
Masters of water efficiency emerge after a difficult growing season in irrigation yield contest

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

JONESBORO, Ark. — There was nothing easy about the 2024 growing season. But the winners of the 2024 Arkansas Irrigation Yield Contest, also known as Most Crop Per Drop, showed how efficiency can at least make a bad situation better.

IMPRESSIVE RESULTS IN A TOUGH YEAR — Forty-seven producers from 20 counties across the Arkansas Delta region participated in the 2024 Arkansas Irrigation Yield Contest, also known as Most Crop Per Drop contest, planting 58 fields of soybean, corn or rice. Six of those 47 contenders planted multiple crops or fields. (Division of Agriculture photo.)

Now in its seventh year, the contest challenges growers to maximize crop growth while minimizing irrigation inputs, a strategy that helps conserve both natural and financial resources.

Forty-seven producers from 20 counties across the Arkansas Delta region participated in the 2024 contest, planting 58 fields of soybean, corn or rice. Six of those 47 contenders planted multiple crops or fields.

Within the rice category are three subcategories for different production methods: levee rice, furrow rice and zero-grade rice.

Chris Henry, professor and water management engineer for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said that while there are financial rewards for succeeding in the contest, the real incentives are the lessons learned.

“The contest is an opportunity for farmers to explore their individual aptitude to reduce energy, water use, labor and improve profitability,” Henry said.

With the exception of flooded rice, each participating grower used at least one irrigation management tool, such as poly-pipe with computerized hole selection, soil moisture sensors or surge irrigation. Winners in each division are determined by their water use efficiency, or WUE, and how many bushels of a given crop they can produce per inch of water.

Frank Binkley, a row crop producer in Lawrence County, won first place in the soybean division with a WUE of 3.83 bushels per inch. Binkley said the field he entered in the contest is about 38 acres, part of a 1,200-acre operation that chiefly produces rice and soybeans. 2024 was Binkley’s fourth year participating in the competition.

“My first year, I got sixth place,” Binkley said. “The next year, things just didn’t work out very well for me. Last year, I was actually even more efficient than I was this year, but so was everybody else.

“It just kind of worked out for me this year,” he said. “With all the rain and weather issues, it could’ve been anybody’s game.”

Binkley said the contest has taught him how the use of soil moisture sensors and the UA’s mobile app, the Arkansas Soil Sensor Calculator, can help curtail unnecessary irrigation and help determine whether a given field can wait for an expected rain.

“If you’ve got a thirsty field that’s just not going to make it until the end of the week, a soil moisture sensor will help you water just enough to make it through to that next rain,” he said.

Jeremy Wiedeman, a Clay County row crop farmer, has participated in every Most Crop Per Drop competition since its inception. Weideman took first place in the corn division, with 13.5 bushels per inch of irrigation — the highest water efficiency yield for corn in the contest’s history. He said out of a 4,000-acre operation, he grows about 500 acres of corn in a typical year. The field he used for this year’s contest is 40 acres.

“It was a good corn year in general,” Wiedeman said. “Learning how to use and read those soil moisture sensors really teaches you how far you can stretch your irrigation.”

Russ Parker, program associate at the Division of Agriculture’s Rice Research and Extension Center, helps administer the contest. He said the 2024 contest was notable for how growers dealt with the harvest pressure at the end of the growing season.

“We had an abundance of early planting this year,” Parker said. “We’ve never seen so many crops in the ground so early, across the board. And that’s great, but it also means everything’s ready for harvest at the same time, too. All those crops had to come off at about the same time Hurricane Helene came through.”

About a dozen sponsors contributed cash and prizes, totaling more than $128,000, to this year’s contest. Those sponsors include The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Board, the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board, RiceTec, Irrometer, Agsense, Seametrics, Trellis, CropX, Delta Plastics and FarmLogs.

2024 Crop Per Drop Contest winners include:

Frank Binkley              Lawrence County        First place, soybeans
Ty Graham                  Jackson County          Second place, soybeans
Danny Gipson             Mississippi County      Third place, soybeans

Jeremy Wiedeman     Clay County                First place, corn
Matt Ahrent                 Clay County                Second place, corn
Kelby Wright               Cross County              Third place, corn

Chad Render              Jefferson County       First place, zero grade rice
Mark Felker                 Crittenden County      Second place, zero grade rice
Rieves Wallace           Crittenden County      Third place, zero grade rice

Cody Fincher              Mississippi County      First place, row rice
Rieves Wallace           Crittenden County      Second place, row rice
Ty Graham                  Jackson County         Third place, row rice

Kelby Wright               Cross County              First place, levee rice
Jon Carroll                  Monroe County           Second place, levee rice
Blake Ahrent               Clay County                Third place, levee rice

The Division of Agriculture offers a wide selection of courses, publications and online tools to help growers maximize irrigation efficiency.

Use of product names does not imply endorsement by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu/. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

The last straw: Broken by low prices, high input costs, some farmers are looking for the exit, extension experts say

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

LITTLE ROCK — As the world prepared to celebrate the turn of a new year, extension soybean agronomist Jeremy Ross picked up his phone.  

“One farmer called me on New Year’s Eve to say he was shutting down, and it really surprised me. He had a good yield, but he just couldn’t swing it another year,” Ross said.

HIGH YIELDS, LOW PROFITS — The 2024 growing season presented many reasons to celebrate. Every major row crop in Arkansas, including corn, cotton, soybeans and rice — saw record average yields. Global market trends, however, including production from competing countries, elevated input costs and depressed commodity prices, mean most American growers will see little if any profit. (Division of Agriculture image.)

The 2024 growing season presented many reasons to celebrate. Every major row crop in Arkansas, including corn, cotton, soybeans and rice — saw record average yields.

Global market trends, however, including production from competing countries, elevated input costs and depressed commodity prices, mean most American growers will see little if any profit.

Like nearly every other crop, market prices for soybeans in 2024 failed to keep up with production costs. Per-bushel prices fell to an average of $10.80, a $1.25 decline from forecast prices earlier in the spring. Ross, who works for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said that in the squeeze between market forces, some farmers may be considering leaving the industry.

“There’s still some talk of some people not having a crop in 2025,” Ross said.

“I’ve heard from several others in the same situation,” he said. “And this isn’t just in Arkansas. Talking with my counterparts in other states, they’re hearing the same thing, in the Mid-South and the Midwest.”

Scott Stiles, extension agricultural economist for the Division of Agriculture, agreed that some producers will likely leave agriculture.

“No doubt we’ll see a few more farm auctions this winter,” Stiles said. “The ag lenders say growers have been really slow to come into their office. I think the farmers have been going to their accountant first, and waiting to see what kind of assistance may be coming from Washington.

“The American Relief Act provided some economic help,” he said. “But for soybeans, for example, the expected payment is $29.50 an acre. Cotton might get a payment of $87 per acre. For the majority of growers, these payments aren’t going to bring them to profitability.”

Stiles said the fact that many farmers don’t own the land they farm makes profitability more difficult to achieve.

“If you owned all your farmland, at today’s prices, you might be able to pencil out a profit,” Stiles said. “But the problem is that most growers are tenant farmers. They have to pay a share or some cash rent. In today’s price environment, it takes some really strong yields just to break even.”

