command or adhering to his sincerely held religious beliefs against abortion.  Because he adhered first to his faith instead of overtly political mandates, he voluntarily resigned his command.  I admire Col. Patterson for having the confidence of his convictions, but regret that our nation’s military will suffer the loss of a dedicated airman, leader, and guardsman as a commander. 

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed that states may protect the lives of unborn children by appropriately regulating the practice of abortion.  Arkansas, like many other states, chose to do so—protecting unborn life by prohibiting abortions which are not medical necessities for the sake of the mother.

While half the country made the obvious determination that the killing of helpless, unborn children is contrary to the public interest, Secretary Austin declared that the U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD” or “Defense Department”) would subvert the actions of states like Arkansas by using taxpayer dollars to fund the travel, meals, and lodging associated with out-of-state servicemember travel for procurement of an abortion procedure.  Maybe equally as egregious, the DoD now requires that commanding officers—regardless of any sincere and deeply held religious convictions to the contrary—are forced to approve such abortion leave.

Abortion is itself a barbaric practice.  But it is apparently not enough for this administration that abortion be available in some states and regulated in others.  Thus, the Defense Department must now apparently sacrifice lifelong personnel’s leadership in the name of military readiness—a laughable paradox if it were not so deeply offensive and damaging.

At a time when nearly every military branch has failed to meet recruiting thresholds, it is difficult to imagine a more irresponsible and shortsighted bureaucratic mandate.  As relevant here, nationally, the Air National Guard missed its most recent recruiting goals by a shocking 40%.

It is unjustifiable to sacrifice the leadership of a lifetime of service for abortion or any other overtly political issue.  Col. Patterson’s only fault was being a man of conviction led by senior Department of Defense leadership who had disregarded his service and abandoned his most fundamental constitutional rights in favor of more fashionable political and social experiments.  

Rescind this policy immediately.  


Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Governor of Arkansas    

Arkansas' congressional delegation agree with GOP's approach to debt ceiling raise

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

Earlier this year, U.S Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned lawmakers the United States could default on its debt if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by early June.

With June approaching, lawmakers have started negotiations for a debt ceiling raise. Arkansas’ congressional delegation has been supportive of their party’s approach to the debt ceiling.

U.S Rep. Steve Womack, Republican of Arkansas’ 3rd Congressional District, appeared on Arkansas Week and said the debt ceiling needs to be raised. He added a default is off the table. Womack said he supports his party leveraging the debt ceiling to pressure the Biden administration to cut spending.

Patrick Semansky/AP

President Joe Biden has started negotiations with lawmakers about raising the debt ceiling. Arkansas' congressional delegation agrees with their Republican colleagues that raising the debt ceiling should be tied to budget cuts.