
Report: Arkansas’ outdoor recreation sector provides $7.3 billion economic impact

by Jeff Della Rosa (

Outdoor recreation contributes $7.3 billion to Arkansas’ GDP and supports 68,431 jobs in the state, according to a new report from Bentonville-based Heartland Forward. The numbers account for indirect and induced impacts of the sector.

On Monday (Feb. 24), Heartland Forward released the first-of-its-kind Arkansas Outdoor Recreation Impact Report at the Arkansas Outdoor Economy Summit, which is being hosted in Bentonville along with the Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism.

According to a news release, Arkansas’ outdoors contribute significantly to the state’s $9.9 billion tourism industry. Nationwide, outdoor recreation attracts millions of tourists each year, generates $1.2 trillion in economic output, and supports 5 million jobs.

“Arkansas is home to some of the country’s most stunning natural landmarks, making the state a rich place to live and creating a thriving outdoor recreation industry that is key to economic success,” said Ross DeVol, chairman and CEO of Heartland Forward. “To maintain this momentum, we need strategic investments in infrastructure, workforce development, and policy. Heartland Forward remains committed to supporting the growth of this thriving industry and expanding Arkansas’ economic leadership throughout the heartland.”

Report: Arkansas’ outdoor recreation sector provides $7.3 billion economic impact

What They are Saying: Statements of Support for Arkansas ACCESS

Jacob Oliva, Arkansas Department of Education Secretary – “Now that the early childhood and K-12 education systems have been aligned, I am excited to focus our attention toward higher education reform. For far too long, Arkansas’ higher education system has not been standardized. Through ACCESS and a heavy focus on acceleration, the system will be standardized. Not only will higher education be held accountable, but the system also will be streamlined to focus on enrollment, enlistment, and employment to ensure students have high-quality affordable options to enhance their education and training.”

Dr. Ken Warden, Commissioner of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education – “Governor Sanders’ overhaul of the higher education system is a welcomed igniter of change. From streamlining the application process and making college credits more accessible for high school students, to expanding scholarship opportunities and standardizing the course code numbering system, the legislation makes our system more user friendly and places students at the center. I look forward to working with our higher education institutions to implement the changes approved by the legislature.”

Representative Matthew Shepherd – “Arkansas students should graduate with more than just a degree—they should have the education, skills, and training necessary to thrive in the real world. I thank the Governor for her leadership with the ACCESS initiative. It will help create stronger career pathways, grow our economy, and ensure a brighter future for the next generation.”  

Senator Jonathan Dismang – “One of the things I am most excited about is the slashing of bureaucratic red tape and arbitrary roadblocks that have long hindered student achievement in our state’s higher education system. Much like the LEARNS Act, ACCESS is squarely focused on the student and prioritizes their individual success.”

Senator Breanne Davis -“ACCESS is the plan we need to take Arkansas’ higher education system to the next level. I’m confident this bill will benefit Arkansas Tech University and U of A-Community College Morrilton, as they’ve been meeting demands of the work force for years, adding value to our communities and making generational change for families. I look forward to working with the Governor on getting this bill over the finish line.”

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jay B. Silveria, President, University of Arkansas System – “We appreciate the Governor and General Assembly making a commitment to prioritize higher education in this legislative session, highlighting the key role our institutions play in the educational and economic advancement of our state and its citizens. We understand our obligation to provide the state with a strong return on its investment in our programs. Governor Sanders and her team have approached Arkansas ACCESS with a spirit of open dialogue, and we are looking forward to continuing that conversation as the bill makes its way through the legislative process.”

Dr. Charles F. Robinson, Chancellor, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville – “We greatly appreciate Governor Sanders and her team engaging us on ways to improve educational outcomes for both our state’s high school and college students. We all recognize that better-educated students make for a stronger Arkansas, and we will continue to engage with the Governor on this legislation to help achieve that outcome.”