Stiles said that, as an example, if a producer is paying a 20 percent share of his crop sales to a landlord, that grower would need to average 62 bushels an acre in soybeans or 235 bushels an acre in corn just to approach profitability.

“You’d have to be exceeding record average yields in everything,” he said.

The National Agricultural Statistics Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, published its wrap-up of the 2024 growing season earlier this month, its pages replete with record numbers.


Overall, Arkansas growers planted about 7 million acres of crops in 2024, a decline of about 158,000 acres from the previous year. Corn acreage saw the most dramatic drop in the state, from 850,000 acres planted in 2023 to 500,000 acres planted in 2024. The average yield among those acres, however, tied the state record at 187 bushels an acre. Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said the crop represented “personal bests” for many growers he spoke with.

“A lot of the growers I visited with felt like it was some of the best corn they’d grown,” Kelley said.

An average market price of $4.20 per bushel, however, marked a continued decline from 2022’s peak price of $6.54 per bushel, making the crop unprofitable for most Arkansas farmers.

“Growers are going through their budgets right now and probably looking for things they can cut out that won’t impact yield,” Kelley said.


Arkansas, the country’s No.1 rice-producing state, planted more than 1.44 million acres of the crop in 2024, all but 118,000 acres of it long-grain rice. Growers saw record average yields of 7,640 pounds per acre, producing more than 109 million hundredweight of rice. Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said that while growers managed significant yields despite harsh weather conditions, those same conditions reduced profitability in the end.

“It was the excellent production year we thought it would be,” Hardke said. “Everything pointed to being really close to 2021’s record yield.

“Unfortunately, the hitch for rice was the milling yield component,” he said. “It has a huge effect on the prices growers receive, and how much rice the industry actually has to work with.”

2024 saw widespread early planting from row crop farmers, with a significant portion of the crop in the ground before April 15. Periodic rains between mid-April and June made fertilizing the crop and effectively applying herbicides difficult. The summer then saw an extraordinary string of 100-degree-plus high temperatures, before finally being topped off with the effects of not one but two hurricanes rising from the Gulf of Mexico.

The result of the repeated wetting-and-drying cycles throughout the summer and early fall was reduced milling yields, which represent the amount of whole kernel grains from the overall crop.

“Nobody’s complaining about the yields, but we’re going to have some issues with market demands,” Hardke said. “Whole kernel rice is what has the greatest value. When the milling yields are low, it means our percentage of whole kernels after milling is lower.”


Arkansas cotton acreage jumped more than 27 percent in 2024 to 650,000 acres, a growth rate consistent with the United States cotton industry as a whole. The state also saw a record average yield of 1,313 pounds per acre, for an overall production estimate of 1.75 million bales.

Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said the high yields speak to the skill of the Arkansas cotton farmer.

“I think those numbers are really a compliment to our producers,” Treadway said. “They didn’t have the easiest of years: a very wet planting season, followed by endless weeks of hot, dry weather, broken by two hurricanes blowing in at the beginning of defoliation. Farming cotton is never easy, but this was a particularly difficult year. To have numbers like that, in a year like this, speaks to how well those growers can manage a crop.”

Nationally, the average estimated cotton yield fell about 7 percent, from 899 pounds per acre to 836.

Cotton prices remained low in 2024, falling from the 2023 average of 79 cents per pound to 76 cents.

“We’re seeing the same prices we were seeing in the 1970s,” Treadway said. “And input prices continue to rise. Even with the good yields, the margins are just super-thin this year.”


Peanut acreage saw the largest expansion of all Arkansas row crops in 2024 by an order of magnitude, from 35,000 acres in 2023 to 45,000 acres in 2024, according to USDA.

“When you think of Arkansas, you don’t think of peanuts right off the top of your head,” Treadway said. “Seeing the acreages jump in Arkansas, that’s exciting. We’ve got a great group of peanut growers in Arkansas, who are really knowledgeable. They’ve faced some hardships this year, too — the same weather hardships, and other things specific to peanuts.”

While the average Arkansas yield fell from 5,800 pounds per acre to 5,500 pounds, the added acreage brought overall production up considerably, to 242 million pounds. The average market price fell to $510 a ton in 2024 from $530 a ton the previous year.


Arkansas soybean growers saw record production of more than 166 million bushels, averaging 55 bushels per acre across more than 3 million acres. Ross said that beating the previous record, set in 2023, was astonishing, given the wildly different weather scenarios.

“Everyone did really well in 2023,” he said, “when we had almost ideal weather conditions for soybeans. 2024 was a different story altogether.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu/. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

Arkansas net farm income projected to decrease for second straight year

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas’ net farm income is projected to decline for the second straight year, a fall cushioned slightly by lower input costs, the Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center said in its latest report.   

The center, working with agricultural economists from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said in its “Fall 2024 Arkansas Farm Income Outlook” that Arkansas’ 2024 net farm income is expected to drop by 10 percent from 2023 levels and reach $2.96 billion.   

Net farm income report for Arkansas, October 2024. (Image by RAFF)

 Arkansas' net farm income is expected to see a $1.06 billion drop from its 2022 record-high levels. The report also compares the projected 10 percent reduction in state net farm income to the projected 6.2 percent decline in the U.S. net farm income projected by Mizzou’s Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. 

“Fertilizer and pesticides and fuel oils are going to decline by 9 percent year over year,” said Ryan Loy, extension economist for the Division of Agriculture. “These markets are finally stabilizing. They're coming off these market shocks from COVID, the supply chain issues, the trucker strikes in Canada, and the Ukraine war is kind of baked into the market now.”  

The report said total production expenses are estimated to decline 5 percent in 2024, as fertilizer, feed and fuel expenses retreat. An additional 5 percent decrease in production expenses is forecasted for 2025. 

Unfortunately, “the decrease in fertilizer, pesticides, fuel oils, and feed expenses are offset by the increase in purchased livestock expenses, which amount to a rise of $1.34 billion in 2025,” Loy said.

Cash receipts 

Farm cash receipts represent the total revenue a farm receives from the sale of its agricultural products, government program payments, and private insurance payments.  

The report said that in 2024, total cash receipts for Arkansas would decline by 2 percent or $317 million. Livestock receipts increased 5 percent, or $361 million, while crop receipts tumbled 10 percent, or $580 million. 

Ironically, 2024’s near-record yields are contributing to lower commodity prices. 

Hunter Biram, extension economist for the Division of Agriculture, said that Arkansas had  

Nearly a million and a half acres of rice which is the highest since 2020. Yield is near the record set in 2021 at 7,600 pounds per acre.  

“The price is the lowest that we've seen since 2021 when it came in right under $14 a hundredweight,” he said. 

Corn, which has had the fewest number of Arkansas acres since 2015, is forecast to have a near-record high yield. However, “the price for corn is the lowest that we’ve seen in five years.” 

Cotton was in the same boat.  

“The acreage is the highest that we've had since 2011,” Biram said. “We've got a lot of cotton acres out there, despite having the lowest price since 2020 and it’s at a near-record yield.” 

Arkansas’s 3 million acres of soybeans are projected to have a record yield of 55 bushels an acre, Biram said. “The price for soybeans is the lowest that we've seen since 2019, which is similar to corn.” 

Livestock and poultry 

However, the low prices that bedevil row crop growers is helping the cattle and poultry industry, which relies on crushed soybean and corn for feed.  

