Sevier News

VIDEO: Governor Hutchinson Provides COVID-19 Update Monday (07.20.20) 130PM

Governor Asa Hutchinson provides an update to media on Monday, July 20, 2020, live at 1:30 p.m. regarding Arkansas's COVID-19 response. (Click on Play Button Above)

UA Cossatot Board of Visitors Elect Officers to Serve at July Meeting

On Monday, July 13, 2020, the UA Cossatot Board of Visitors met for their July summer meeting to discuss the upcoming academic year. The board also elected three members to serve as officers for the next fiscal year.

At the meeting, it was decided that Kathy Beavert would serve as Chair of the Board of Visitors. Robert Martinez was elected to serve as Vice-Chair, and Tim Pinkerton accepted the position of Secretary.

Kathy Beavert is a resident of Murfreesboro, and Robert Martinez lives in De Queen. In 2000, both Beavert and Martinez became members of the college’s Board of Trustees. In 2001, they became members of UA Cossatot’s Board of Visitors. Nashville resident, Tim Pinkerton became an official Board of Visitors member in 2018.

The college’s Board of Visitors consists of nine total members. Other members of UA Cossatot’s Board of Visitors include Tyler Davis of Ashdown, Jay Dooley of De Queen, Jimmy Tumey of Ashdown, Barbara Horn of Foreman, Dr. Glen Lance of Nashville, and Angie Walker of De Queen.

The next Board of Visitors meeting is scheduled to take place in September 2020

Weekly Update from State Representative DeAnn Vaught

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Arkansans who may have concerns about going to the polls this November while the health crisis continues can make plans now to ensure their vote counts.

Arkansas law allows voters to request absentee ballots if they will be "unavoidably absent" on Election Day or if they have illnesses or physical disabilities. Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston has interpreted this law to allow the ability to vote with an absentee ballot due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an interpretation that Governor Hutchinson and both the Republican and Democratic party leaders are in agreement.

Thurston said voters could now begin requesting absentee ballots from the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office or their local county clerk. To receive an absentee ballot, you must be a registered voter. The voter registration deadline is October 5.

The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot by mail is October 27, though a voter can pick up an absentee ballot in person until November 2, the day before the election.

All absentee ballots must be returned by 7 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, to be counted, Thurston said. Note: On your application, you may designate how you wish to receive your ballot: by picking it up in person, by mail, or bearer.

The absentee voting requirements are different from the universal vote-by-mail system in place in some states, which send a ballot by mail to every registered voter. In Arkansas, a voter must request an absentee ballot. Absentee voters are also required to submit a copy of their photo ID with their ballot.

For more information on how to download an absentee ballot application and how to contact your county clerk, visit our website at

Sunday's COVID-19 Updated Numbers and Maps

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
  Total Positive: 846
  Active Positive: 61
  Recovered: 776
  Deaths: 9
  Negatives: 3,849

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
  Total Positive: 167
  Active Positive: 38
  Recovered: 128
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 1,791

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
  Total Positive: 60
  Active Positive: 13
  Recovered: 46
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 945

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
  Total Positive: 101
  Active Positive: 16
  Recovered: 85
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 1,759

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
  Total Positive: 30
  Active Positive: 13
  Recovered: 17
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 2,154

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Saturday's COVID-19 Maps and Numbers from the Arkansas Department of Health

The Arkansas Department of Health has released the latest COVID-19 numbers for the state and area counties in southwest Arkansas.

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COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
  Total Positive: 842
  Active Positive: 61
  Recovered: 772
  Deaths: 9
  Negatives: 3,826

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
  Total Positive: 161
  Active Positive: 39
  Recovered: 121
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 1,770

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
  Total Positive: 58
  Active Positive: 12
  Recovered: 45
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 943

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
  Total Positive: 98
  Active Positive: 14
  Recovered: 84
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 1,752

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
  Total Positive: 27
  Active Positive: 12
  Recovered: 15
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 2,130

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SLIDESHOW: Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Issues Statewide Mask Mandate To Begin Monday

(Click on Photos Above for a 5 page Slideshow of Statewide Mask Mandate)

Arkansans will be required to wear face masks beginning Monday to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The mandate was issued by Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Thursday. The face masks mandate will expire once the state of emergency concerning the pandemic ends. Currently that public health emergency is set to expire in just over two weeks, though it could be extended again.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Issues Statewide Mask Mandate

Arkansans across the state will soon be required to wear face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 due to a mandate issued by the governor on Thursday. This comes as the state experienced its third highest daily increase in new coronavirus cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

UA Cossatot Begins Phase 3 for Summer Reopening on July 20

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UA Cossatot will begin Phase 3 of its summer reopening plan on Monday, July 20. Phase 3 means that UA Cossatot will be getting closer to a normal workday for employees and students. Phase 3 has all 12-month employees coming back to campus after many were working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. All campuses will be open to students as well, providing in-person assistance for fall 2020 registration.

