
UAMS Researcher to Lead Study on Antibiotic Resistance in Fresh Vegetables in the United States

By Kev' Moye

En Huang, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’ Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health Department of Environmental Health Sciences, has received a three-year, $1 million research grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Huang and his team — which consists of Sun Hee Moon, Ph.D., and Se-Ran Jun, Ph.D., from UAMS; along with Xinhui Li, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Erin DiCaprio, Ph.D., of the University of California-Davis; and Xu Yang, Ph.D., of California State Polytechnic University-Pomona — will investigate why some bacteria isolated from retail vegetables in the United States are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. The aforementioned class of antibiotics – considered the most important classes of antibiotics – are used in the management and treatment of bacterial infections.

“Food is an important vehicle for transmitting foodborne microorganisms,” Huang said. “Since most vegetables are consumed when they’re raw or after only being minimally cooked, if present, those antibiotic-resistant bacteria could potentially harm people. Therefore, there’s an urgent need to understand the role of fresh produce in the transmission of antibiotic resistance.”

Howard County Farmers Market Open Monday Afternoon

Market Monday, 17 August starting at 3 pm.

For those who may not be able to come to the Friday morning market, we will be having a Monday afternoon market day on Monday, August 17th starting at 3pm. We have some vendors who will be bringing their items to the market.


Here is who's coming and what they plan to bring:

- Wenta Farm -
Hand-picked figs (fresh and frozen), peppers, tomato plants
- Grandma Sylvia's Creations -
Crocheted facemasks, earrings
Green's Farm -
Plum Jelly, peanut butter cookies, various baked goods
- Threat Farm -
Free-range eggs

If more vendors contact us we will update our facebook page.

We recommend you get there as soon as we open for the best selection. We also request you wear protective masks and follow social distancing of 6 feet separation from others as you shop at the market.

Most importantly, please stay home if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. We want everyone to have a safe time at the market.

WIC and SNAP Accepted by participating vendors. We thank you for your patronage!