Higher egg, broiler, and cattle prices support 5 percent higher total livestock receipts in 2024, the report said, adding that poultry receipts are projected to increase by $287 million, while cattle and hog receipts are also projected higher, by $97 million.   

Loy noted that “feed prices declining this year pretty significantly – 18 percent. 

“Cattle prices are up 6 percent year over year. Most of the uptick over the last few years is due to the severe drought in the western U.S., which led ranchers to reduce herds,” he said. However, with cheaper feed, cattle prices are “expected to decline again in 2025.” 

Government assistance

The report also shows the proportion of government assistance has shifted from primarily market-based programs such as Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage — known as ARC and PLC, to supplemental and ad hoc disaster assistance across this same period.

The Fall 2024 Farm Income Outlook is co-published by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and RaFF at the University of Missouri, which provides objective policy analysis and informs decision makers on issues affecting farm and rural finances. The center collaborates with a number of states to develop farm income projections with local expertise.  

“RaFF’s Farm Income Outlook for calendar years 2024 and 2025 is intended to inform policymakers, industry analysts, and agricultural practitioners about the expected profitability of the local agricultural sector and its main drivers. RaFF’s state-level projections complement and add granularity to national projections by the USDA and FAPRI-MU, providing valuable insights on local agricultural trends,” said RaFF Director Alejandro Plastina.   

The full report and data tables are online.  

 To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.  

Tropical Storm Francine slows harvest, impacts quality for Arkansas crops

By Sarah Cato
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — “It’s going to be a long fall.”

That’s how Cross County Extension Staff Chair Jenna Martin described the agricultural aftermath of Tropical Storm Francine. The storm hit Arkansas last Wednesday, dropping up to 9 inches of rain and crop-damaging gusts of up to 35 miles per hour.

The wind and rain mean that Arkansas row crop growers are facing a longer harvest and lowered quality for rice, cotton, soybeans and corn.

SPROUTED — Many soybean growers in eastern Arkansas are faced with beans sprouted in pods after extensive rainfall from Tropical Storm Francine. (Photo by Christopher Cato.)

“While we’re fairly fortunate compared to some who got a lot more wind, we have some rice and corn leaning and other fields look like you took a flat roller to them,” Martin said. “Impact on yields and quality are major concerns.”

"We received 6 to 7 inches over four days,” said Matthew Davis, Jackson County extension staff chair. “Our largest concerns are the sprouting of crops in the field, loss of quality, and poor field conditions.”


“There was not as much rice damage as I had feared when I made my way across counties in the northeast yesterday,” said Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “There are fields with heavily lodged areas, but the majority of rice is still standing.”

Lodged, or flattened rice takes longer to harvest. This, paired with the yield loss associated with sprouted rice, means rice growers are facing their already thin profit margins shrinking even more.

Hardke said parts of Poinsett, Cross and St. Francis counties seem to have taken the hardest hit.

“In some particular hotspots there is more significant lodging and rice sprouting on heads in the lodged rice,” Hardke said. “To a limited degree there is even some rice sprouting on standing rice.”

Doubling harvest time

“There’s a lot of economic impact to having downed rice,” said Nick Newberry, program associate for the Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center in Harrisburg. “Your harvest time in some situations doubles. The combine’s still rolling and you’re still burning diesel, but the acres you cut in that time is cut in half. If you even had a positive margin to start with, it’s now a break-even or a negative.”

Newberry said they were fortunate to get almost all rice at NERREC cut before the storm.

“Most of what we’ve got left is pretty much flat. It’s not very pretty,” Newberry said. “If this had just come two weeks later it would’ve been better, but that’s the risk you run in this industry.”


“The hardest hit areas seem to be around Jackson and Poinsett counties,” said Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist for the Division of Agriculture. “In these areas it was pretty common to see plants on the ends of rows laying over or at least leaning.”

Treadway said leaning plants should straighten up with time, but for plants completely blown over, those bolls can be expected to rot. As for open cotton bolls, Treadway said most of it is still pickable.

“Of the cotton that is open, I saw a fair amount of fiber drooping out of the bolls, but not a lot on the ground, surprisingly,” he said. “We can still pick that cotton as long as it is hanging on to the bolls.”

However, harvest may be further away than initially anticipated due to field conditions after the rain.

“I expect harvest to be a little delayed now,” Treadway said. “For producers who are ready to pick, they’ll have to wait for the ground to get dry enough to get pickers out in the field. For producers who are defoliating, they’ll either have to wait for the ground to dry enough to get a ground rig across it or hire a pilot to apply defoliants. I think this is going to push everything back.”

However, Treadway said the forecast sunshine will “do us a world of good if it shows up.”


Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said the majority of the damage came in the form of sprouted soybeans.

“I was on the phone with county agents, farmers and crop consultants from the southeast to the northeast corners of the state about soybean seed sprouting in pods,” said Ross said. “Most of these calls are in fields that were ready to harvest prior to Francine, but I had a few calls about pods that are still green having sprouted seeds.”

Fortunately, Ross said this is isolated to just a small portion of pods on the soybean plants.

“Some fields with taller plants that haven’t reached maturity have lodged to some degree,” Ross said. “These fields could have some quality issues due to matted foliage and lack of air movement.”

Ross said the main focus now is to get these fields harvested, but harvesting in wet conditions brings issues of its own.

“We need to get these fields harvested as quickly as possible to avoid additional sprouting and dockage due to moldy seeds. To do this, some fields will need to be harvested before they are dry enough to avoid rutting the fields,” Ross said. “Fields that will be rutted will cost more once they dry out to get back into shape for planting next spring. Some will stay rutted until next spring, delaying planting.”

Corn and grain sorghum

Jason Kelley, extension feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said that although corn fields fared better than expected, there was substantial lodging in some areas and grain quality is a concern.

“We’re at the tail end of harvest so the corn that was left had been mature for three to four weeks, with the stalks getting more brittle every day. Every field had some plants blown over,” he said. “Some sprouting of grain in the shuck has occurred and those plants that are laying on the ground will likely see substantial sprouting and loss.”

Kelley said fortunately 84 percent of the state’s corn acres were harvested prior to Francine according to Monday’s crop progress report.  

Although the majority of the state’s few grain sorghum acres had already been harvested, Kelley said there was substantial sprouting of the grain in heads.

“I think the full extent of the damage is still to be seen, especially in terms of grain quality. The level of discounts our growers will receive for reduced-quality grain is the big unknown right now,” Kelley said. “The forecast now looks warm and dry, so harvest will likely start up again in a few days.”

Kelley said wet field conditions and rutting of fields will cause an added expense for this crop.


There is a bright side to things, as Francine brought much needed rain for livestock and forage producers.

“Much of the state was at least abnormally dry. The rain this past weekend helped to green up fields and provide additional grazing days,” said Kenny Simon, forages instructor for the Division of Agriculture. “Some producers had already started feeding hay, which is about 45 to 60 days ahead of the normal hay feeding period.”

Simon said the rain is especially beneficial for producers that are stockpiling forages or have planted an annual forage.

To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu.

Weekly Update from State Representative DeAnn Vaught

As we welcome September, it’s a time to recognize the vital role that rice plays in Arkansas and to celebrate National Rice Month. Our state stands proud as the number one producer of rice in the United States, contributing significantly to both our economy and our communities.

