Division of Emergency Management

Tornado debris collection to begin in Little Rock; 3,000 buildings damaged

KUAR | By Daniel Breen

Little Rock city officials say last month’s tornado left roughly 3,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.

Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr. said he and city officials will hold bi-weekly briefings to update residents on cleanup efforts. Speaking at City Hall on Friday, Little Rock Emergency Management Administrator Matt Burks said the total price tag of the storm damage is still unclear.

“All told, we’ve currently identified 89 structures, mostly residential, completely destroyed; 496 having received major damage, 636 with minor damage, 203 that were affected in some way by the storm, and 76 unaffected,” Burks said.


Daniel Breen/KUAR News

Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr. speaks in a news briefing at City Hall on Friday, April 14, 2023.

Governor Hutchinson Declares Emergency in Response to Southeast Arkansas Flooding

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson has declared a state of emergency in response to recent flooding in southeast Arkansas. This declaration comes after over a foot of rain fell on some communities in a 24-hour period.

"After discussions with community members, local leaders, and the Division of Emergency Management, it quickly became clear that assistance is needed," Governor Hutchinson said on Thursday. "Business owners, farmers, and everyone in the area are feeling the impact of this weather event, and we're moving quickly to help however we can."

The declaration will direct $100,000 from the Emergency Response Fund of the Governor's Disaster Fund to be used at the discretion of the Director of the Division of Emergency Management.

The Governor plans to visit Dumas Friday morning to assess the damage and needs of affected communities.