Reduced Emissions

Heavy-duty electric vehicle reports show mixed projections for emissions reductions

by Jeff Della Rosa (

Existing heavy-duty electric vehicles can be used to complete about half of regional hauls, especially for routes of no more than 100 miles, a recent report shows. Still, the emissions reductions attributed to electric vehicles don’t look to be as significant when considering the full vehicle life cycle.

According to the report by North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE), existing technology is not available to replace every heavy-duty diesel truck with battery electric vehicles, but it is available for vehicles on regional routes of less than 200 miles per day, including those hauling heavy loads.

However, even with compliance with one of the strictest electrification regulations in the United States, the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) regulation in California, this likely won’t be enough to offset the projected rise in emissions based on the expected increase in freight demand in the coming decades, according to a report by RMI. Truck emissions have nearly doubled over the past 30 years and have continued to increase as the industry expands to accommodate a growing economy and a rise in e-commerce.

ARDOT unveils reduced emissions trucks bought as part of settlement

KUAR | By Michael Hibblen, Laura Jansen

The Arkansas Department of Transportation is adding seven new diesel-powered trucks that have reduced emissions compared to the rest of its fleet. While that’s just a tiny fraction of the hundreds of vehicles used by the department, officials celebrated their arrival.

On Friday, the shiny clean white diesel-powered vehicles were parked outside one of the department’s offices in Little Rock. Four are tractor trucks and three are dump trucks.

“This is a win-win situation,” said Marie Holder, a member of the Arkansas Highway Commission. “Not only does ARDOT receive these cleaner running vehicles that decrease nitrogen oxide emissions, but it also means the department’s use of these vehicles is a step in the right direction when it comes to pollution, mitigation and prevention.”

Michael Hibblen/KUAR News

Arkansas Department of Transportation Director Lorie Tudor speaks at a press conference Friday in front of newly-purchased trucks that have lower emissions that the department's older vehicles.