 Every year, Arkansas harvests an impressive 200 million bushels of rice, supporting nearly 25,000 jobs across the state. This remarkable industry not only boosts our economy, contributing over $6 billion annually but also enriches our agricultural heritage. It’s worth noting that 96% of the 2,300 rice farms in Arkansas are family-owned and operated, embodying the spirit of hard work and dedication that defines our communities.

 In addition to its economic impact, the rice industry is committed to sustainability. Over the past 30 years, our rice farmers have made tremendous strides in reducing environmental impact by cutting water use by 52%, greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, and the land required to grow rice by 39%. These efforts demonstrate our farmers' commitment to not only producing high-quality rice but also protecting our natural resources for future generations.

 Moreover, the rice industry plays a crucial role in fighting food insecurity within our state. Each year, Arkansas rice farmers generously donate over 200,000 pounds of rice to help those in need. This act of kindness highlights the community spirit that binds us together as Arkansans.

 Rice is grown in over 40 counties throughout our state, showcasing the agricultural diversity and richness of Arkansas. As we celebrate National Rice Month, let us take the time to appreciate the hard work of our rice farmers and the impact they have on our economy, environment, and community well-being.

 Consuming Arkansas-grown rice helps support our neighbors. You can help celebrate rice month by purchasing Arkansas-grown rice at your local supermarket.

Tropical Storm Francine timing ‘couldn’t be worse’ for Arkansas crops

LITTLE ROCK — With rice ready to harvest and cotton bolls open, Tropical Storm Francine is set to hit Arkansas crops at the worst possible time.

LODGED — With rice dried down and ready to harvest, Francine could cause lodging, broken panicles and harvest delays.

“We never want to gripe about rain, but this timing couldn’t be worse,” said Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “We’ve got guys trying to get rice out, guys trying to get beans out, we’re trying to get cotton defoliated. It’s definitely not a good time for a tropical storm.”

The National Hurricane Center was forecasting Francine to intensify into a hurricane Tuesday, with landfall on Wednesday afternoon in Louisiana. Hurricane warnings were posted for the Louisiana gulf coast on Tuesday, with tropical storm warnings extending into Texas.

The storm was expected to weaken into a tropical depression by the time it reaches Arkansas on Thursday. Tuesday’s forecast cone covered the eastern half of Arkansas.

“The system is expected to continue towards the state bringing the chance for heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and possibly a few tornadoes Wednesday night through Friday afternoon,” the National Weather Service at Little Rock said.


With cotton, Treadway’s main concerns stem from cotton plants being blown over.

“Bolls that come in close proximity with the soil are at risk for rot or hard lock,” Treadway said. “Plants that are blown over will straighten up some, but for those that get tangled up, this could take longer.”

Hard lock refers to cotton bolls that either will not open or open very little due to bacteria or fungus.

But the heavy winds aren’t the only issue. With most of Arkansas’ cotton bolls open, rain could threaten exposed cotton.

“If we have a lot of rain on open bolls, the cotton will fall out of the boll. Wet cotton almost looks like it’s dripping off the plant,” Treadway said. “It can dry, but it lowers the cotton quality and makes it harder to pick.”

With cotton harvest around the corner, Treadway said the rain could also keep farmers out of the field when they were set to apply harvest aids, delaying harvest and lowering quality.


As for rice, it will be race to Wednesday night for most growers, especially those in the Delta region.

“The entire Delta, top to bottom is set to be on the western side of the eye, which is where we see the most rain,” said Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture. “From a rainfall standpoint, the bulk of the concern is Wednesday night going into Thursday.”

With Arkansas rice on pace for its earliest crop since 2010, Hardke said the dry, mature plants are at their most vulnerable state right now.

“This is the exact kind of storm that is worst for rice that has been drained and is ready to harvest,” Hardke said. “We don’t have a lot of stalk integrity left. It’s a great thing we took advantage of that early planting window, we did the right thing, but as it goes we planted quicker than we can harvest, creating a bad recipe for those acres that are left.”

According to Monday’s Crop Progress Report, 56% of rice in Arkansas has been harvested, leaving almost half of the state’s crop still out in the field. For rice growers in the Delta, it will be a race to harvest what acres they can before Wednesday night.

“We’ll be pushing it on the early side of harvest for some fields,” Hardke said. “It’ really a game of prioritizing what needs to be harvested first.”

Hardke said high winds and excessive rain could cause lodging, broken panicles and delayed harvest. All coming at peak harvest season for this year’s rice crop.

“Two weeks ago, when plants were greener and not as dry, I wouldn’t have been as worried. Two weeks from now wouldn’t have been so bad,” Hardke said. “But with where our rice is now, I’m just hoping we get lucky and dodge most of it.”

To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu.

Early days of rice, corn harvests near record pace

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

LITTLE ROCK — The first few phone calls an agronomist receives during harvest tend to say a lot about how the fall will go. For Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, the news has been overwhelmingly good this year.

AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE — Both corn and rice harvests in Arkansas are moving at a near-record pace. (Division of Agriculture photo.)

“The frequent refrain in the phone calls I’ve been getting for the past couple of weeks is ‘You won’t believe what this rice cut!,’ and relatively little of the ‘Hey, there’s something wrong with this rice,’” Hardke said. “You can gauge the tone of the harvest pretty quickly.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported Monday that 23 percent of Arkansas’ rice crop had already been harvested, dwarfing the five-year average of 4 percent typically harvested so early in the season.

Hardke said this pace hasn’t been seen since 2010.

“At this point, we’re going as fast as we can go,” he said.

Accounting for about half the rice produced in the United States, Arkansas growers this year planted more than 1.4 million acres of the crop. Hardke said growers’ efforts at early planting have put Arkansas in a good position for an early harvest with good yields.

The earliest harvest efforts occurred on the last day of July, with more producers gradually moving into their fields in early August. With few exceptions, the state has avoided the heat and moisture of 2023 that led to the repeated rewetting and drying cycles blamed for widespread low milling yields.

Hardke said that while overall grain yields seem high, he remained cautious regarding the state’s ultimate milling yields for 2024.

“One of the odd things about milling yield — even in a high milling yield year, where things turn out well, some of the early plantings can have a lower milling yield,” he said. “A quarter of the way through harvest, there’s still a long way to go. The story’s hardly written.”

Arkansas corn is also experiencing a rapid harvest, with 30 percent of the state’s 500,000 acres already harvested as of Aug. 25, according to USDA. The five-year average for this point in the season is 12 percent.

Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said that like rice, early planting in the spring set Arkansas growers up to capitalize on good growing conditions throughout the summer.

“Early planting doesn’t necessarily mean an early harvest, but by the last week of April, we were 81 percent planted, versus the five-year average, which was 64 percent,” Kelley said.

“The month of May was nearly the warmest we’ve had — at or near a record,” he said. “That really sped things along. All along, I’ve felt like we were 10 days ahead of what a normal growth stage would be.”

Early spring rain events in the southern half of the state did impede early corn planting for some growers, Kelley said. Later rain events, however, precluded growers from needing to irrigate the crop as much as they often do throughout a growing season.

He said that corn, even among Arkansas’ most notable row crops, is especially temperature-driven in its development. The high heat of August, along with relatively few major rain events during the summer, helped the crop sprint toward the finish line.

