Howard News

In Observance of Hispanic Heritage Month

Jocelin Tani Galvez

The Center for Student Success would like to continue to recognize some of our UA Cossatot Hispanic employees that are making an impact on our students throughout the month of October!

The Center for Student Success would like to continue to recognize some of our UA Cossatot Hispanic employees that are making an impact on our students throughout the month of October!

Jocelin began her journey as a college student who always stood out and excelled in anything she did. She obtained her Associates of Science degree in Medical Sciences in 2015, is an employee of the college since August 2017 and plans on graduating with a Master’s in Higher Education degree.

Jocelin helps assist students in our Student Services department at UA Cossatot as an Admissions and Recruitment Advisor. Jocelin’s father is from Zacatecas and her mother from Morelos Mexico. She helps lead and sponsors a student group on campus called Student Diversity Association which focuses on fundraising efforts benefiting those students who are not eligible to receive Federal Pell Grant.

Jocelin states “I am a second-generation Mexican American, and I am the oldest daughter of Claudio and Leticia Galvez. To me, being Hispanic is family, fiesta, faith, and food. Coming from a big family or "familia grande" means more than just parents and siblings; it means a strong relationship that instills in people the importance of honor, good manners, and respect. Fiestas are defined by celebration, and to many are regarded as the best way to become immersed in the culture of the Hispanic community. My family and myself are Catholic. I consider my faith to be a key part of who I am. The food and flavors of Hispanic culture is something I am also proud of, it's a part of my family history. Knowing what my parents sacrificed and stories of them moving to the U.S. for a chance at a better life, is something I will never take for granted. It's important to teach people about your history, sharing your culture and never forgetting where you come from, regardless of your ethnicity. Everyone should able to experience everyone’s culture!"

We are proud to have Jocelin Galvez as part of our campus community!

If you are someone who has questions in regards to admission requirements, you can call and ask for Jocelin Galvez at: 870-584-4471 Ext 1163.

Sunday's COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,213
Confirmed Cases: 1,197
Probable Cases: 16
Total Active Cases: 10
Active Confirmed Cases: 7
Active Probable Cases: 3

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 503
Confirmed Cases: 476
Probable Cases: 27
Total Active Cases: 23
Active Confirmed Cases: 18
Active Probable Cases: 5

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 371
Confirmed Cases: 352
Probable Cases: 19
Total Active Cases: 16
Active Confirmed Cases: 15
Active Probable Cases: 1

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 279
Confirmed Cases: 277
Probable Cases: 2
Total Active Cases: 22
Active Confirmed Cases: 21
Active Probable Cases: 1

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 237
Confirmed Cases: 233
Probable Cases: 4
Total Active Cases: 14
Active Confirmed Cases: 12
Active Probable Cases: 2

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Governor Hutchinson’s Weekly Address Big News for Computer Science Education in Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK – In the six years since I signed the Computer Science Initiative legislation, the success of it has far exceeded my expectations, and today I’d like to talk about a new report that offers some bold recommendations for the future of computer science education in Arkansas.

The report is the work of the Arkansas Computer Science and Cybersecurity Task Force, which I established in December 2019. The team, which included representatives from education, business, industry, and technology, and philanthropic organizations, formally submitted its report to me this week, which I released at a news conference on Thursday.

In 2015, the first bill I signed as governor required every public school in the state to offer at least one computer-science course. Arkansas was the first state to do that.

National publications and technology organizations such as Wired magazine and have noted our success. The executive director of Computer Science Teachers Association told Education Week that no other state “has done more than Arkansas. They have a really strong, multifaceted plan that is well thought out. … The state is far better off than anyone else.”

But we can’t rest on our success. In the spirit of our past initiatives, the task force recommends two dramatic changes. The first is that Arkansas require students to have at least one computer-science credit to graduate. The second is that every school in Arkansas employ at least one certified computer science teacher. I am fully committed to these recommendations.

I also shared news about other initiatives that will give even more students access to high-speed internet. As part of its Project 10Million, T-Mobile is donating 18,000 internet access devices to Arkansas students. The company also is donating 100 gigabytes of data also at no cost to eligible households. Combined with the 20,000 devices the state is providing through CARES Act funding, more than 38,000 will be distributed around the state.

I also announced that we will increase high-speed broadband capacity to K-12 school districts, charter schools, and education cooperatives from the current 200 kilobits per second per user to at least 1 megabit per second. That is five times faster than current speeds. Arkansas will be one of the first states in the nation to meet the new standard of 1 megabit per second per user. The upgrade to the network should be completed by July 1 of next year.

