Democratic Party of Arkansas

Democratic Party of Arkansas aims to regain power after primary elections

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

The Democratic Party of Arkansas hosted a watch party Tuesday as results trickled in for primaries across the state. The night is the first step in a year where the Democrats plan to work hard to gain back seats in the state legislature.

Several Democratic incumbents in central Arkansas faced challengers. Like the Republican Party, the Democrats do not take sides in these races, instead preferring to support the political process. Democratic Party of Arkansas Chair Grant Tennille says whoever wins the primary is the best candidate in the general election.

Democrats have become a significant minority in recent years in Arkansas after the state GOP made slow gains to consolidate power. As recently as 2010, Democrats held three national positions representing Arkansas. In early 2015, the governor was a Democrat and the party had decent majorities in both statehouses. Over time, this has changed.

Democratic Party of Arkansas aims to regain power after primary elections


Arkansas organizations aim to engage growing Hispanic electorate

From the Arkansas Advocate:

Ahead of the 2024 election, Arkansans like Josh Sol are working to engage Hispanic voters, one of the country’s fastest-growing electorates.

A native of Springdale, Sol wants to establish a Washington County chapter of the Democratic Party of Arkansas’ statewide Hispanic Caucus.

“It is where I live, it’s also one of the largest Hispanic and Latino populations in the state,” he said. “In terms of competitive districts where we can flip seats, it’s also a prime place to do that.”

Arkansas organizations aim to engage growing Hispanic electorate

Dozens of candidates file to run as Arkansas Democrats

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Tuesday was the last day to file to run for office in Arkansas.

The Democratic Party of Arkansas has put forth 65 candidates to run for legislative seats from across the state, something the party says is a record. Additionally, the Democrats fielded four candidates to challenge incumbent members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Republican Party has a supermajority in both the Arkansas House and Senate, the biggest held by the party in state history. Republicans also occupy every national political position in the state.

On the final day to file, Democrats held a press conference to discuss their slate of candidates. Party Chair Grant Tennille was joined by Vice Chair Jannie Cotton.

Dozens of candidates file to run as Arkansas Democrats

Josie Lenora/Little Rock Public Radio

From left to right: Democratic Party of Arkansas Chair Grant Tennille, Strategic Director Will Watson and Vice Chair Jannie Cotton speak at the State Capitol in Little Rock on Tuesday.

Grant Tennille re-elected as chair of Arkansas Democrats

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

Grant Tennille was re-elected unanimously as chairman of the Democratic Party of Arkansas on Saturday (Jan. 28). He will serve a four-year term.

The meeting, held at Shorter College in North Little Rock, was a reversal of expectations from December when Tennille said he would not seek re-election as chair. Subsequently, he has said that former State Senators Joyce Elliott and Keith Ingram, and others, persuaded him to stay.

“Friends, two months ago, I was as exhausted as I’ve ever been in my life,” said Tennille in a speech following his nomination. “I felt beaten up and beaten down. I was ready for a break. Fortunately, all of us have good friends who spent time talking to me and working with me. They made me understand that this moment in Arkansas is fraught with danger, and with possibility.”

Arkansas Democrats speak out against new governor's policies

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

The Democratic Party of Arkansas held a press conference Wednesday to respond to Republican policy proposals espoused by the governor and legislature. House Minority Leader Tippi McCullough, D-Little Rock, was joined by Senate Minority Leader Greg Leding, D-Fayetteville, in the former Supreme Court chamber in the Arkansas State Capitol.

Both railed against policies supported by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in particular those pertaining to education. Sanders has said she wants to be thought of as the “education governor,” and supports school choice policies and voucher programs as well as raising minimum teacher pay.

McCullough and Leding say they support teachers and raising their salaries, but not other more conservative education policies supported by Sanders. McCullough said the governor contradicted herself in the two different speeches she gave at her inauguration Tuesday.

Josie Lenora/KUAR News

Senate Minority Leader Greg Leding, D-Fayetteville, hosts a press conference alongside House Minority Leader Tippi McCullough, D-Little Rock, at the Arkansas State Capitol Wednesday.

Democratic Party of Arkansas delays choosing a new chair during emotional meeting

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

The Democratic Party of Arkansas is opting to wait to choose its next chairman. Committee members had originally planned to be select one during a meeting over the weekend.

At its quarterly meeting at the dimly lit Teamsters Union building in southwest Little Rock, Senate Minority Leader Tippi McCullough of Little Rock successfully moved to adjourn the meeting until January. She told KUAR News after the meeting the delay would give interested candidates “time for thoughtful, unhurried consideration.”

