Stand Your Ground

Governor Hutchinson Signs Stand Your Ground and Voter ID Bills Into Law

by Steve Brawner

Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a “Stand Your Ground” bill into law Wednesday (March 3) despite his belief that it’s not necessary, but he hopes the Legislature also will pass a hate crimes bill as a complementary measure.

The Arkansas governor spoke about the legislation during a “Pen and Pad” session in his office with reporters.

Act 250 by Sen. Bob Ballinger, R-Ozark, states that a person no longer has a duty to retreat before threatening or using deadly physical force if they are lawfully present, have a reasonable belief that they or another person faced death or serious physical injury, and did not provoke the confrontation.


After Second Go Round, Arkansas Lawmakers Approve "Stand Your Ground" Bill


This week, Arkansas legislators approved a controversial “stand your ground” gun measure allowing the use of lethal force in self-defense without first having to attempt to retreat, which was previously required by the state. The bill has been sent to Gov. Asa Hutchinson for approval. His decision is expected this week.



Arkansas ‘Stand Your Ground’ Bill Fails in House Committee; Floor Move Expected

by Marine Glisovic (

Following a more than three-hour long debate, members of the House Judiciary Committee voted Tuesday (Feb. 2) against SB 24 – a proposal to end the duty to retreat when using physical or deadly force.

Despite the bill failing to get out of committee, its lead sponsor, Sen. Bob Ballinger, R-Oark, said he’s “confident it becomes law.”

The House co-sponsor of the bill, Rep. Aaron Pilkington, R-Clarksville, said he plans to ask the full House to extract the bill out of committee as early as Wednesday, potentially bringing it to a vote on the House floor.


Arkansas Senate Passes 'Stand Your Ground' Legislation, Now Heads To House Committee


A bill that would establish a “Stand Your Ground” law in Arkansas was approved Tuesday by the state Senate and now advances to a House committee.

Senators voted 27-7 to pass the bill, with Republicans and one Democrat making up the 27 yes votes, while one Republican joined Democrats in voting no.

Senate Bill 24, which made it through the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, removes the "duty to retreat" in instances of self-defense. The policy, which at least 36 other states have adopted in some form, including all that surround Arkansas, has garnered criticism that it increases violent crime.

Sen. Joyce Elliott, D-Little Rock was one of five Democrats and one Republican to speak against the legislation.CREDIT ARKANSAS SENATE

Sen. Joyce Elliott, D-Little Rock was one of five Democrats and one Republican to speak against the legislation.