This has been an important week for Computer Science Education in Arkansas. We have developed a national reputation for our computer science initiatives, which is nice. But our motivation and the payoff is the high-quality opportunities we are creating for our young people.

VIDEO: Daniel Martinez Visits with Ed88 About Statewide Community Survey

Daniel Martinez visited our De Queen studio this week to talk about a statewide community policing survey that every citizen in Arkansas is encouraged to take part in. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and can be found at:

Tell Us Your Views on Community Policing

1. This survey is designed to measure your views of community policing in YOUR community. Your participation will help improve the Governor's Task Force to Advance the State of Law Enforcement in Arkansas's understanding of the community needs and attitudes toward Law Enforcement. 2.

Friday COVID-19 Arkansas Health Department Update

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,208
Confirmed Cases: 1,193
Probable Cases: 15
Total Active Cases: 9
Active Confirmed Cases: 7
Active Probable Cases: 2

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 493
Confirmed Cases: 468
Probable Cases: 25
Total Active Cases: 22
Active Confirmed Cases: 12
Active Probable Cases: 10

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 366
Confirmed Cases: 347
Probable Cases: 19
Total Active Cases: 13
Active Confirmed Cases: 12
Active Probable Cases: 1

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 272
Confirmed Cases: 270
Probable Cases: 2
Total Active Cases: 16
Active Confirmed Cases: 15
Active Probable Cases: 1

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 234
Confirmed Cases: 231
Probable Cases: 3
Total Active Cases: 12
Active Confirmed Cases: 11
Active Probable Cases: 1

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LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response.

In its Friday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 958 new cases; 7,330 active cases; 475 hospitalized, which is down 10 from Thursday; 89 on ventilators, which is down 3 from Thursday; deaths added today, 7, for a total of 1,391; a total of 85,779 cases; 74,473 recoveries; PCR tests, 12,316; antigen tests, 757.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Craighead, 46; Pulaski, 39; Faulkner, 34; Sebastian, 33; and Pope, 27.

Governor Hutchinson released the following statement on today’s COVID-19 numbers:

“We’ve received our first shipment of over 59,000 of the Abbott BinaxNOW rapid tests from the federal government. Today was another record breaking day of testing. This is welcome news as we continue to increase our testing efforts. This weekend, let’s all do our part to protect ourselves and others.”

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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Thursday's COVID-19 Updated Numbers and Maps

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,207
Total Active Cases: 8
Total Recovered Cases: 1,181
Total Deaths: 18

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 485
Total Active Cases: 17
Total Recovered Cases: 456
Total Deaths: 12

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 362
Total Active Cases: 11
Total Recovered Cases: 325
Total Deaths: 26

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 268
Total Active Cases: 15
Total Recovered Cases: 249
Total Deaths: 4

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 234
Total Active Cases: 14
Total Recovered Cases: 217
Total Deaths: 3

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response.

In its Thursday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 1,124 new cases; 7,244 active cases; 485 hospitalized, which is down 5 from Wednesday; 92 on ventilators, which is down 1 from Wednesday; deaths added today, 15, for a total of 1,384; a total of 84,821 cases; 73,734 recoveries; PCR tests, 11,244; antigen tests, 1,154.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Pulaski, 79; Washington, 77; Benton, 55; Craighead, 40; and Sebastian, 37.

Governor Hutchinson released the following statement on today’s COVID-19 numbers:

“I never like the increase in cases, but I am encouraged by fewer hospitalized, the increased testing and the decline of active cases in K-12 and colleges. There were over 12,000 PCR and antigen tests yesterday, which is a record for our daily reporting. This high testing volume is vital to our efforts to slow the spread of this virus. Remember, we all have to be disciplined and serious about COVID-19.”

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight at UA Cossatot

Lizz Garza

In Observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Center for Student Success would like to recognize some of our UA Cossatot Hispanic employees that are making an impact on our students throughout the month of September -October!

In Observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Center for Student Success would like to recognize some of our UA Cossatot Hispanic employees that are making an impact on our students throughout the month of September -October!

Lizz Nayeli Garza has been an employee of the college since 2015 as a work study, part time in 2016 and became full time in 2018 working in Student Services as an Admissions Advisor and Recruiter.  Her family originates from Tamaulipas Mexico. Lizz graduated in 2019 with her bachelor’s degree in University Studies and is working towards her Masters in College Counseling and Student Affairs with SAU.  Her ultimate goal is to one day become a Licensed Professional Councilor (LPC) and work in a community college setting.   Besides her working in student services at UA Cossatot she also donates her time as one of two student ambassador sponsors.  Lizz states “to be Hispanic, for me, means to be proud of all my ancestors and acknowledge the sacrifices they made for me to be all that I am today. It means working for a better tomorrow for future generations for the yesterday that my ancestors created.” We are proud to have Lizz Garza in our campus community!