Things will be much different though, according to UA Cossatot Chancellor, Dr. Steve Cole “While we certainly don’t have a playbook for COVID-19, we know we have to try to get back to as close to normal as we can, and for us, that is getting everyone back on campus and serving students. Our staff has developed a comprehensive plan to reopen safely, meaning we will be following all CDC safety guidelines, including proper social distancing and the mandatory wearing of face masks. We understand this is hard for some, but we feel this is the best defense we have in keeping students and employees safe.”

UA Cossatot will use Phase 3 to prepare for the fall 2020 semester, which is slated to start on August 17. Vice Chancellor of Academics, Ashley Aylett says that UA Cossatot will have face-to-face classes, but they may not be the traditional classes some are used to, “Our faculty have taken the time to design face-to-face courses that provide for easy social distancing and limit the time students spend in the classroom. We feel we are prepared to bring students into a safe environment, but have everything in place to move completely online if our local health conditions deteriorate to the point where we have to shutter our college”.

UA Cossatot will have special entrances, and signs will be posted on all campuses reminding students and visitors that you must have a face mask on to be in campus buildings, and you must stay six feet away from others at all times.


Graduation Date Change For De Queen High School

Due to work conflicts with many family members of the Class of 2020, the De Queen High School graduation ceremony has been moved from Friday, July 31st to Saturday, August 1st. We will still have 3 ceremonies during the day in the arena. We will have a ceremony at 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM. The high school will be in contact with parents and students shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that the change in schedule will help resolve those conflicts.


Student Enrollment Options for Horatio Schools in the Fall of the 20-21 School Year

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Families will have two choices for student enrollment in the fall of the 20-21 school year. Please carefully consider the information below in making your decision. For parents that are considering the virtual option, an appointment must be made with the building principal by August 3.

Summer Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00-4:00
Gayla Youngblood, High School Principal 870-832-1900
Curtis Black, Elementary School Principal 870-832-1930


Governor Hutchinson Appoints Martinez to the Arkansas Law Enforcement Task Force

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Daniel Martínez of UA Cossatot and resident of Lockesburg, Arkansas was recently appointed to the Arkansas Law Enforcement Task Force by Governor Asa Hutchinson on June 11, 2020. Daniel has been selected to represent Southwest Arkansas. He will work with other task force members throughout the state to make recommendations and suggestions to the Governor to enhance trust between law enforcement and communities.
Governor Hutchinson created this task force and selected its members to study and analyze the best practices and procedures for recruiting, training, and maintaining law enforcement officers in the state. The task force members include individuals in law enforcement, community members, and activists.
Martinez plays an active role in his community. He serves on many boards and civic organizations while also volunteering to help make a difference.
After graduating from Lockesburg High School in 2008, Daniel enrolled in college at UA Cossatot. In 2010 he graduated from UA Cossatot with an Associate of Arts degree. In 2013, he became an Administrative Officer for Tres Agaves, and in 2017 he was hired at UA Cossatot for the position of Marketing Coordinator.
Daniel has served on a three-year term as a member of the Board of Directors for the Sevier County De Queen Chamber of Commerce, serving his final year as President in 2019. He is currently in an advisory position to the board as a past president.
Martinez is a member of the De Queen Lion’s Club, and for the past two years, has been a part of the Sevier County Edge (Economic Development for Growth and Excellence) Council. He has also assisted the Sevier County Tourism Committee in the development and creation of the Sevier County tourism logo.
When asked about his new position, Daniel said, “I look forward to representing my community in Southwest Arkansas. I look forward to working with other task force members to help Arkansas Law Enforcement and its communities move forward. I also want to encourage anyone that would like to share concerns or ideas to please contact me via e-mail at”
Daniel will work with the Arkansas Law Enforcement Task Force for the remainder of the year to address the pressing issues and concerns that have been discussed across Arkansas and the United States. The task force will make its final recommendations to Governor Hutchinson by December 31, 2020.


Thursday COVID-19 Numbers and Maps

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COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
  Total Positive: 822
  Active Positive: 62
  Recovered: 751
  Deaths: 9
  Negatives: 3,769

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
  Total Positive: 157
  Active Positive: 38
  Recovered: 118
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 1,733

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
  Total Positive: 54
  Active Positive: 13
  Recovered: 41
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 930

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
  Total Positive: 94
  Active Positive: 14
  Recovered: 80
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 1,714

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
  Total Positive: 23
  Active Positive: 12
  Recovered: 11
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 2,059

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Heat Advisory Again for Southwest Arkansas Thursday


* WHAT...Afternoon maximum heat index values will range between
  105-110 degrees.

* WHERE...Southeast Oklahoma, Southwest Arkansas, Northern
  Louisiana, and portions of Northeast and Deep East Texas.

* WHEN...Through 7 PM CDT this evening.

