U.S. Congress

Incoming Chairman Hill announces new Staff Director of the House Financial Services Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Incoming House Financial Services Committee Chairman French Hill (R-AR) today announced that Ben Johnson will serve as his Staff Director of the House Financial Services Committee.

Johnson has worked in the U.S. House of Representatives for nearly a decade. He most recently served as Staff Director for the House Small Business Committee, where he was responsible for managing the Committee staff and advancing Chairman Roger William’s priorities. Prior to joining the House Small Business Committee, Johnson handled the financial services portfolios for Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) and Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM).

New Staff Director of the House Financial Services Committee Ben Johnson

“I have known Ben throughout my decade in Congress and have watched his impressive career progress. From his early days managing the financial services portfolios of Rep. Williams and Rep. Pearce to his most recent role as Staff Director on the House Small Business Committee, Ben possesses a deep understanding of American businesses, families, and seniors having access to business capital, mortgage credit, and investment advice and services. His time on the House Small Business Committee, paired with his decade of deep legislative knowledge in Congress, will make him an outstanding Staff Director of the House Financial Services Committee. I look forward to working with him as my Staff Director and watching his career continue to evolve as a leader on my Committee.”  

Representative Hill's legislation to provide transparency into financial corruption of Iranian leaders passes House

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Rep. French Hill’s (R-AR) bill with Rep. Juan Vargas (D-CA), H.R. 6245, the Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act, passed the House Floor with a bipartisan vote of 419-4. 

Rep. Hill said, “Iran’s attacks on Israel are the latest example of their terror that continues to plague the world. The Iranian regime is the top sponsor of terrorism who enables terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to carry out their brutal attacks against innocent civilians in the Middle East and beyond. The United States must take action to assess the finances of Iran’s authoritarian leaders and crack down on financial institutions that are connected to their funds to hinder their terror financing abilities – my bill that passed the House Floor today does just that. 

“Ayatollah Khamenei and his theocratic leaders have been in power for 30 years. His family wealth is estimated to be in the billions while roughly 60% of Iranians live in poverty. Publishing the level of corruption and theft by Iranian leaders and offering it in English, Farsi, Arabic and Azeri will demonstrate to the citizens of Iran how they have been misled.” 

Rep. Vargas said, "After decades of funding terrorism against the United States and our allies and using its proxies to sow chaos, Iran has now launched a direct and reckless attack on Israel. We must take a bipartisan approach to addressing this unprecedented threat. This legislation, which was introduced with my friend and colleague, French Hill, will help provide transparency into the financial corruption of the Iranian regime and hold them accountable." 

Further Background: 

Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act: This bill would require the Department of the Treasury to brief Congress on the finances of Iranian leadership and require financial institutions to close accounts connected to these individuals. This legislation will provide a valuable window into the corrupt business practices of Iran’s top kleptocrats and limit their financial holdings which are used to support and sponsor terrorism.

Womack statement on protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

Washington, DC—March 13, 2024…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) released the following statement after voting for H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act:

“I realize there are millions of TikTok users across the country, including our district. I want these users to understand that our goal with this bill is not to ban TikTok. Our goal is to protect users by separating apps from foreign adversaries, which in this case is the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok is accumulating mass amounts of data, gaining influence over its American users, and using it against them. This exposes us all to serious national security threats. We want TikTok to continue to operate, and it will if they choose to separate from the Chinese Communist Party. I’m proud to support this important legislation.”

Westerman statement on vote against latest continuing resolution

U.S. Congressman Bruce Westerman

WASHINGTON -  Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) released the following statement on his vote against H.R. 2872, the Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act:

“Today, I voted against the temporary spending bill passed by the House to extend the expiration dates for the appropriations process. This was the fourth continuing resolution voted on by the House in the past year. In September, we had the opportunity to pass a solution that would have kept the government open, secured the border, cut reckless government spending, and established a bicameral Fiscal Commission. Every single Democrat, and unfortunately, 21 Republicans voted against it. With the rejection of the conservative spending and border security bill, and the unexpected Speaker election, I voted with my colleagues on alternative approaches to provide ample time for Congress to complete the appropriations process.