Wednesday COVID-19 Update from the AR Department of Health

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,206
Total Active Cases: 7
Total Recovered Cases: 1,181
Total Deaths: 18

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 482
Total Active Cases: 17
Total Recovered Cases: 453

Total Deaths: 12

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 359
Total Active Cases: 9
Total Recovered Cases: 325
Total Deaths: 25

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 268
Total Active Cases: 15
Total Recovered Cases: 249
Total Deaths: 4

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 231
Total Active Cases: 12
Total Recovered Cases: 216
Total Deaths: 3

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LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response.

In its Wednesday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 942 new cases; 7,009 active cases; 490 hospitalized, which is unchanged from Tuesday; 93 on ventilators, which is down 4 from Tuesday; deaths added today, 19, for a total of 1,369; a total of 83,697 cases; 73,007 recoveries; PCR tests, 8,184; antigen tests, 1,405.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Pulaski, 51; Washington, 43; Craighead, 39; Benton, 28; and Faulkner, 26.

Governor Hutchinson released the following statement on today’s COVID-19 numbers:

“Today’s numbers show a continued decline in our 7-day positivity rate with consistently high testing numbers each day. We have administered over 1 million COVID-19 tests since March and we have the infrastructure and supplies to increase our capacity as needed.” 

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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New State Record for Arkansas, Gator Just Shy of 14 Feet Long

The New State Record for Arkansas! Measuring in at 13’ 11.5” and weighing 800lbs. I’ve got to give a shoutout to everyone that played a huge part in me being able to harvest such a Giant! God for blessing me with the opportunity, my wife for being so supportive of me being gone these last 2 weekends, and all my family and friends for the help along the way! I can’t stop smiling!!!

Travis Bearden said he, his father, brother, and best friend harvested the 800-pound gator at Lake Merrisach, just south of Gillett around 11 p.m.

UA Cossatot Holds Induction Ceremony for Student Ambassadors

Photo -  (from left to right) First row: Belen Hernandez, America Rojas, Vanessa Hernandez, Marisol Gonzalez, Jhamilex Hernandez, Gisselle Gomez, Kailynne Chaney, Mackynze Dollarhide, Briza Perez, Kasey Barton, and Alliyah Lovell.  Second …

Photo - (from left to right) First row: Belen Hernandez, America Rojas, Vanessa Hernandez, Marisol Gonzalez, Jhamilex Hernandez, Gisselle Gomez, Kailynne Chaney, Mackynze Dollarhide, Briza Perez, Kasey Barton, and Alliyah Lovell. Second row: Dr. Steve Cole, Jonathan Hagler, Maya Fant, Dillon Cheater, Kendra Rodriguez, Diana Hernandez, David Serrano, and Kara Earnest.

Tuesday COVID-19 Numbers and Maps

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,203
Total Active Cases: 8
Total Recovered Cases: 1,177
Total Deaths: 18

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 472
Total Active Cases: 11
Total Recovered Cases: 449
Total Deaths: 12

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 358
Total Active Cases: 12
Total Recovered Cases: 321
Total Deaths: 25

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 266
Total Active Cases: 13
Total Recovered Cases: 249
Total Deaths: 4

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 230
Total Active Cases: 12
Total Recovered Cases: 215
Total Deaths: 3

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Monday COVID-19 Update from the AR Dept of Health

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,203
Total Active Cases: 8
Total Recovered Cases: 1,177
Total Deaths: 18

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 471
Total Active Cases: 14
Total Recovered Cases: 447
Total Deaths: 10

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 358
Total Active Cases: 14
Total Recovered Cases: 319
Total Deaths: 25

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 261
Total Active Cases: 9
Total Recovered Cases: 248
Total Deaths: 4

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 358
Total Active Cases: 14
Total Recovered Cases: 319
Total Deaths: 25

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response.

In its Monday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 807 new cases; 7,142 active cases; 496 hospitalized, which is up 35 from Sunday; 99 on ventilators, which is up 13 from Sunday; deaths added today, 21, for a total of 1,329; a total of 82,049 cases; 71,509 recoveries; PCR tests, 7,056; antigen tests, 9.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Pulaski, 74; Sebastian, 37; Craighead, 29; Garland, 26; and Faulkner, 25.