Dr. Brendan Kelly, Arkansas State University System President – “The Governor took time to personally engage with our system leadership about her vision for higher education. The Arkansas State University System is more interested in the future of higher education than in the way we’ve always done things. We look forward to advancing the conversation about deploying and implementing initiatives that result in positive outcomes and returns on investment for Arkansas.”

Dr. Russ Jones, Arkansas Tech University President – “Arkansas Tech University looks forward to working with the Governor and other institutions of higher learning on the Arkansas ACCESS plan. I commend the Governor for her strong commitment to strengthening higher education.”

Dr. Summer DeProw, Chancellor, University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College – “Governor Sanders is showing that she and her team clearly understand student success and the importance of postsecondary education. The Arkansas ACCESS bill provides structural encouragement for students to stretch themselves through weighted high school GPAs, opportunities for alternative funding models for workforce training and concurrent courses and calls for collaboration to streamline the process for applying to college. UA-PTC looks forward to learning more about the Arkansas ACCESS bill over the next few weeks.”

Chris Heigle, President, Arkansas Northeastern College – “The Arkansas Access bill is a big step forward for students in our state. It expands options for high-achieving students, makes the process of getting into college smoother, and strengthens scholarships for veterans and first responders. One of the most important aspects of the legislation is how it elevates career and technical education, recognizing these programs as both valuable and academically rigorous. A common application will help remove unnecessary hurdles, making it easier for students to access higher education. This legislation also provides the foundation to begin adjusting the productivity formula to better reflect the real impact of workforce-focused education, ensuring institutions are measured in a way that truly captures their value. Governor Sanders’ focus on workforce-aligned education will have a lasting effect, helping students succeed and strengthening Arkansas’ economy. This bill puts students and institutions in a better position to contribute to the state’s future.”

Dr. Bentley Wallace, Chancellor of Arkansas State University, Mountain Home – “We value the Governor’s focus on and interest in advancing effective higher education with meaningful results. Ultimately, we all have a common interest in doing what’s best for educating and training students who will contribute to the growing Arkansas economy.” 

Dr. Jennifer Methvin, Chancellor of Arkansas State University-Beebe – “We share the Governor’s focus on accessibility to higher education at every level. We look forward to seeing the proposed legislation to understand how the ideas develop into programs and solutions.”

Patricia Levesque, Executive Director of ExcelinEd in Action – “Following the passage of the LEARNS Act in 2023, leaders in Arkansas continue to make education a top priority. The Arkansas ACCESS Act is another seminal piece of legislation designed to transform the K-12 and higher education systems to better serve students as they look to enter the workforce. By raising expectations, creating accelerated pathways to college and career, expanding access to higher education and industry-valued credentials, and aligning the K-12 and higher education systems to better serve students, Arkansas is poised to reap the benefits for generations to come.”

UA report: Arkansas waterways support more than 40,000 jobs

by Michael Tilley (

The five navigable waterways in or connected to Arkansas are responsible for more than 40,000 jobs in the state and generate an estimated $5.5 billion in revenue for the state economy, according to a new report pushed by the Arkansas Waterways Commission.

The “Regional Economic Impact Study of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS),” was published for the commission in June 2024 by Heather Nachtmann with the Marine Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) at the University of Arkansas.

Arkansas’ five navigable waterways are the portion of the Mississippi River that is the state’s eastern border, the Arkansas River, and the Ouachita, Red, and White Rivers, according to the commission. Of those, the Arkansas River provides a bulk of the economic impact to the state.

UA report: Arkansas waterways support more than 40,000 jobs

State of the State 2024: Manufacturing sector faces uncertainty, continued labor challenges in 2024

by Michael Tilley (

Editor’s note: The State of the State series provides reports twice a year on Arkansas’ key economic sectors. The series publishes stories to begin a year and stories in July/August to provide a broad mid-year update on the state’s economy. Link here for the State of the State page and previous stories.

