Howard News

UA Cossatot Student Ambassadors Help in Welcoming Students to All Campuses

Ambassadors kicked off the semester today by providing FREE DONUTS to students of the college and continue Welcome Week!   

Be on the lookout for daily clues via FB, Ed88 and email beginning at 10am as the Colts Horseshoe Scavenger Hunt BEGINS! Nashville…  Make sure to check out the student Organization tables and games 11-2! 

UA Cossatot Colts Basketball Benefit Golf Tournament Saturday at De Queen Country Club

Pictured (L-R):  Coach Bryant Pagan II, Logan Cole, Chad Wilson, Cory Brown, J. Bigham, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert ByrdWinners of the Championship Flight with a score of 57 were:  Cole, Wilson, Brown and Bigham

Pictured (L-R): Coach Bryant Pagan II, Logan Cole, Chad Wilson, Cory Brown, J. Bigham, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert Byrd

Winners of the Championship Flight with a score of 57 were: Cole, Wilson, Brown and Bigham

Pictured (L-R):  Coach Bryant Pagan II, Kyle Slayton, Jared Bristow, Trey Gentry, Jeffrey Mitchell, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert ByrdWinners of the First Flight with a score of 62 were:  Slayton, Bristow, Gentry, and Mitchell

Pictured (L-R): Coach Bryant Pagan II, Kyle Slayton, Jared Bristow, Trey Gentry, Jeffrey Mitchell, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert Byrd

Winners of the First Flight with a score of 62 were: Slayton, Bristow, Gentry, and Mitchell

Pictured (L-R):  Coach Bryant Pagan II,  Trever Berg, Will Dykes, Zac Herrington, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert Byrd (Drew Dykes not pictured)Winners of the Second Flight with a score of 66 were:  Herrington, Dykes, Berg, and Dykes

Pictured (L-R): Coach Bryant Pagan II, Trever Berg, Will Dykes, Zac Herrington, Tournament Director Jon Bunyard, and Head Coach Robert Byrd (Drew Dykes not pictured)

Winners of the Second Flight with a score of 66 were: Herrington, Dykes, Berg, and Dykes

Also, Congratulations to Michael Collins (not pictured) for winning the longest drive during the tournament on the 9th hole. Collins won a $100 Academy Gift Card donated by Seth Tollett Farms.

Monday's SW Arkansas COVID-19 Active Case Numbers and Vaccinations

Active Cases Data for Sevier County
Total Active Cases: 142

Active Cases Data for Howard County
Total Active Cases: 96

Active Cases Data for Little River County
Total Active Cases: 111

Active Cases Data for Polk County
Total Active Cases: 130

Active Cases Data for Pike County
Total Active Cases: 72

Message from UA Cossatot Chancellor, Dr. Steve Cole


August 11, 2021 

With vaccination rates being lower than expected and a spike in the Delta variant presently occurring, UA Cossatot has been monitoring the CDC and the prevailing local health conditions to make decisions designed to protect our students and employees. Yesterday, the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees passed a resolution that stated in part “…WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that, based on the spread of the Delta variant, communities with high transmission of COVID-19 should require individuals, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings in indoor public settings; and WHEREAS the Board passed a resolution in May 2020 directing UA System institutions to adopt policies requiring face coverings in university facilities when physical distancing cannot be assured, and that such policies remain in effect as long as the use of face coverings is recommended by the CDC…”. 

Based on this directive, and after meeting with our employees and Board of Visitors, beginning Monday, August 16th, all UA Cossatot campuses will require face coverings according to Procedure 1000, which requires that faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear a face covering while in campus facilities. The following indoor exceptions apply to this procedure: 

·       Employees working alone in their offices.

·       Participating in activities in which a face covering cannot be worn, or would prohibit normal breathing functions (such as eating, drinking, playing sports).

·       Individuals with a documented disability.

·       Instructors in outdoor or shop-type areas.

