Photos provided by Monte Bartek of Bartek Recon
“The students and staff at De Queen Elementary had an exciting day interacting with the Lady Colts and Colts of UA Cossatot yesterday. They learned about perseverance and acceptance through the reading of Salt in His Shoes and enjoyed conversations with the team members. Receiving a Colts tee shirt from UA Cossatot served as the icing on the cake for DES students. Thank you UA Cossatot for the experience!”
This week on "What's Up Doc?", Dr. Randy and Cody Gallagher of Pilgrim's Pride announce a new partnership between Pilgrim's and the Walker Clinic that will enable Pilgrim's employees and their families to save money on healthcare.
Photos provided by Monte Bartek of Bartek Recon
This week on "What's Up Doc?", Dr. Randy talks about the HIPPA rules and how HIPPA has changed the medical field over the past few years.
Photos by Monte Bartek of Bartek Recon
Samaritan Fields Contact: 870-584-9928
JuLY 5th, 2021 SamaritanFields@gmail.com
Community Fundraiser racks up over $15,000 for up-and-coming Soccer Complex in De Queen
DE QUEEN, AR— The first-ever “Field of Dreams” fundraiser netted more than $15,000 for the Samaritan Fields Soccer project on Collin Raye Drive in De Queen this 4th of July weekend.
A diverse group of Community members teamed up to collaborate resources for the July 3rd event and celebrated with festival-style vibes, flavorful food, FIFA, inflatables, and family-friendly fun Saturday night. Several efforts were made to raise the money, including food sales, auction items, and T-shirt sales, as well as donations collected from parking for the city Firework show.
Hundreds of area residents attended the event and contributed support for the developing facilities throughout the day, including representative Deann Vaught, along with several local business owners and community leaders. The event also provided a covid-19 shot booth and voter registration tent, adding nearly a dozen Arkansans to the state’s vaccinated list.
Project organizer Esteban Ochoa reported the total amount raised was $15,898.85, including additional dollars gathered from a “50/50 day” partnership with Simple Simon’s Pizza of De Queen Monday, July 5th. Pulled together with just 3 months of planning, the “Field of Dreams” fundraiser was designed to draw up support for the project and raise awareness about the community goal of bringing the High School state soccer championship to De Queen by 2026.
Event organizers would like to express appreciation to all who attended and say “thank you” to everyone who has supported the Samaritan Fields initiative in De Queen.
Plans for future fundraisers are already in discussion as the “Field of Dreams” night is set to become an annual event for the Sevier County community. Ongoing construction and maintenance are required for the project to become both sustainable and successful, and continual community support will be needed. Businesses or individuals interested in helping bring state-of-the-art community soccer fields to De Queen can call 870-584-9928 or email SamaritanFields@gmail.com.
On this week's edition of "What's Up Doc?", Dr. Randy talks about some of the not so well known symptoms of food allergies, such as fatigue, migraines, sinus infections, rashes, bloating, heartburn, and sensitivity to bright light, and how testing for food allergies has helped many patients find answers.
This week on "What's Up Doc", Dr. Randy talks about the differences in the various weight loss procedures and the associated risks.