Education Reform

Governor signs LEARNS Act; rulemaking process begins


Gov. Sarah Sanders signed into law Wednesday (March 8) what she called “the biggest, boldest, most conservative education reforms in our history,” setting in motion a remaking of Arkansas education that will require an extensive rulemaking process.

Sanders signed the LEARNS Act into law in the second floor of the Capitol Rotunda flanked by legislators, including the bill’s primary sponsors, Sen. Breanne Davis, R-Russellville, and Rep. Keith Brooks, R-Little Rock.

“I’m proud that the bill I’m about to sign is the largest overhaul of our state’s education system in Arkansas history because it frankly could not get here soon enough,” Sanders said. “We’ve seen how the status quo condemns Arkansans to a lifetime of poverty, and we’re tired of sitting at the bottom of national education rankings.”

Gov. Sarah Sanders signs the LEARNS Act into law.

Arkansas governor renews call for education reform

KUAR | By Daniel Breen

The State of Arkansas will be a national leader in education reform, according to Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The governor has said she hopes to tackle a slew of educational issues in her first term, including workforce readiness, access to broadband internet, teacher accountability and allowing state dollars to help fund students’ education in private, parochial or charter schools.

In a rally Thursday hosted by the conservative advocacy group Americans For Prosperity, Sanders said Arkansas will be on the frontlines of the school choice debate under her administration.

Daniel Breen/KUAR News

Supporters of Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' education policy agenda listen to her speak in the rotunda of the Arkansas State Capitol on Thursday.