Arkansas Governor Race

Candidates for Arkansas governor in home stretch of their campaigns

KUAR | By Josie Lenora, Daniel Breen

With early voting underway for the Nov. 8 election, Arkansas' candidates for governor are making final appearances in campaign rallies around the state.

Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders headlined a packed meet and greet event Tuesday at the Jacksonville Community Center. She spoke about education, crime, safety and “empowering Arkansas.” Sanders was joined on stage by Republican U.S. Sens. Tom Cotton and John Boozman.

“I’m tired of watching Arkansas compete at the bottom,” Sanders said. “I'm tired of us being 46th and 47th and 48th in all the places where I know we can be first and second.”

Josie Lenora/KUAR News

Republican gubernatorial nominee Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her husband Bryan talk with a veteran during a campaign event Tuesday in Jacksonville.

Sanders has firm lead in GOP gubernatorial primary, Jones on track to win Democratic bid without runoff

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The general election matchup for Arkansas Governor is shaping up to be Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Democrat Chris Jones, according to a new survey from Talk Business & Politics and Hendrix College.

The surveys, conducted May 2, 2022, tested opinions of GOP and Democratic primary voters for the seat held by term-limited Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

Among 802 likely Republican primary voters, the results were:

72.5% – Sarah Huckabee Sanders
16.5% – Francis “Doc” Washburn
11% – Undecided

Among 597 likely Democratic primary voters, the results were:

2% – James “Rus” Russell
3.5% – Jay Martin
59.5% – Chris Jones
3% – Anthony Bland
1.5% – Supha Xayprasith-Mays
30.5% – Undecided

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicks Off 15-Stop Tour In Campaign For Arkansas Governor


Nine months after announcing her candidacy for Arkansas governor through a produced video, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is now taking her campaign to the people. This Labor Day weekend she began a series of 15 appearances around the state.

On Monday evening, the former White House press secretary spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at a rally in Benton. Sanders was introduced by her father, former Gov. Mike Huckabee.

“She understands why she wants to run, what she will do when elected, and I believe with all my heart – and this is hard to say for reasons that will make perfect sense when I say it – I think she will be the best governor Arkansas ever had,” Huckabee said.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaking to a crowd of supporters Monday evening in Benton.CREDIT MICHAEL HIBBLEN / KUAR NEWS

Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaking to a crowd of supporters Monday evening in Benton.


Baptist Minister Becomes 4th Democrat To Enter Arkansas Governor’s Race


Dr. Anthony Bland fell short in his 2018 attempt to win the lieutenant governor’s race in Arkansas, but that did not deter the Democrat from Little Rock from setting his sights on the state’s top job.

Bland, 43, told Talk Business & Politics he intends to seek the Democratic nomination for governor during the 2022 election cycle. He formally launched his campaign Wednesday in Hot Springs.

Bland is a graduate of J.A. Fair High School and Arkansas Baptist College. He has master’s degree in business administration and doctorate in business administration from the University of Phoenix. He is completing a master’s degree in theological studies from Regent University.

Anthony Bland formally announced his candidacy for governor of Arkansas Wednesday in Hot Springs.CREDIT KATV-CHANNEL 7

Anthony Bland formally announced his candidacy for governor of Arkansas Wednesday in Hot Springs.