This face covering requirement will be in effect until the CDC designates all four counties in our service area as YELLOW (Moderate Risk) or GREEN (Low Risk). All four counties are currently RED (High Risk). I have included a link to the CDC Tracker here:

We will post CDC updates on our UA Cossatot website and all social media platforms. We will also send students email updates as conditions change. 

It has been widely reported the strain the Delta variant has placed on our medical communities. In fact, our regional facilities are feeling the strain more now than ever before. We feel it is our obligation to make every reasonable effort to mitigate the spread of this virus and the highly contagious Delta variant. There is no doubt we must all work together to mitigate COVID by making safe and informed decisions, especially while the threat of this virus is high. The health and safety of our students and staff will remain my highest priority. 

Please consider being vaccinated and please wear a mask! 

Chancellor Cole

UA Cossatot Face Covering Procedure 1000

UA Cossatot Face Covering Procedure 1000

The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees voted on August 11, 2021 and directed each campus, division and unit to implement face covering policies for students, faculty, staff and guests, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor public settings where physical distancing cannot be assured in accordance with CDC guidance regarding the COVID-19 Delta variant. UA Cossatot, in the interest of campus and community health, has developed the following face covering procedure.

Faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear a face covering while in campus facilities. The following indoor exceptions apply:

· Employees working alone in their offices.

· Participating in activities in which a face covering cannot be worn, or would prohibit normal breathing functions (such as eating, drinking, playing sports).

· Individuals with a documented disability.

· Instructors in outdoor or shop-type areas.

This procedure will be in force until the prevailing local health conditions warrant its cancellation.

Heat Advisory for Southwest Arkansas


* WHAT...Heat index values up to 108 expected.

* WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Louisiana,
  southeast Oklahoma, south central and southwest Arkansas and
  east and northeast Texas.

* WHEN...Until 7 PM CDT Thursday.

* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat
  illnesses to occur, particularly for those working or
  participating in outdoor activities.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

COVID Numbers Continue to Climb in SW Arkansas

Active Cases Data for Sevier County
Total Active Cases: 91

Active Cases Data for Howard County
Total Active Cases: 79

Active Cases Data for Little River County
Total Active Cases: 71

Active Cases Data for Polk County
Total Active Cases: 88

Active Cases Data for Pike County
Total Active Cases: 67

Heat Advisory Wednesday for Southwest Arkansas


* WHAT...Heat index values up to 108 expected.

* WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Louisiana,
  southeast Oklahoma, south central and southwest Arkansas and
  east and northeast Texas.

* WHEN...Until 7 PM CDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat
  illnesses to occur, particularly for those working or
  participating in outdoor activities.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

Coach Robert Byrd of UA Cossatot at De Queen Lions Club Meeting

Robert Byrd, Athletic Director and head coach of UA Cossatot Colts and Lady Colts, recently spoke at De Queen Lions Club about the success of the basketball teams’ previous season, the upcoming benefit golf tournament at De Queen County Club, and the upcoming season.

Heat Advisory for Southwest Arkansas


* WHAT...Heat index values up to 108 expected.

* WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Louisiana,
  southeast Oklahoma, south central and southwest Arkansas and
  east and northeast Texas.

* WHEN...From 11 AM to 7 PM CDT Tuesday.

* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat
  illnesses to occur, particularly for those working or
  participating in outdoor activities.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

U.S. Department of Commerce Awarding $2 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance to Support Healthcare and Workforce Training at UA Cossatot

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to UA Cossatot. This grant supports a Medical Mobile Unit and creates a healthcare simulation lab and telemedicine space at all four campuses. This EDA grant is expected to create 105 jobs.

“President Biden is committed to harnessing the full power of the federal government to ensure our nation not only recovers from this pandemic but builds back stronger,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo. “This EDA investment in Cossatot Community College will provide rural communities with access to healthcare and healthcare training programs to prepare students for good-paying, quality jobs.”

“The Economic Development Administration plays an important role in supporting community-led economic development strategies designed to boost coronavirus recovery and response efforts,” said Dennis Alvord, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. “This EDA investment will create a Wellness Education Learning and Living (WELL) community with a Medical Mobile Unit to provide urgent care and create a healthcare simulation lab and telemedicine space to train workers in high-demand healthcare fields.”