Arkansas’ manufacturing sector ended 2023 with an estimated 163,000 jobs, slightly lower than the 164,000 in December 2022. But the sector saw jobs grow to 165,300 jobs in June, the highest since 166,100 in April 2009.

Manufacturing, once the state’s largest jobs sector, posted record employment of 247,600 in February 1995. The sector fell to a historic low of 150,000 in April 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged.

U.S. manufacturing jobs totaled 12.979 million jobs in January 2024, up 0.3% compared with 12.942 million in January 2023. The U.S. manufacturing sector reached a record of 19.406 million jobs in August 1979.

State of the State 2024: Manufacturing sector faces uncertainty, continued labor challenges in 2024

Arkansas unemployed numbers up in August, jobless rate ticks higher to 2.7%

by Michael Tilley (

An increase in the number of jobless between July and August was partially responsible for Arkansas’ jobless rate rising from 2.6% in July to 2.7% in August. But the rate was lower than the 3.4% in August 2022, with a 2.13% year-over-year gain in new jobs.

The number of employed in Arkansas during August was an estimated 1,352,265, up 28,229 jobs, or 2.13%, compared with August 2022, and just above 1,351,370 in July, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report posted Tuesday (Sept. 19). The August numbers are preliminary and subject to revision.

Arkansas’ labor force, the number of people eligible to work, in August was 1,389,550, up 1.4% from 1,370,846 in August 2022 and above 1,386,944 in July.

Texas-to-Arkansas summer externship to bolster ag research, food science jobs

By Brittaney Mann
U of A System Division of Agriculture

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Entomologist Rupesh Kariyat developed a summer externship program with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley to empower Hispanic student researchers of agriculture and food science.

AG FOOD LIFE — Rupesh Kariyat, associate professor of crop entomology for the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, will lead an externship program with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Fred Miller)

The project aims to provide students the training necessary to work in agriculture. Kariyat, associate professor of crop entomology for the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, received a $481,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates program to fund the summer externship for three years.

The Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station is the research arm of the Division of Agriculture. Kariyat also works with the Cooperative Extension Service and teaches courses through the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences.

Kariyat said he was inspired to develop this program for two primary reasons: alleviating the shortage of skilled people in agriculture and food sciences jobs and addressing the underrepresentation of Hispanic people in those fields.

“I am looking forward to seeing that the students have a great experience — the best experience so far in their career,” Kariyat said.

Six to eight undergraduate students who are two years into a biology, chemistry or environmental science program will attend the University of Arkansas summer session in Fayetteville. The program will pay for travel and any tuition costs, and students will receive a $4,000 stipend for their work. The grant also provides funds for collaborating faculty members to receive a small stipend and purchase supplies.

Kariyat is collaborating with Bradley Christoffersen, assistant professor in the department of biology at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Christoffersen will receive $30,000 of the grant as a stipend for his work to help with recruitment and to fund an orientation for the students before they leave Texas.

Kariyat originally designed the grant program while at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. When he joined the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station in 2022, he adapted the grant to Arkansas while maintaining the parts he thought were most important.

“I thought it would be a good idea to keep the core idea of the grant impact, which is to empower Hispanic students,” Kariyat said. 

An undergraduate research opportunity

Students will work Monday through Friday, from May 22 to July 28, to complete a short-term research project in the lab of their choosing with collaborating faculty members.

Kariyat said he hopes the research and data that students generate will lead to a research poster or even be part of a research manuscript. “That would be helpful for the students, so some science comes out of it, interpersonal relationships, exposure for the students and myself. All these things.”

Kariyat said he also hopes that the students will consider the university for graduate school after spending a summer at the University of Arkansas.

Arkansas faculty collaborators for the year 2023 include:

  • Emily McDermott, assistant professor of entomology and plant pathology

  • Asia Kud, assistant professor of entomology and plant pathology

  • Neel Joshi, associate professor of entomology and plant pathology

  • Adnan Alrubaye, assistant professor of poultry science and biological sciences

  • Rupesh Kariyat, associate professor of entomology and plant pathology

  • Alejandro Rojas, assistant professor of entomology and plant pathology

Kariyat said he thinks this undergraduate opportunity may parallel his experience joining the Division of Agriculture.

