Arkansas United

Four Arkansas laws regulating voting will stay in place

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

The Supreme Court of Arkansas on Thursday overturned a lower court ruling in a lawsuit challenging four new voting laws.

The League of Women Voters of Arkansas and Arkansas United brought a lawsuit against the four laws passed in 2021. Among many things, the laws make it slightly harder to vote absentee or without a state photo ID.

On March 24, 2022, a lower court granted a permanent injunction against the laws, meaning they were halted from being enforced. On Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court reversed that decision.

The majority opinion was written by Associate Justice Cody Hiland, a former federal prosecutor who was recently appointed to the high court by Gov. Sarah Sanders after leading the Republican Party of Arkansas.

Four Arkansas laws regulating voting will stay in place


Writing for the majority, Arkansas Supreme Court Associate Justice Cody Hiland said four voting laws do not violate the state Constitution.

Arkansas nonprofit receives grant to help immigrants apply for citizenship

KUAR | By Maggie Ryan

A nonprofit in Northwest Arkansas has won a grant to help people apply for U.S. citizenship.

Arkansas United supports individuals seeking citizenship in Arkansas. The organization recently received $250,000 dollars from the federal government to improve their outreach efforts.

To use these funds, Arkansas United is forming a new program to help people navigate the path to citizenship. The program, called Together Towards Citizenship, will match those seeking citizenship with resources and materials to help them in their application.

Arkansas nonprofit receives grant to help immigrants apply for citizenship

Wilfredo Lee/AP

Ericka Ames, center, of Nicaragua recites the Oath of Allegiance during a naturalization ceremony at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in Miami.

AUDIO: Governor Hutchinson’s Weekly Address | Licensing Law May Help Fill Gap in Workforce


LITTLE ROCK – For years, we have struggled to find enough teachers, nurses, and other licensed professionals to fill jobs in Arkansas, and today I’d like to talk about Act 746, a law that will help overcome that challenge by enlarging the field of employees. I signed it into law this week.

Senator Bart Hester, who sponsored the bill in the Senate, said that Arkansas has worked hard to find solutions to the shortage of professionals while a solution that could fill thousands of jobs was right in front of us.

Representative Clint Penzo co-sponsored the bill, which allows certification of a professional who is in Arkansas legally but isn’t a U.S. citizen.

The bill says that agencies that grant certificates or licenses for certain professions may certify or license a person who “fulfills the requirements to practice an occupation or profession in this state and … who holds [the] Federal Form … known popularly as a ‘work permit. … ’ ”

Under this new law, as many as five-thousand residents of Arkansas who were born in another country can work, which immediately enlarges the potential workforce for dozens of occupations from teacher to nurse to veterinarian to architect to civil engineer.

Mireya Reith, founder of Arkansas United, has worked on this and similar legislation for a decade. During past legislative sessions, we passed a law that allowed the certification of teachers and nurses who weren’t U.S. citizens. But that left out those that need a license. Legislators from both parties supported the bills enthusiastically for all other professions. So this year, the General Assembly passed what became known as Act 746, which covered a multitude of professions and was a big victory for the young people who are talented and ready to build their future in our great state.

The certification bill, combined with bills that allow qualified noncitizens to apply for the Governor’s Scholarships and instate tuition, opens up many paths for noncitizens and helps fill critical gaps in certain industries.

The laws have made the future brighter for Javier Luna, a senior at Central High who was born in Mexico City but has lived in Arkansas since he was four. He had recently learned that under the current laws, he could not get his engineering license in Arkansas. When he learned about this possibility of the new law, he volunteered to support it in the General Assembly. He testified before two committees, and he joined us at the capitol this week when I signed it into law.

This is a special Arkansas moment. The General Assembly passed Act 746 across party lines with unanimous support. All of Arkansas benefits.