“This grant is a real benefit to rural Arkansas,” said Governor Asa Hutchinson. “The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for more healthcare options in rural Arkansas and the benefit of telemedicine. The funds will make a positive impact on the economy and the health of Arkansans.”

“Congress came together in a bipartisan way to pass the CARES Act to strengthen our communities’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent challenges it presents,” said Senator John Boozman. “I am pleased the EDA recognizes the need for expanded health care access and training in Southwest Arkansas and is making this investment to help the region better meet existing and future needs that will also result in more good jobs.”

“Rural America is too often overlooked for federal grants,” said Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04). “That’s why I’m so grateful that the bipartisan CARES Act is making this critical health care investment possible. The residents of De Queen and the students at Cossatot Community College will benefit greatly from the jobs and training opportunities this grant will support. Smart, targeted investment like this greatly aids rural America’s post-pandemic recovery.”

“We feel this grant will impact Medical Education in Southwest Arkansas like nothing ever before, said UA Cossatot Chancellor Dr. Steve Cole. “This WELL grant will allow UA Cossatot to establish four medical simulation/telemedicine labs on each of our four campuses in DeQueen, Lockesburg, Nashville, and Ashdown, two Ambulance Simulators on two campuses, the establishment of a new Medical Lab Technician program, and we will be purchasing a complete mobile medical unit that our medical faculty and students will be using to assist with health care needs around our service area. It is truly a game-changer for our college, and we can’t be more thankful to our Federal Delegation for helping see this through”.

This project was made possible by the regional planning efforts led by the Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development District (SWAPDD). EDA funds SWAPDD to bring together the public and private sectors to create an economic development road map to strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment and create jobs.

This project is funded under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Public Law 116-136), which provided EDA with $1.5 billion for economic assistance programs to help communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. EDA CARES Act Recovery Assistance, which is being administered under the authority of the bureau’s flexible Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program, provides a wide range of financial assistance to eligible communities and regions as they respond to and recover from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

Back To School COVID Message From Dr. Steve Cole, UA Cossatot Chancellor

steve cole.jpg

Greetings to all students, faculty, and staff at UA Cossatot.

Here it is, the start of a fresh semester and here we are, dealing with another outbreak of COVID-19.

The Chancellor’s Cabinet at UA Cossatot has been monitoring the prevailing health conditions of our local area and, as we did this past year, we will continue to sanitize classrooms and other public spaces and provide masks and hand sanitizers for all students and employees that choose to wear one.

For the upcoming fall semester, here are a few things we want everyone to consider:

If you have questions about vaccinations, mask use, etc., please talk to your family physician, pharmacist, or other professional who is specifically trained in this area. Please don’t rely on social media, unreliable “news” sources, or other unqualified messengers. The most important thing is for everyone to make really good, informed decisions about their own health and how they can help reduce the spread of COVID and reduce the risk associated with it in case they test positive for it.

Getting vaccinated remains your best option for protection against the virus. If you haven’t done so already, I strongly encourage you to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. If you need additional information about how and why to get vaccinated locally, please reach out to Dr. Ashley Aylett ( for a complete list of locations that offer free vaccines.

There is currently a state law that states that UA Cossatot cannot require masks on our campuses. Even though we don’t require masks when you are on campus, masks are effective in preventing direct exposure to airborne virus particles, and we strongly encourage you to wear a mask if social distancing is not possible.

Communication and contact tracing are still vitally important as we monitor students and employees who may be exposed to COVID. The rules and guidance related to quarantine and isolation (based on Arkansas Department of Health guidelines) continue to evolve depending on your vaccination status. If you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID or if you have tested positive, please contact the following people:

For UA Cossatot students, contact Dr. Ashley Aylett (

For UA Cossatot employees, contact Ms. Kelly Plunk (

We are looking forward to a fantastic fall semester! We will all have to work hard to take care of one another and have a successful academic year.

As always, please let me know if I can do anything for you!