“I was amazed by the Division of Agriculture and all these resources that we have,” Kariyat said reflecting on when he attended a faculty orientation program, the “Teaching, Research and Extension Awareness Training” program under the leadership of Nathan McKinney, associate vice president for agriculture and assistant director of the experiment station.

“I am also looking forward to meeting with all these different faculty and different programs on campus,” Kariyat said. “I hope that this will lead into more interactions for me and others together, and then maybe it will lead into writing more grants like this.”

To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit

Economists: U.S., Arkansas economies not likely to see recession in 2023

by Kim Souza (

According to three economists who spoke Friday (Jan. 27) at the 29th annual Arkansas Business Forecast Luncheon held in Rogers, Arkansas and the U.S. will likely avoid economic recession primarily because of continued job and wage growth.

Around 1,000 people attended the event, according to officials with the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.

Simmons Foods CEO Todd Simmons was the moderator for the event and said three areas of concern from his perspective included the need for affordable housing in Northwest Arkansas to ensure people continue to move here. He also said the region’s population growth over the past decade has taxed transportation infrastructure, and keeping up with the higher demand is crucial to ongoing growth. Lastly, he said workforce development is imperative for the region’s future growth.

State Chamber chief estimates two job openings for every unemployed person in Arkansas

by Roby Brock (

Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Randy Zook has been working to resolve the state’s labor dilemma with all the tools he can muster. With baby boomers retiring and a smaller number of new generation workers moving into the workforce, Arkansas and the nation are facing a daunting challenge to keep employers staffed.

“There are two open jobs right now for every one person who is officially unemployed. So you’ve got that gap, that two-to-one difference there that creates a lot of this gap,” Zook said on this week’s Talk Business & Politics.

While unemployment is at a historic low of 3.2% in Arkansas and while workers continue to come back into the labor market, there is still a demographic gap that can’t keep up. Arkansas’ labor force participation rate is about five percentage points below the national average, Zook said.

Amazon selects UA Little Rock, UA Pulaski Tech for workforce program

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College were selected as education partners for Amazon’s Career Choice program, which provides Amazon’s hourly employees in central Arkansas with access to more than 180 accredited degree programs.

UA Little Rock and UA Pulaski Tech are the first higher education institutions in Arkansas to be named Career Choice Partners by Amazon.

July Job Numbers Dip Compared with June, but Jobless Rate Falls to 4.3%

by Talk Business & Politics staff

Jobs in Arkansas during July were up 3.8% compared with July 2020, the number of unemployed fell 38% year over year, and the state’s jobless rate fell from 4.4% in June to 4.3% in July, according to Friday’s (Aug. 20) report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The number of employed in Arkansas during July was an estimated 1,296,670, up 47,475 jobs compared with July 2020, but just below the 1,298,261 in June. The July numbers are preliminary and subject to revision.

The state’s labor force – the number of people eligible to work – was 1,355,630 in July, up compared with the 1,344,406 in July 2020, and below the 1,358,172 in June. Arkansans without jobs in July totaled 58,960, down from 59,911 in June, and down 38% from the 95,211 in July 2020.

Number of Working Women Drops to Levels Not Seen Since 1988

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was detected in the U.S., the share of women in the workforce has fallen to levels not seen since 1988. Data shows women not only lost the most jobs since the start of the outbreak, but they are also exhausted from performing most of the childcare and household responsibilities, so some are choosing to leave their jobs.

Number of Working Women Drops to Levels Not Seen Since 1988

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was detected in the U.S., the share of women in the workforce has fallen to levels not seen since 1988. Data shows women not only lost the most jobs since the start of the outbreak, but they are also exhausted from performing most of the childcare and household responsibilities, so some are choosing to leave their jobs.