Republicans Arkansas

Sanders has firm lead in GOP gubernatorial primary, Jones on track to win Democratic bid without runoff

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The general election matchup for Arkansas Governor is shaping up to be Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Democrat Chris Jones, according to a new survey from Talk Business & Politics and Hendrix College.

The surveys, conducted May 2, 2022, tested opinions of GOP and Democratic primary voters for the seat held by term-limited Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

Among 802 likely Republican primary voters, the results were:

72.5% – Sarah Huckabee Sanders
16.5% – Francis “Doc” Washburn
11% – Undecided

Among 597 likely Democratic primary voters, the results were:

2% – James “Rus” Russell
3.5% – Jay Martin
59.5% – Chris Jones
3% – Anthony Bland
1.5% – Supha Xayprasith-Mays
30.5% – Undecided

Roe reversal would trigger Arkansas’ anti-abortion law

KUAR | By Michael Tilley/ Talk Business & Politics

Arkansas Republican political leaders praised a likely U.S. Supreme Court decision ending abortion rights while decrying the leak of the court’s draft opinion. The state’s Democratic Party chair said taking away a constitutional right will not long succeed.

Politico reported late Monday the contents of a leaked 98-page draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito distributed to the other justices on Feb. 10. Alito wrote that “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” a direct rebuttal of the legal precedent set by the court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which granted abortion rights.

Brian Chilson/Arkansas Times

Arkansas state Sen. Jason Rapert speaking to reporters in February 2021 as a near-total abortion ban was advancing through the legislature.