“We’re at a point where a lot of growers are waiting for the corn to dry down a bit more, so they can harvest it and take it directly to the grain terminal,” Kelley said. “The only limiting factor for a lot of growers is if they’ve also got rice or soybeans to harvest.

“Harvest is going very smooth without any weather delays so far and like rice, yields overall are really good this year,” he said.

A looming obstacle that growers in Arkansas and elsewhere will still likely have to contend with is the low levels on the Mississippi River. Below a certain point, the river becomes impassable for the barges carrying grain to the Gulf of Mexico for export. Producers are then faced with the predicament of selling their grain with a discounted basis, cutting into an already narrow profit margin.

As of Aug. 29, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported the river’s level at minus 4.3 feet, with continued drop in levels forecast. In October 2023, the river fell to a record minus 11.5 feet.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu/. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

NASS forecasts new record soybean yield for Arkansas

By Mary Hightower 
U of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture  

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas is on track to break its year-old record for soybeans, as the National Agricultural Statistics Service on Monday forecast a statewide 57-bushel-per-acre average yield, up three bushels per acre from last year. 

NASS, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, forecast Arkansas soybean production at 172 million bushels, up 8 percent from last year. Harvested acreage is expected to be 70,000 acres higher than last year at 3.02 million from 3.05 million acres planted.

Soybeans are on track for a record state average yield, according to NASS.  (Flickr Image)

“I was very surprised of the projected new state record yield of 57 bushels per acre for 2024,” said Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.  

“With how early a majority of the soybean crop was planted this year, I was anticipating yields similar to slightly below the 54 bushels per acre state average soybean yield seen in 2023,” he  said. “I'm hoping the best for this soybean crop, because every soybean farmer is going to need every bushel that can combine with how much the soybean prices have dropped over if the last 12 months.”  

Ross said Arkansas growers had “almost ideal weather conditions from planting to harvest in 2023. We had another good, early start for 2024, but July was hotter and drier than 2023 and August is looking like it's going to be hot and dry as well. 

“The last time we had a significant yield bump between two years was 2016-2017. The average state yield was 47 bushels per acre in 2016 and 51 bushels per acre in 2017,” he said “Again, the weather conditions in 2017 were much improved from those seen in 2016.”  

CORN — Corn production was forecast at 90.2 million bushels, down 41 percent from last year. However, yield is expected to average 186 bushels per acre, up three bushels from last year. NASS revised the planted acres downward by 120,000 acres to 500,000. Harvested acres were also expected to drop from 600,000 to 485,000. 

“Yields look to be really good, with an estimated 186 bushels per acre state average yield,” said Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist. “This is not a record but getting close.  

“Overall, it was a great growing season for northeastern Arkansas, which got planted early and never looked back,” Kelley said. “Points further south had a more difficult planting season due to too much rain at planting for some producers, but statewide we have had some timely rains which has cut down on irrigation costs this year. Harvest has started on a limited amount of acres and will continue to increase as we get later into August. 

COTTON — Cotton production was expected to rise by 21 percent to 1.65 million bales, which is 288,000 bales higher than last year. Yields are expected to be 57 pounds per acre lower than last year, forecast at 1,238 pounds of lint. Harvested acres were expected to be up 135,000 acres from last year to 640,000. 

Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist, said that the new acreage number, while a decrease from NASS’s initial estimate, “is still quite an increase from our acreage last year. 

“I know of several locations that had to abandon cotton planting due to extremely wet conditions in southern Arkansas, so the decrease from the initial estimate is not a huge surprise,” he said. “The increase in total production is to be expected with the major increase in acres.” 

Treadway said that the crop has held up despite “the roller coaster season we’ve had.  

“We started extremely wet, then we got extremely hot and dry, followed by more cool and wet conditions, and it seems like we are again settling into hot and dry for the coming several days,” he said. “Cotton is still trading pretty low at somewhere from 68-70 cents, so we need to get this crop to the finish line in the best shape possible to aid producers' bottom lines in a tough market.” 

PEANUTS — The forecast for peanuts is mixed, with production expected to be 18 percent higher than last year to 233 million pounds. However, yield is forecast to be down 500 pounds per acre from last year to 5,300 pounds. The forecast for harvested acreage has been revised upward to 44,000 acres from 34,000. 

RICE — Seems like everything is up for rice in the August forecast.  Production is forecast at 109 million hundredweight, up 2 percent from last year. The yield for all rice is forecast at 7,600 pounds per acre, up 50 pounds from last year. The forecast for harvested acres rose 30,000 acres to 1.43 million acres. 

Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said Monday’s report wasn’t surprising.   

“I expected acreage projections to increase slightly compared to the June report,” he said. “The yield number — at slightly higher than last year –- was unexpected but is still really within the range of my projection.  

“It’s a very good yield but not a record,” Hardke said. “The question is whether our significant amount of early planting counteracts some of the likely yield drags from in-season management difficulties due to weather.” 

HAY — NASS has forecast Arkansas’ hay production to be 2.68 million tons, up 22 percent from last year. The yield is forecast to average 2.20 tons per acre, up 0.30 tons from last year. Producers expect to harvest 1.22 million acres of hay, excluding alfalfa, up 60,000 acres from 2023. 

To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu.  

Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center hosts inaugural Rice Field Day

By Sarah Cato
U of A System Division of Agriculture

HARRISBURG, Ark. — The new Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center in Harrisburg welcomed more than 250 attendees to its inaugural rice field day to hear region-specific updates from researchers and extension specialists.

SITTIN' PRETTY — The new Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center was freshly manicured and ready to welcome guests to the inaugural NERREC Rice Field Day on August 8. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo.) 

Arkansas is the nation’s top rice producer, with the top four rice producing counties in the state located in the northeast corner. With two-thirds of Arkansas rice planted each year in the northern half of the state, the new Arkansas Agriculture Experiment Station location has given researchers with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture an opportunity to generate data specific to a large portion of Arkansas growers.

“This farm is unique,” said Rich Hillman, chairman of the Riceland Foods Board of Directors. “Studying this soil, studying the dirt in this part of the state that so many farmers raise their crops in, this farm and the work on it will definitely pay dividends for generations to come. This is something to be very proud of for the folks that are in this area.”

Hillman added that the educational facilities at NERREC, created for school-aged children to learn about rice and agriculture production in Arkansas, will impact thousands of students who are surrounded by agriculture but may not know much about what’s grown around them.

“What’s inside this building is just as important as the research plots outside,” Hillman said. “The educational component of this facility is unlike anything else in the state.”

NERREC Director Tim Burcham emphasized the effort required to get the research and extension center off the ground and thanked the many contributors, saying the station is for producers.

“Everything you saw today got started with one truck, a pair of boots and a shovel,” Burcham said. “I think it’s miraculous how far we’ve come and I’m thankful for our leadership team, our industry collaborators and the Rice Research and Promotion Board for all the hard work and long hours it took to get here. And this isn’t our station – it’s yours.”

During field tours, attendees saw firsthand how research conducted on the station is planned with Northeast Arkansas growers in mind.

“This has been a long time coming and we’re excited to be here and show off our plot work at this location,” said Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture. “We’ve been able to add a planting date study here in the heart of Northeast Arkansas to give us planting date information, where we’ve historically relied on the Stuttgart location.”

In response to poor milling yields that many Arkansas growers faced last year, Hardke said he is using some of his plots at NERREC to look at causes and potential solutions.

