Sanders confirms eight Arkansans dead from tornado

KUAR | By Matthew Moore

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed in a press conference Sunday in Bentonville that eight Arkansans died during an EF-3 tornado early Sunday morning.

The tornado crossed the Oklahoma border around 12:30 a.m., first touching down in the small town of Decatur in Benton County. Sanders was flanked by local, county, state, and federal leaders as she described the importance of constant coordination between the levels of government needed to recover from a tornado of this magnitude.

“I’m incredibly grateful for the fact that we have such great relationships with our mayors, county judges, county sheriff, and our federal delegation," Sanders said. "We have already have a number of contacts with the federal administration.”

Sanders confirms eight Arkansans dead from tornado

This selfie above China's balloon was taken over Missouri. Here's how we know that

By Geoff Brumfiel

It's arguably the greatest selfie ever taken. A pilot aboard the Air Force's legendary U-2 spy plane is looking down at China's alleged spy balloon as it hovers somewhere over the United States.

The photo, taken on Feb. 3 and released by the Department of Defense on Wednesday, has reportedly reached legendary status inside the Pentagon.

But where, exactly, was it taken?


Department Of Defense

A U.S. Air Force pilot looked down at the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon as it hovered over the Central Continental United States February 3, 2023. The pair was flying over Bellflower, Missouri.

Arkansas' Largest United Methodist Church Considers Disaffiliation

By Matthew Moore - KUAF

More than 80 United Methodist Churches in Arkansas are looking to enter the process of disconnecting from the denomination over the issue of "human sexuality." Gary Mueller, the bishop of the Arkansas Annual Conference, says the division breaks his heart, but some churches are upholding what they consider the "biblical view of marriage between a man and woman."

Advocates at Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville petitioned Bishop Mueller arguing that the petition to disaffiliate from the UMC does not match the narrow circumstances listed in the Book of Discipline that would allow churches to do so. On Monday, Bishop Mueller said, "The pause taken at Central UMC in Fayetteville is to allow everyone to be on the same page in understanding the legislation set forth," and that he does expect this to be a short-term pause. "This pause will give everyone a chance to communicate fairly."


Ryan Versey/KUAF

Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville.

COVID Vaccines Recommended as Students Return to Classroom

KUAF - Daniel Caruth

Many students across Arkansas return to school this week. With new COVID-19 variants emerging, some health officials are urging students, parents and school staff to take precautions that could prevent virus outbreaks.



In June, COVID-19 vaccines were approved for kids as young as six months old.

AUDIO: A Fraught History of Abortion and Contraception in Arkansas

By Jacqueline Froelich KUAF

A century before Roe v. Wade federally legalized abortion in America, girls and women in Arkansas seeking to prevent or terminate unwanted pregnancies were often required to resort to extreme measures. Independent historian Melanie K. Welch, Ph.D. chronicles the history of contraception and abortion in Arkansas.


J. Froleich/KUAF

Lavender was a common herb consumed by women in the 19th century as an abortifacient.

AUDIO: New Blood Test Detects More Than 50 Types of Cancer

By Matthew Moore KUAF

A new blood test has received FDA breakthrough status approval that can detect more than 50 different kinds of cancer in a patient. Mercy Hospitals in Rogers and Fort Smith are among the earliest health systems to offer the test.


Air Travel Back Up to Pre-Pandemic Numbers, But Still Turbulent

By Daniel Caruth

The number of travelers at XNA are on the rise again, but officials at the airport are reporting that they are experiencing issues with things like liquids in carry-on bags, the rise in fuel costs, and more.


Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Begins in Arkansas for Kids 6 Months to Age 5

By Jacqueline Froelich/KUAF

Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as six months of age are being delivered starting this week to Arkansas public health units, physicians' offices, medical centers, and pharmacies. Dr. Joel Tumlison, medical director for immunizations at the Arkansas Department of Health, provides guidance to parents and caregivers.


Courtesy/Arkansas Department Of Health

Arkansas Foster Care System, Advocates Continue to Innovate as Pandemic Eases

By Jacqueline Froelich

During the worst of the pandemic, Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services, as well as faith-based partners and nonprofits like Project Zero had to innovate to maintain their mission to help find secure homes for infants, children and teens in crisis.



ACLU Lawsuit Progresses Against Washington County Jail Treatment of Detainees with Ivermectin

KUAF - Jacqueline Froelich

A federal lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas on behalf of four Washington County jail detainees who claim they were unwittingly administered Ivermectin, a controversial COVID-19 treatment, is progressing – slowly.


Courtesy/ACLU Arkansas

Carroll County Medical Marijuana Dispensary Applicant Challenges State Selection Process

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission

A Medical Marijuana Commission map illustrates eight zones within which five ranked medical marijuana dispensaries are licensed by the state to operate.

By Jacqueline Froelich - KUAF

Carroll County Holdings, Inc., a highly ranked dispensary applicant, is challenging the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission selection process claiming the state failed to award it an operating license. The non-trial case is now pending before the Arkansas Supreme Court.


Arkansas LGBTQ+ Teens to Gather for Prom

By Jacqueline Froelich

The Galactic Masquerade Prom, the first LGBTQ+ prom for high school students to be privately and securely staged in Arkansas, will take place April 16th hosted by the Equality Crew, headquartered in northwest Arkansas.


Feeding America, During a Pandemic... and After

By Kyle Kellams - KUAF

Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks, associated agencies, and people, served tens of millions of Americans during the pandemic. Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, the CEO of Feeding America, was recently in northwest Arkansas to discuss the work to end hunger in America.


EPA Pressing for Cross-State Air Pollution Control Rule

By Jacqueline Froelich

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under the Biden Administration, has renewed efforts — greatly curtailed during the Trump administration — to reduce harmful industrial ozone-forming emissions from industry, including coal-powered energy facilities. The non-profit Sierra Club, which works in Arkansas, supports the rule. But Southwestern Electric Power Company says its Flint Creek Power Plant in Gentry, Benton County operates with some of the lowest permitted emissions limits of any coal-fueled generating unit in the country.



AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company’s aging H.W., Pirkey Coal Plant near Longview, Texas will be retired next year.

Criminality and Cryptocurrency

When Russia invaded Ukraine, conversations began quickly about how oligarchs might be able to hide money in cryptocurrency. That prompted Blockchain: The Future of Money hosts Eric and Leigh to explore how and how much cryptocurrency is being used for illicit or illegal activities.


More Women Choose Medical Abortions

Jacqueline Froelich

For the first time, a majority of women in the U.S. are now choosing medical abortions, using drugs to terminate pregnancy, rather than invasive surgical abortions. Janet Cathey, M.D. an obstetrician/gynecologist provider at Planned Parenthood Great Plains Little Rock explains the benefits as well as risks.

The following report contains medical details that may be too sensitive for some listeners.

Correction: We report that both Planned Parenthood Great Plains clinics in Arkansas provide medical abortions. Only the Little Rock Clinic dispenses prescription abortion pills. The Rogers clinic does not.


Courtesy/Guttmacher Institute