Governor Hutchinson released the following statement on today’s COVID-19 numbers:

“There are 807 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases in Arkansas. It’s critical that we all continue following the guidance of our public health officials to slow the spread of this virus. I will have updates on our testing efforts and the White House Task Force report at tomorrow’s weekly briefing.”

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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Weekly Update from State Representative DeAnn Vaught

Unfortunately each Election Day, many would-be first-time voters in Arkansas do not have their votes counted because they are not actually registered to vote. The deadline to register to vote in the November election is October 5. The postmark on a mail-in application will be considered the submission date.

Many believed they had registered months before, but failed to follow up when they did not receive a voter ID card from their county clerk. The process of voter registration is convenient, but it also places responsibility on the registrant to ensure the process is completed.

Submitting your voter application at a state agency, in a voter registration drive or through the U.S. Postal Service does NOT guarantee your registration. You should follow up on the status of your registration just as you would on any other personal business matter. Before considering yourself a registered voter, you must receive an acknowledgment of your registration from the county clerk.

To register, you must fill out a paper Voter Registration Application. You can find one at the following locations:

Your local county clerk.

The Arkansas Secretary of State Elections Division .

Arkansas Secretary of State

Copyright © 2017 Arkansas Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved.

Local revenue or DMV office.

Public library.

Disability agency.

Military recruitment office.

If you are registering to vote by mail, you must provide either your driver’s license number or the last four digits of your Social Security number on your Arkansas Voter Registration Application, or check the box in #9 on the application to indicate that you do not possess either a driver’s license or Social Security number.

If you have moved from one county to another within Arkansas, you must update this information with the county clerk no later than 4 days

prior to Election Day via a Voter Registration Application.

Feel free to call your county clerk and inquire about the status of your application. You may also check your voter registration status online by visiting

Amidst the global pandemic, election officials are hard at work to provide safe and secure voting opportunities for Arkansans.

Voting in person on Election Day, early voting, or absentee voting are options available to voters. Early voting begins October 19.

Friday COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,199
Total Active Cases: 10
Total Recovered Cases: 1,173
Total Deaths: 16

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 465
Total Active Cases: 16
Total Recovered Cases: 440
Total Deaths: 9

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 353
Total Active Cases: 11
Total Recovered Cases: 317
Total Deaths: 25

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 257
Total Active Cases: 7
Total Recovered Cases: 246
Total Deaths: 4

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 225
Total Active Cases: 8
Total Recovered Cases: 214
Total Deaths: 3

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LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response. 

In its Friday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 897 new cases; 7,249 active cases; 484 hospitalized, which is up 27 from Thursday; 95 on ventilators, which is down 2 from Thursday; deaths added today, 20, for a total of 1,266; a total of 79,946 cases; 69,521 recoveries; PCR tests, 9,908; antigen tests, 1,810.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Pulaski, 63; Washington, 47; Craighead, 43; Sebastian, 43; and Crawford, 42.

Governor Hutchinson released the following statement on today’s COVID-19 numbers:

“Today we exceeded our September testing goal with over 200,000 tests performed this month. We will continue working to increase testing capacity across the state to help us identify COVID-19 cases and slow the spread of this virus. While our cases are down from yesterday, we cannot let our guard down. Let’s all do the right thing this weekend for the benefit of our family and friends.”

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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Thursday COVID-19 Update from AR Dept of Health

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,196
Confirmed Cases: 1,187
Total Active Cases: 8
Active Confirmed Cases: 7

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 463
Confirmed Cases: 453
Total Active Cases: 15
Active Confirmed Cases: 11

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 352
Confirmed Cases: 337
Probable Cases: 15
Total Active Cases: 13
Active Confirmed Cases: 13
Active Probable Cases: 0

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 253
Confirmed Cases: 252
Total Active Cases: 3
Active Confirmed Cases: 3

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 223
Confirmed Cases: 221
Total Active Cases: 7
Active Confirmed Cases: 7

Governor Hutchinson Provides Today’s COVID-19 Update

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson provided today's update on Arkansas's COVID-19 response. 

In its Thursday update, the Arkansas Department of Health reported 1,086 new cases; 7,061 active cases; 457 hospitalized, which is down 11 from Wednesday; 97 on ventilators, which is up 7 from Wednesday; deaths added today, 17, for a total of 1,246; a total of 79,049 cases; 68,902 recoveries; PCR tests, 8,405; antigen tests, 1,148.

The Health Department reported that the top counties for new cases are Pulaski, 91; Jefferson, 69; Washington, 63; Benton, 58; and Sebastian, 41

Here are today's COVID-19 statewide numbers:

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