* IMPACTS...Heat and humidity will significantly increase the
  potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those
  working or participating in outdoor activities.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.
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Walmart Requiring Shoppers To Wear Masks Beginning Monday

Walmart says shoppers must wear masks inside its stores starting Monday — the largest retailer to join a growing list of companies making face covering mandatory across the nation.

Walmart and Sam's Club — as well as Kroger — are joining Costco, Starbucks, Best Buy, Panera Bread and others in implementing a nationwide requirement for customers to wear masks inside their stores.

Walmart Will Require Shoppers To Wear Masks; Other Retailers Urged To Follow

Walmart says shoppers must wear masks inside its stores starting Monday - the largest retailer to join a growing list of companies making face covering mandatory across the nation. Walmart and Sam's Club - as well as Kroger - are joining Costco, Starbucks, Best Buy, Panera Bread and others in implementing a nationwide requirement for customers to wear masks inside their stores.

Arkansas County Clerks Begin Issuing Absentee Ballot Applications

Registered voters seeking to avoid crowded voting centers this upcoming General Election during the COVID-19 pandemic can vote absentee, according to a recent directive from Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston. Applications are required and now available online and via mail by request.

Arkansas County Clerks Begin Issuing Absentee Ballot Applications

Registered voters seeking to avoid crowded voting centers this upcoming General Election during the COVID-19 pandemic can vote absentee, according to a recent directive from Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston. Applications are required and now available online and via mail by request.

De Queen School Board Met Monday, July 13th

The De Queen School District School Board met in regular session Monday, July 13th, 2020 in the high school cafeteria. During the Superintendent’s report, the board listened to Superintendent Jason Sanders and High School Principal Bryan Blackwood as they explained the proposed procedures and logistics for the Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony scheduled to be held on Friday, July 31st. Mr. Sanders also described to the board how the district is preparing for the 2020-2021 school year under the "Ready for Learning" guidance from the Arkansas Department of Education. Details of the two topics discussed are below:

Class of 2020 Graduation

The board approved the district to go forward with the proposed plans to hold graduation for the Class of 2020 on Friday, July 31st at Leopard Coliseum. In order to provide a safe environment and to be in line with CDC/ADH guidelines, the graduation ceremony will be divided into three separate sessions. Mr. Blackwood explained that this would allow for enough space for the graduates to be socially distanced on the arena floor. Students will be allowed tickets for up to ten family members which will allow enough room for social distancing in the seating area. The sessions will be separated by enough time to allow the arena to be disinfected, sanitizer stations will be available, and masks will be required for everyone except for children under the age of ten.
Mr. Blackwood and his staff are currently reaching out to members of the Class of 2020 to confirm if they are attending in order to establish an accurate count. Once, the count is established, more information will be released on the times of each session and which session each student will attend.
The high school is also working on providing a live video stream of the event. The graduation plans will be presented this week for state approval. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to call the high school office at 870-642-2426.

Return to School/Ready for Learning Planning:

Mr. Sanders explained to the board that the administration has been busy studying the “Ready for Learning” guidelines and is currently creating plans to follow those guidelines. He explained this district has the challenge of finding a delicate balance of providing a safe environment while providing an effective education to the extent possible.
The “Ready for Learning” guidelines require districts to implement blended learning systems that deliver curriculum, instruction, and assessment both on and off-site through virtual methods. The district recently released a survey to district parents that asked questions regarding internet/cell phone service in their areas and their feelings toward the return to school this fall. More than 600 responded to the survey and the district is currently making plans to address some of the challenges and concerns discovered from the survey.
Mr. Sanders also explained to the board that teachers are the ones closest to the challenges that will come with the return to school and that the district is currently taking steps to hear their concerns and input. Teachers and staff are encouraged to contact their building principal with any questions or concerns they may have as soon as possible. Principals and the administration will meet with teacher representatives on Wednesday, July 13th to hear those concerns and go through a detailed building by building plan for the return to school and ensure that all buildings follow CDC/ADH guidelines to the fullest extent possible.

Wednesday's Arkansas COVID-19 Update from the AR Department of Health


COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
  Total Positive: 819
  Active Positive: 75
  Recovered: 735
  Deaths: 9
  Negatives: 3,757

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
  Total Positive: 154
  Active Positive: 38
  Recovered: 115
  Deaths: 1
  Negatives: 1,731

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
  Total Positive: 50
  Active Positive: 9
  Recovered: 41
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 928

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
  Total Positive: 90
  Active Positive: 12
  Recovered: 78
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 1,698

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
  Total Positive: 20
  Active Positive: 10
  Recovered: 10
  Deaths: 0
  Negatives: 2,044

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Wednesday, Another Heat Advisory for SW AR from the NWS


* WHAT...Heat index values between 105 to 109 degrees.

* WHERE...Portions of Northeast Texas, Southeast Oklahoma, and
  Southwest Arkansas.

* WHEN...Through 7 PM CDT this evening.

* IMPACTS...Hot afternoon high temperatures and high humidity may
  cause heat illnesses to occur.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.
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