“It's hard to consider something that is a four-year term when you only have two or three days,” McCollough said, hoping this will give prospective candidates time to talk to the state committee members.

Josie Lenora/KUAR News

Outgoing Democratic Party of Arkansas Chairman Grant Tennille discussed his decision to step down during a meeting on Saturday.

All Democratic lawmakers call for teacher raises; governor says support still lacking


All 29 Arkansas Democratic legislators have signed an open letter addressed to Arkansas teachers and support staff calling for increasing their pay in the upcoming legislative session, but a spokesperson for Gov. Asa Hutchinson said not enough support yet exists for including it in the call.

The letter was signed by all seven Democratic senators and by all 22 Democratic representatives and released publicly Monday (July 18). There are 27 Republicans and one independent in the Senate and 88 Republican House members.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson has announced he is calling legislators into special session Aug. 8. The primary reason is accelerating already approved tax cuts and to pass new ones with the state’s budget surplus this year totaling $1.628 billion.

Sanders has firm lead in GOP gubernatorial primary, Jones on track to win Democratic bid without runoff

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The general election matchup for Arkansas Governor is shaping up to be Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Democrat Chris Jones, according to a new survey from Talk Business & Politics and Hendrix College.

The surveys, conducted May 2, 2022, tested opinions of GOP and Democratic primary voters for the seat held by term-limited Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

Among 802 likely Republican primary voters, the results were:

72.5% – Sarah Huckabee Sanders
16.5% – Francis “Doc” Washburn
11% – Undecided

Among 597 likely Democratic primary voters, the results were:

2% – James “Rus” Russell
3.5% – Jay Martin
59.5% – Chris Jones
3% – Anthony Bland
1.5% – Supha Xayprasith-Mays
30.5% – Undecided

Sen. Joyce Elliott launching nonprofit for voter engagement

KUAR | By Roby Brock / Talk Business & Politics

Term-limited State Sen. Joyce Elliott, D-Little Rock, is launching a new nonprofit organization, Get Loud Arkansas!, to register new voters and engage lackluster voters.

“Our voices are being silenced by a coordinated effort to restrict the fundamental right to vote,” said Elliott, “The future of our state will be shaped by our commitment to maintaining and strengthening our democracy. It’s time to work together, get loud, and do the work for a better Arkansas.”

Kelly Connelly/KUAR News

File photo of Sen. Joyce Elliott, seen here filing to run for reelection. As she leaves office, Elliott is launching a new nonprofit group to register voters and engage current voters.

Grant Tennille Elected Arkansas Democratic Party Chair

Grant Tennille, seen here in 2014, was elected chair of the Democratic Party of Arkansas on Saturday.



Grant Tennille, the former economic development chief under Gov. Mike Beebe who helped bring Big River Steel to Arkansas, was elected chair of the Democratic Party of Arkansas and said he will use his “tons of relationships” to build the party in a solidly red state.

Tennille defeated Jim Wallace of Eureka Springs at the Democrats’ State Committee meeting held Saturday. The previous chair, Michael John Gray, had left to become the executive director of Liberty and Justice for Arkansas, a group whose purpose is to “combat Trumpism” and “defeat Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” a Republican candidate for governor.

Tennille said in an interview he intends to work full-time as Democratic Party chair, an unpaid position. He said his “first order of business” is to raise money, get the headquarters in order, and return the staff to full strength.

Democratic Party Chair Michael John Gray Leaving Post

by Roby Brock (

Michael John Gray, the former state representative who has served as Democratic Party of Arkansas chairman since 2017, is leaving his position, he announced Monday (Aug. 9).

Gray intends to resign as party chairman effective Sept. 1, 2021. He made the announcement to party leaders during an Executive Committee meeting on Monday night, followed by an informal meeting of the State Committee.

“Our state has been through immense changes since I began serving in public life and the challenges seem to be more important than ever. As Chairman, I’ve met people all across this state, with diverse backgrounds and upbringings, and found that when you turn down the noise from the cable television rhetoric most of us want the same thing. We want a good life for our families and we don’t want to be ignored by the people who claim to be our leaders. I got involved to give voice to my neighbors, the forgotten communities across the Delta, and to build a path for those who haven’t always been engaged. I will continue to do that every day of my life. I am a better person for it and am extremely grateful to the friends that I have made across this state, and I am humbled by the support they’ve given me.

Democratic Party of Arkansas Again Lowers Filing Fees


Arkansas Democrats are reducing filing fees for candidates for the third time since 2017. A spokesman for the Republican Party of Arkansas says the organization has no plans to follow suit. Arkansas has some of the most expensive filing fees in the country.