“Given the issues with milling last year, we are trying to look at things we can throw at the wall to improve our milling,” Hardke said. “We don’t know if they’ll be cost effective, but the question is can we get any response from late fertilizer applications to hold on to that milling yield? Hopefully this will give us some direction on what we can tease out to help improve milling yields in years, like this one, where everything is planted quickly and early but harvest drags out.”

Breeding updates

Division of Agriculture rice breeders Xueyan Sha and Christian De Guzman showcased varieties that are currently available with tolerance to Provisia and Clearfield, herbicides that are popular in Arkansas rice production.

“We are latecomers to Provisia rice breeding, but we’re catching up,” Sha said. “We started this program in 2019 and fast tracked – really fast tracked – the PVL04 which, from crossing to commercial production, only took four years. I don’t know anyone who can beat that.”

Sha said the PVL04 matures about three days later than PVL03, but with good yield potential in Northeastern Arkansas. More exciting varieties could be on the market soon.

“In the pipeline we have a number of very exciting Provisia lines,” Sha said, highlighting two potential varieties with increased yield potential and Provisia herbicide tolerance. “So we’ll probably see some changes in our Provisia line up coming soon.”

Rice season recap

Hardke’s biggest surprise this rice growing season was how quickly growers were able to get started.

“I got an incredible number of calls from this area of the state around April 7, April 10 saying ‘Hey, we’re done,’” Hardke said. “Following that tremendous start, we had a lot of rain and the wind would not quit blowing. So, weed control was an interesting effort. I’m flat out amazed at the job growers were able to do to keep fields clean.”

Although wet conditions delayed herbicide applications and some nitrogen applications, Hardke said the overall crop looks really good. However, he warns that early and quick planting can cause headaches at harvest.

“Just remember that all of this is getting ready faster than you think it is,” he said. “These first fields coming out are at 17 to 19 percent moisture and normally they’re 19 to 22 percent, so they’re starting to run away. I guess that’s my way of saying get out there and get on a combine.”

Hardke noted that current cooler conditions should help milling quality post-harvest.

To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on Twitter at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on Twitter at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu.

Cotton, soybeans are up, corn tumbles, seed shortage moves rice toward medium grain

By Mary Hightower
U of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — The June “Acreage” report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture showed cotton with its highest acreage in more than a decade and soybeans on the rise, while corn tumbled and rice shuffled between long and medium grain acres in Arkansas.

Scot Stiles: “June Acreage is more or less a reality check for the March ‘Planting Intentions’ report.” (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Kerry Rodtnick) 

Friday’s report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, proved a hot property, with users crashing the servers shortly after its 11 a.m. CDT release.

Graph showing information about Arkansas crops from the June 28, 2024, Acreage report from NASS. (U of A System Division of Agriculture image by Scott Stiles)

“June Acreage is more or less a reality check for the March ‘Planting Intentions’ report,” said Scott Stiles, extension agricultural economics program associate for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

Principle crops planted, acreage down 0.8 percent to 7.156 million acres in Arkansas; total planted in US is 315 billion acres, down 1.4 percent from previous year, NASS said.


Corn acres dropped 27.1 percent to 620,000 acres, unchanged from the March planting intentions.

“Corn prices have been on downward slide for much of the past year,” Stiles said. “Futures prices for new crop corn were about 20 percent below the previous year when NASS surveyed growers in early March.” 

Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said he wasn’t surprised by the Acreage report.

“Lower grain prices, combined with less-than-ideal planting conditions for some led to the drop in Arkansas acres,” he said. “The spring was too wet, especially in the southern half of the state.

“Northeast Arkansas overall had better planting conditions than the rest of the state, with dry weather in late March and early April,” Kelley said.


Cotton acres were up 31.4 percent to 670,000 acres in Arkansas, while total U.S. acres were also up 14.1 percent.

The huge surprise in today’s report was NASS’ cotton acreage number,” Stiles said. “In March, growers indicated they would increase acres by a modest 30,000 acres to 540,000.”

However, “in June, acres are expected to be 670,000; up 160,000 from last year,” Stiles said. “This would be the highest cotton acreage for the state since 2011, which saw 680,000 acres that year. 

He said that while there were solid indications we have 610,000 to 620,000 acres in the state, “the 670,000-acre print is surprisingly high.

“Cotton prices started a nosedive in early April, losing about 13 cents by mid-June. Prices fell from the low 80 cent level to 70 cents,” Stiles said, “But, cotton yields in the state continue to climb and growers exited 2023 with record yields.  And the crop insurance price of 82 cents this year may have played a role in adding acres.  There was some shifting from corn to cotton going on as well.” 

“In terms of cotton we're in good shape,” said Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist for the Division of Agriculture. “Some guys are in the first week of bloom and some are into the second week of bloom, but what’s really important right now is water.

“It’s getting hot and dry and want to keep putting moisture on the crop so we’re not stressing it,” he said.


“Peanuts remained the same, which is what I was expecting based on what growers were saying,” Treadway said.

NASS pinned peanuts at 35,000 acres, same as in 2023.

“The peanut crop is in pretty good shape,” Treadway said. “We had some growers that had to go back and replant after extensive rainfall. Some growers are reporting their crop pegging.”

In pegging, the embryonic peanut grows downward into the soil.


Overall, total rice acres were down 15,000 acres from last year in NASS' findings to 1.42 million acres, compared to just under 1.44 million acres in 2023.

Stiles said he was a little surprised by the 40,000-acre decline in long-grain rice acres from March.

“The June survey results are a little puzzling considering the planting progress this year and the rice market rally that kicked off in early April,” he said.

“Generally, in years when planting progresses at a faster than average pace, we tend to see a higher acreage number in June,” Stiles said. “USDA did increase medium grain acres by 10,000 above their March number.”

Jarrod Hardke, rice extension agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said he too was a little  surprised by the dip, but said it was within his range of expectations between 1.4 million and 1.5 million acres.

A shortage of long-grain seed shortage played into the shuffling of acres over to medium grain, he said.

“One of the hardest things to gauge every year is the expected long and medium grain acreage, and then with a seed shortage out of the gate, that changed the mix. And it got very, very weird,” he said.

There were also some missed planting opportunities during good weather windows as growers unable to get the seed they wanted, scrambled to find varieties to plant.


NASS lowered Arkansas soybean acres by 50,000 from the March intentions to 3.05 million, however that was still up 2.3 percent from 2023. U.S. total was up 3 percent to 86.1 billion acres.

“This is still an increase of 2 percent or 70,000 acres over last year,” Stiles said. “Considering the sharp drop in corn acres, some resulting increase in soybeans is not a surprise. 

“Similar to corn, soybean prices have trended lower over the past year as well,” he said. “As planting kicked off in the state, soybean prices were about 13 to 14 percent lower compared to the prior year.  November ‘24 soybeans settled at $11.04 today.  A year ago the November contract traded at $12.66, right ahead of a summer rally that carried prices above $14 last July. A very bearish feel to the soybean and corn markets this year.”

Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist, said “the estimates were in line with what I was expecting. We had another really good start with early plantings similar to the 2023 season. 

“This year’s soybean crop ranges from early planted fields beginning to fill pods to fields that were planted within the last two days,” he said on Sunday. “With the drop in soybean prices compared to last year, I’m getting a few more calls with farmers and consultants asking about different inputs preserving or increasing soybean yields.”