"Nearly four months later, the crisis at the border is worse than it’s ever been, and Americans are continuing to struggle to make ends meet due to high prices. Today’s bill to extend the deadline into March means that we will likely be over halfway through the Fiscal Year 2024 before the 2024 funding is approved by Congress. If there is a strategic play to be made on the 2024 budget, it is past time to make it. Because we are currently operating under a staggered CR, the most critical components of government funding including our military and border security do not expire until February 2nd, which gives us two more weeks to pass funding measures or to extend the 2024 CR for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024, which would take shutdowns off the table while creating the most leverage to finish appropriations or to shift focus and begin work on the 2025 budget and funding bills. I would support either of these approaches, but not kicking the funding can down the road into the second half of the fiscal year.

"I remain committed to working with my colleagues on conservative solutions to cut wasteful government spending, secure the border, and support our men and women in uniform.”

The Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act:

  • Extends currently enacted government funding expiration dates that Congress passed in November 2023.

  • Extends the January 19th date to March 1st for the following appropriations bills: 

    • Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies

    • Energy and Water Development

    • Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

    • Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

  • Extends the February 2nd date to March 8th for the following appropriations bills:

    • Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies

    • Department of Defense

    • Financial Services and General Government

    • Homeland Security

    • Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

    • Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

    • Legislative Branch

    • State and Foreign Operations and Related Programs

Womack supports FY24 NDAA

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3)

Washington, DC—December 14, 2023…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) today voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024. The annual legislation, which includes several Womack-supported provisions, includes resources to equip our troops, support military families, enhance defense capabilities, strengthen military readiness, and modernize the force.

Congressman Womack said, “Throughout my service in Congress, it’s been a top priority of mine to support our men and women serving in America’s uniform. This year’s NDAA focuses solely on that mission, free of the far-left’s agenda. It includes elements necessary to equip our troops and protect the homeland, including a 5.2% pay raise for our servicemembers, support for securing the southern border and halting illicit drug trafficking, authorization of funding for Fort Smith’s FMS mission, and vital provisions to deter China. This FY24 NDAA greatly benefits Arkansas’ Third and our nation. Although an important step forward, let us not forget we must pass full-year defense appropriations before our constitutional duty to provide for our common defense is complete.”

Authorizations in the bill Womack strongly supports

  • Authorizes $75.989 million for Ebbing Air National Guard Base construction projects.

  • 5.2% pay raise for service members and authorizes a monthly bonus for Junior Enlisted.

  • Prohibits instruction related to Critical Race Theory (CRT) at Service Academies and other Department of Defense (DOD) schools.

  • Authorizes the former Eaker Air Force Base in Blytheville, Arkansas the National Cold War Center.

  • Authorizes the DOD to make grants of up to $2.75 million to the State of Arkansas to provide security and fire protection services for the Army and Navy Hospital in Hot Springs, AR.

  • Refines a parent’s Bill of Rights for parents of children attending DOD schools affording the right to review curriculum, materials, and disciplinary policies.

  • Requires the DOD to provide a path to reinstate servicemembers discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine and treats the discharge period as a career intermission.

  • Extends recruiting/retention bonuses to help address recruiting shortfalls.

  • Authorizes $14.7 billion for Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI) to include training, operations, expedited construction of defense infrastructure, and prepositioned stocks.

  • Establishes a Joint Energetics Transition Office to improve domestic manufacture of energetic materials.

  • Authorizes increased funding for the National Guard border deployments and work with law enforcement to disrupt illicit drug trafficking.

  • Passport support:

    • Requires notices to passports urging travelers to check travel advisories and renew their passports no later than one year before expiring.

    • Requires the State Department publish estimated processing times on its website every quarter.

    • Requires State to take steps to notify passport holders a year before their passports expire.

    • Directs State to work to reach agreements with nations to allow for the use of US passports that are within six months of expiration.

The FY24 NDAA will now advance to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
