Ben Johnson

U.S. Marshals Museum on track to open in summer 2023

by Tina Alvey Dale (

The contractor and design team have met and surveyed the exhibit space at the U.S. Marshals Museum, and work on preparing the space for all the museum experiences will begin later this month, according to the new president and CEO of the museum.

Ben Johnson, who took over as the new president and CEO of the museum in August, said Thursday (Oct. 6) that things are on track for the museum to open in summer of 2023, “as long as there are no national or international issues” to slow down things.

Representatives from Little Rock-based CDI Contractors, the general contractors for the museum building, and from Los Angeles-based Thinkwell Group, the contractors for the exhibits (or experiences), met in September to look at the space where the experiences will be housed, Johnson said.