Winter wheat acres declined 39.1 percent from 2024 to 140,000 acres. That followed the larger national trend with U.S. winter wheat falling down 7.9 percent to 33.8 billion acres.

Kelley said the decline was likely due to “lower prices for grain and lower relative profitability compared to other crops.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk. 

Major Arkansas row crops seeing rapid planting across state

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

LITTLE ROCK — You could be forgiven for wondering who fired the starting pistol so early.

WITH A QUICKNESS — Row crop planting in Arkansas is racing ahead at a rate not seen in the last five years, with more than 83 percent of rice acres already planted — nearly double the five-year average for this point in the season. (Division of Agriculture photo.)

Row crop planting in Arkansas is racing ahead at a rate not seen in the last five years. According to an April 29 U.S. Department of Agriculture report, 83 percent of the state’s planned rice acreage had been planted — nearly double the five-year average for this point in the season.

Arkansas soybeans are even further ahead of expectations, with 56 percent of planned acreage already planted, compared with the five-year average of 23 percent normally planted in the last week of April. The state’s corn crop, too, is racing ahead of its five-year average, with 81 percent of planned acreage already in the ground.

Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said the roots of the 2024 season’s rapid pace lay in the relatively dry winter that preceded it.

“We’re on a sort of parallel to last year’s planting season,” Hardke said. “Growers were able to complete an enormous amount of field preparation over the winter months, and as soon as the early planting window opened up, they hit the ground running.”

Of course, that parallel carries a certain burden. While Arkansas growers enjoyed near-record rice yields last year, a region-wide “traffic jam” between harvesters and mills caused much of that yield to suffer in quality, as high heat and humidity took their toll on grain kernels as they languished in the fields.

Hardke said that while the weather, regardless of the season, is beyond human control, growers almost always benefit from early planting.

“Early planting gives you the best chance of maximizing yields,” he said. “If you have an opportunity to plant and you choose not to, it’s a gamble. For all we know, it’s going to start raining and never really let up for the rest of the spring. Take advantage of the windows you’re given.

“Northeast counties have received low rainfall this spring and an elongated planting window, while as you move southward, rain amounts have been increasingly higher and planting windows fewer and further between,” Hardke said.

With so many different crops going into the ground at once, producers may find themselves with serious time management challenges come harvest time.

“As we break the traditional mold of planting corn, then rice, then beans, we’re going to have to be flexible and responsive in terms of our stages of management,” Hardke said. “My best advice is to start harvest on the early side so that more of the overall harvest is within the optimal timing.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu/. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

Arkansas planned acreage falls slightly overall; corn and wheat see deepest cuts

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — While overall intended crop acreage fell just 2.5 percent in Arkansas in 2024 to about 7 million acres, some crops saw significant shifts in acreage, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report released Thursday.

SHIFTING ACRES — The 2024 Prospective Plantings Report, compiled by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, found that acreage for most of the country’s principal row crops will likely only shift a few percentage points one way or the other this year. The report is based on self-reported planting intentions from growers across the United States. Nationally, projected crop acreage fell about 2 percent in 2024, to about 313.3 million acres. (Graphic courtesy USDA.)

The 2024 Prospective Plantings Report, compiled by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, found that acreage for most of the country’s principal row crops will likely only shift a few percentage points one way or the other this year. The report is based on self-reported planting intentions from growers across the United States. Nationally, projected crop acreage fell about 2 percent in 2024, to about 313.3 million acres.

Arkansas corn and wheat acreage take a nosedive

Arkansas intended corn acreage fell sharply, down 27 percent, from 850,000 acres to 620,000 acres. Wheat acreage also fell significantly in the state, down 41 percent from 230,000 acres to 135,000 acres. Nationally, corn acreage fell 5 percent to about 90 million acres, while producers said they planned to plant nearly 47.5 million acres of wheat, about 96 percent of what was planted in 2023.

Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said that the significant drop in corn acreage was no surprise, given that the state was coming off a near-record-high year for acreage.

“Our acreage goes up and down every year,” Kelley said. “Last year, 2023, was the second-highest acreage we’d had since the early 1950s.”

He said profitability was likely the main driver for growers moving away from corn throughout the region.

“It looks like the whole Southeast was off quite a bit — 15 to 27 percent,” Kelley said. “The Mid-South was down 20-27 percent. So, it looks like most of our surrounding states had the same mindset.”

Similarly, wheat acreage was down in the East, falling in all but seven states.

Hunter Biram, extension agricultural economist for the Division of Agriculture, also said the drop in Arkansas corn acres, paired with a rise in soybean acres, was expected.

“Two factors that typically influence this shift are crop rotations and expected margins, with expected margins likely the driving force behind any acreage shifts beyond normal,” Biram said. “Last year, corn margins were far more favorable compared to soybeans, and that showed up in not only the Prospective Plantings report but also in the Crop Acreage Report released last June.

Over the past 20 years, soybean and corn acreage have both grown in the United States, with corn typically leading by as much as 50 percent some years. Over that span, however, soybean acreage has tightened the gap, actually tying the national acreage in 2017 at about 90 million acres each.

“This year, soybean margins appear more favorable, albeit not by much compared to corn,” Biram said. “Last year, the favorable margins were mostly driven by a relatively high corn-to-soybean price ratio, meaning corn prices were much higher relative to soybean prices. This year, there isn’t a crop price to get too excited about, but prices for key fertilizers have fallen to levels similar to the period prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

Projected Arkansas hay harvests appear to be keeping pace with the previous year, with growers expecting to harvest about 1.15 million acres, 99 percent of 2023’s total.

Arkansas long grain rice surges, medium grain falls back

Arkansas intended rice acreage shifted only slightly, growing 1 percent over 2023 acreage to 1.45 million acres. However, grower sentiment appeared bullish on long grain rice, jumping 11 percent from 2023 acreage to a projected 1.36 million acres, while pulling back on medium grain, falling by 58 percent to just 90,000 acres.

Nationally, planned rice acreage grew 1 percent to more than 2.93 million acres.

Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said the report’s outlook for rice was in line with spring estimates.

“Long grain rice appears to be a profitable option, but seed supply issues are hindering further increases in acres,” Hardke said. “Medium grain is in lower demand for this year with few contracts or pricing premiums available in the wake of high acres and production last year.”

Biram added that the ambiguity of global markets is likely affecting acreage decisions.

“Among many drivers in rice acreage, one could be the possibility that India reverses their export ban on non-basmati rice, which was put in place in July 2023,” Biram said. “While that proved to be favorable for rice prices in the short run, with some cash prices reported at over $8 a bushel in the post-harvest window of January and February, the new crop futures contracts for rice are already indicating prices could land around $6.75 per bushel or lower. This is because when export supply is reduced in the global market, prices increases.

“Conversely, when export supply increases due to a lift on an export ban, for example, prices fall,” he said. “Perhaps producers were able to lock in price guarantees through area crop insurance, such as Enhanced Coverage Option or Margin Protection, trying to capture the tail end of a months-long price rally driven by the export ban. Otherwise, I suspect crop rotations and less-favorable corn margins are driving the increase in long grain rice acres.”

