Negative Wind Chill

Arctic Air to Blast Arkansas This Week

The latest guidance is showing the front moving through earlier than previous thinking and crossing the Mississippi River by mid to late afternoon.

We are still expecting a blast of bitterly cold air behind the front with dangerous wind chills by Friday morning. The arctic air will settle over the state through Christmas with only some moderation expected. The winds will slacken on Friday as the system pulls away but the cold will remain. There is currently a wind chill watch in effect for the north with wind chill advisories or warnings likely across most if not all of the state with time.

Finally there could be some snow across mainly the north and northwest with an inch or two possible but most areas will see less than that as the system will be moving very quickly, moisture is limited and the window for accumulating snow is relatively small.

Arctic Cold Front Heading to Arkansas

Dangerous cold air is coming to Arkansas this week.

Areas of light snow are expected on Thursday, especially from northern into central Arkansas. Advisory criteria accumulations are possible. There could be some travel issues as temperatures turn sharply colder.

Arctic air will be in place at the end of the week, with well below normal temperatures in the forecast. Breezy northwest winds will create wind chill index values below zero across much of the region Thursday night and Friday morning. Temperatures will fall below zero in parts of the Ozark Mountains Friday morning, with readings below freezing statewide during the day.