State of the State

State of the State 2025: Two years after LEARNS, focus is on higher ed


Gov. Sarah Sanders’ 2023 LEARNS Act changed K-12 education. Her focus now is on changing higher education. In her Jan. 14 State of the State address, Sanders introduced the Arkansas ACCESS plan to make higher education more workforce centered.

While she didn’t provide details, she would change the funding formula to emphasize non-degree credentials along with bachelor’s and associate’s degrees. ACCESS also would expand scholarships for those certificate pathways.

Sanders also would create a single application with one fee for prospective students to apply to any state-supported college or university. She would fund college credits while students are still in high school. Meanwhile, she called for terminating professors who she said waste time indoctrinating students.

State of the State 2025: Two years after LEARNS, focus is on higher ed

Governor Sanders Announces Bill to Make Every Arkansas School Go Phone-Free

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders today announced the Bell to Bell, No Cell Act, legislation that would ban smartphones and other personal electronic devices like smart watches from every single public school in Arkansas, beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. Senator Tyler Dees (District 35) and Representative Jon Eubanks (District 46) are sponsoring the bill in the legislature.

“We have seen a staggering rise in mental illness among young people over the past decade. The culprit is clear: unrestricted access to smartphones and social media,” said Governor Sanders. “After the overwhelming success of our phone-free schools pilot program, it’s clear that it’s time for Arkansas to ban smartphones, bell to bell, in every school in our state.”

“Arkansas kids deserve every advantage we as parents can give them, and helping them keep their heads in the game at school isn’t just good for their mental health. It will improve the quality of their education overall, making them more prepared for the challenges of life. Disconnecting students from doom-scrolling on big tech social media platforms during school is common sense and will help with their social and emotional health.”said Senator Tyler Dees. 

“I think we can all agree cell phones are a serious distraction for students. This legislation will limit that distraction so that phones do not interfere with the learning process,” said Representative Jon Eubanks.

The Bell to Bell, No Cell Act prohibits personal electronic devices, including cell phones and smart watches, bell-to-bell. Each public school district will be required to publish its cell phone policy on its website, including policies and exemptions concerning cell phones on school property and at school-related functions. Districts are required to provide exemptions for health reasons, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), after-school extracurricular activities, and emergencies. 

In her 2025 State of the State address, Governor Sanders identified mental health as one of her top priorities for the year. In addition to the phone-free schools program, the Governor plans to update Arkansas’ Social Media Safety Act so it is no longer held up in court and to give Arkansas parents the right to sue Big Tech companies under state law so they can hold bad actors accountable.

Governor Sanders launched the phone-free schools pilot program last summer. Participating districts received funding to purchase containers for students to store their devices and experience a phone-free education. She was inspired to launch this program after reading The Anxious Generation by author Jonathan Haidt, and also sent a copy of the book to every legislator in Arkansas and every governor in America.

Sanders and Haidt toured schools across the state in December to promote the phone-free schools program and see its implementation. Beyond school visits, they held a roundtable and speaking engagements, inviting legislators, parents, and educators to join the conversation. The Governor and Haidt also spoke on a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to promote phone-free schools.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: ‘Freight recession’ continues for trucking industry

by George Jared (

The transportation sector and trucking in particular have been mired in an economic downturn for more than a year, and several stakeholders within the sector told Talk Business & Politics that there probably won’t be an uptick until the early part of 2025.

Arkansas Trucking Association President Shannon Newton said the trucking industry is suffering from a “freight recession” spurred by inflation, high interest rates and higher fuel prices.

“Economic conditions continue to languish in a lackluster stage. … There are mixed signals on an economic uptick. Even this week, new numbers were released showing a miniscule improvement over last month, but still underperforming from where we were a year ago, which wasn’t great then,” she said.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: ‘Freight recession’ continues for trucking industry

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Medical providers pinched by disparity in costs, payments


Arkansas health care providers are facing increasing costs without matching payment increases from government payers and insurance companies. It’s a major issue in a state that ranks near the bottom in maternal and infant mortality rankings.

Dr. Joe Thompson, president and CEO of the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement, a healthcare research and policy development organization, said the state is “still in a recovery mode from the acute effects of COVID.” Thompson was referring to inflationary pressures caused by the pandemic, when labor and supply costs increased dramatically. While hospitals are no longer relying on high-paid traveling nurses, the use of that resource during the pandemic has driven up labor costs for full-time staff.

At the same time, Medicaid, which serves primarily lower-income individuals, hasn’t increased payments, while Medicare, which serves older Arkansans, hasn’t increased them enough. Commercial insurance, the health care system’s other primary payer, is trying to limit reimbursement increases.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Medical providers pinched by disparity in costs, payments

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Schools implementing LEARNS; funding formula change coming?


What’s the state of the state in education? Schools are implementing Gov. Sarah Sanders’ LEARNS Act. Legislators are performing the biennial adequacy study that will determine school funding amounts for the next two years. In next year’s legislative session, they could craft a new funding formula.

The sweeping 2023 LEARNS Act made major changes to the state’s education system but left many of the details to the rulemaking process. Secretary of Education Jacob Oliva estimated in an interview that “95%” of the rules are ready. Many had to be completed by July 1.

Among the most notable aspect of LEARNS was its creation of “educational freedom accounts.” Through these, 90% of the state per pupil foundation funding traditionally provided to schools instead goes to eligible families that can use them for qualifying expenses for nonpublic school alternatives. Roughly $7,000 per student will be provided to those families this upcoming second year of the program. Up to 3% of public school students can use them for private schools. Next year, there will be no percentage restrictions, and homeschooled students will be eligible.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Schools implementing LEARNS; funding formula change coming?