Arkansas soybeans rise steadily

Arkansas soybean acreage grew slightly, rising 4 percent over 2023 to 3,100 acres. This puts the state’s growers slightly ahead of the national soybean acreage outlook, which rose 3 percent to about 86.5 million acres.

Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said it was no surprise to see Arkansas soybeans return to the “plus side” of 3 million acres.

“Historically, we’ve been above 3 million acres for the last several years, other than 2018-2019,” Ross said. “That’s when we had a lot of rainfall — the fall of 2018 and progressing into 2019. We had a lot of flooding issues, and 2019 was the lowest soybean acreage we’ve had since 1960.

“I think all of it points to China,” Ross said of the high acreage numbers. “China is our No. 1 destination for soybean exports. As their population increases, the demand for soybeans increases.”

He said much of 2023’s outstanding soybean yield was due to growers taking advantage of the early planting window, and that he foresees a similar fortune this year.

“Beans have been planted for almost a solid month in Arkansas,” Ross said. “Some of them look good, some not so good, mainly due to cooler weather. We had pretty much the earliest start ever last year, and we had record yields. I think some guys proved that when your beans are planted earlier, the yield potential is a lot better than delayed planting.

“Over the next seven days or so, it looks to be warm and dry, so I think there’s going to be a lot of land prep, and maybe some more beans planted,” Ross said Thursday. “I’m anticipating another good year.”

Peanuts hold, cotton grows

Arkansas producers appear to be holding steady, again planning to plant 35,000 acres of the legume, the same acreage as 2023.

Travis Faske, extension plant pathologist and acting peanut agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said that peanut acreage throughout the state will likely be higher than the reported intentions.

“I still think we will be a few thousand acres north of 35,000 acres by the end of planting season, as the two primary peanut buying points in the state have indicated an increase in acreage,” Faske said.

Planned Arkansas cotton acreage grew 6 percent over 2023 numbers to 540,000 acres. This exceeded the national outlook, which grew 4 percent to more than 10.6 million planned acres.

“I suspect the reason cotton acreage increased by 6 percent is because cotton lint prices are more favorable compared to last year, but nothing like what we saw in 2021-2022,” Biram said.

“While crop rotations can explain most of the corn-soybean rotation, cotton acreage can likely be explained by the fact that a cotton farmer is going to farm cotton regardless of the price, due to the lack of versatility in equipment used to produce cotton,” he said. “The cotton lint price may shift acreage, but the degree of that shift will depend on what the cotton lint price is.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu/. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk. 

Weekly Update from State Representative DeAnn Vaught

As we gather around our tables this Thanksgiving, we encourage Arkansans to take a moment to acknowledge the unsung heroes of this holiday season—our farmers.

Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives, and the hardworking men and women who toil in the fields, day in and day out, deserve a special place in our hearts this season. Arkansas farmers are the ones responsible for growing the crops and raising the livestock that grace many of our tables.

In fact, Arkansas ranks 3rd in the nation in turkeys raised. But that’s not the only popular Thanksgiving dish that may have started its journey on an Arkansas farm.

Arkansas is the 4th largest producer of sweet potatoes and our state ranks 6th in the nation in the acreage of pecans.

In the last year, Arkansas farmers harvested more than 695,000 acres of corn.

Arkansas currently ranks 11th in the nation in soybean production. Soybean oil is used to make hundreds of foods, including mayonnaise, peanut butter, and ranch dressing.

From casseroles to rice pudding, another Arkansas crop makes its way to the Thanksgiving table every year. Arkansas ranks first among rice-producing states, accounting for more than 50 percent of U.S. rice production.

Agriculture is Arkansas’s largest industry, adding around $16 billion to our state’s economy every year. There are 49,346 farms statewide and 97 percent of Arkansas’ farms are family-owned.

So, as you savor each bite of your Thanksgiving meal, remember to give thanks to the individuals who make this feast possible. Let's make this holiday a true celebration of gratitude, not only for the food on our plates but for the hands that nurture the land.

You can help show your appreciation to our Arkansas farmers and food service workers by looking for the “Arkansas Grown” label at your local supermarket.

Arkansas Rice Exported to China for the First Time

by George Jared (gjared@talkbusiness.net)

The top U.S. rice producing state has for the first time exported rice to China, the largest global rice importing country. Tim and Robin Ralston of Atkins-based Ralston Family Farms, announced the shipment Tuesday (Sept. 14). Gov. Asa Hutchinson is slated to visit the farm later this week.

Through a contract with a private importer in China, the first shipment of rice from Ralston Family Farms arrived in China in late July 2021. A second shipment is being scheduled with future shipments planned on regular intervals to meet demand. The rice will be sold on the retail market under the label of Ralston Family Farms.

“The Ralstons’ rice is more than a commodity, and growing rice is more than a job for the family. Rice has been part of their lives for 10 generations, and when they exported their first shipment to China in July, they were shipping a piece of their heart and their heritage. The rice raised in the Arkansas soil will enrich lives in China, and perhaps shrink the distance between our nations and our cultures. Everybody loves rice, and it’s a good development for Arkansas and the Ralstons that the people across the ocean will have our rice to enjoy,” said Gov. Hutchinson.


Weekly Update from State Representative DeAnn Vaught

Rice is grown in over 40 Arkansas counties. The crop contributes billions to the state’s economy and accounts for approximately 25,000 jobs, crucial to rural communities.

September is National Rice Month, a month-long celebration of all things rice. In Arkansas, we have a great deal to celebrate.

Our state is home to 2,300 rice farms and 96% of those farms are family owned and operated. Our farmers produce more than 9 billion pounds of rice each year.

The history of rice in Arkansas began in the 1800’s but it wasn’t until 1910 that production, research and milling were established in the state.

Today, Arkansas produces approximately 48 percent of U.S. rice and ranks number one in acres planted and bushels produced. Arkansas has been the nation’s leading rice-producing state since 1973.

Arkansas rice farmers not only contribute to our economy by creating jobs, they’re also known for giving back to their communities. The state’s rice industry gives over 100,000 pounds of rice annually to fight food insecurity in Arkansas.

Rice farmers have a commitment to protect and preserve natural resources. Today, Arkansas rice farmers produce more rice using less land, energy and water than they did 20 years ago. Working rice fields also provide critical wildlife habitat for many species of birds, mammals and reptiles.

A half-cup cooked serving of white or brown rice costs less than 10 cents, and provides vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Consuming Arkansas-grown rice helps support our neighbors who continue to produce a quality food supply. You can help celebrate rice month by purchasing Arkansas-grown rice at your local supermarket.

We’ve posted more information about the industry on our websitewww.arkansashouse.org.

Arkansas Remains Largest Rice Producing State

by George Jared (gjared@talkbusiness.net)

Arkansas is easily the top rice producing state and it’s no surprise it leads the nation in rice exports, according to the State Agricultural Trade database released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Rice exports accounted for $722 million of the state’s total of $3.1 billion in agricultural exports, the report stated. Scott Stiles, extension economist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture said that of the $3.1 billion 78%, or $2.4 billion, was attributed to plant products. The report covers the 2019 calendar year.

According to the report, following are the commodities ranked by their respective contribution to the total export value.
• Rice — $722 million
• Soybeans — $679.3 million
• Cotton — $427.3 million
• Other feed grains: barley, oats, sorghum — $73.2 million
• Corn — $71.4 million