Dr. Cole

UA Cossatot Honor Students and Graduate List for Summer 2021

UA Cossatot Has Announced the Honor Graduates for Summer 2021

To earn a place on the Chancellor's List a student must complete at least 12 hours of college level credit classes and achieve a semester gpa of 4.0. Ariel Dinkins of Gillham made the Chancellor's List while earning an Associate of Science Degree in Business.

Students who achieve the honor of Vice Chancellor's List, must complete at least 12 hour college level credit classes and earn a semester gpa of 3.50 to 3.99. Vice Chancellor's honorees include:

Weston Harp Associate of Arts De Queen

Sofia Velaquez AS in Business De Queen

Shalene Cardenas AS in Business Nashville

Congratulations to each of our honor students!

UA Cossatot Graduate List for Summer 2021

Erica Alexander Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Shreveport

Michael Barnard Associate of General Studies De Queen

Payton Bobo Associate of Arts & Associate of General Studies Dierks

Marlene Briones Health Professions Technical Certificate De Queen

Jade Burgess Psychology Associate of Science & General Studies Technical Certificate Idabel

Shannon Burkland Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Texarkana

Dillon Cheater STEM Associate of Science Sallisaw, OK

Hannah Coffman Cosmetology Technical Certificate Amity

Brayden Counts Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Dierks

Haley Davis Associate of General Studies Nashville

MaKayla Dixon STEM Associate of Science Ashdown

Delaney Eckert Associate of General Studies & General Studies Technical Certificate Dierks

Sha'uri Esquivel STEM Associate of Science De Queen

Maya Fant Psychology Associate of Science & General Studies Technical Certificate Nashville

Aubree Gauldin Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Foreman

Lacie Grace Cosmetology Technical Certificate Nashville

Triston Green General Technology Associate of Applied Science Nashville

Weston Harp Associate of Arts & General Studies Technical Certificate De Queen

Jerimiyah Harris Business Associate of Science Nashville

Samantha Henderson Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Broken Bow

Candice Hughes Associate of General Studies Murfreesboro

Alyssa Jackson Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Fouke

Sophie Jackson STEM Associate of Science Cove

Jacques Ketant Associate of General Studies & General Studies Technical Certificate North Miami, FL

Brayden Kirby Associate of General Studies & General Studies Technical Certificate Dierks

Garrett Lance Associate of General Studies & General Studies Technical Certificate Nashville

Hope Littles Associate of Arts & General Studies Technical Certificate Murfreesboro

Aubrey Lockeby Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Ashdown

Megan Lovelis Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Star City

David Mitchell Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Ashdown

Crystal Morgan Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Texarkana

Breanna Mounts Associate of General Studies & General Studies Technical Certificate Newhope

Rena Owens Associate of General Studies & Teaching: K-6 Associate of Science Waldron

Callie Redfearn Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science Ashdown

Erica Resendiz Physical Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science De Queen

Raven Revels Agri Business Associate of Science De Queen

Garrett Talley Associate of General Studies Nashville

Congratulations to all of our UA Cossatot Summer Graduates!

A Continued Increase in COVID-19 Active Cases in SW Arkansas

Active Cases Data for Sevier County
Total Active Cases: 74

Active Cases Data for Howard County
Total Active Cases: 85

Active Cases Data for Little River County
Total Active Cases: 66

Active Cases Data for Polk County
Total Active Cases: 95

Active Cases Data for Pike County
Total Active Cases: 74

COVID-19 Active Cases Climbing in SW Arkansas

Active Cases Data for Sevier County
Total Active Cases: 66

Active Cases Data for Howard County
Total Active Cases: 76

Active Cases Data for Little River County
Total Active Cases: 55

Active Cases Data for Polk County
Total Active Cases: 84

Active Cases Data for Pike County
Total Active Cases: 73

UA Cossatot Student Athletes Scholarship Benefit Golf Tournament Saturday, August 14th

Colts Golf Tournament will present plaques to the winners of each flight (3 flights).  The tournament will include smoked chicken and fried fish dinners by donation, goodie bags from De Queen Auto Group, giveaways, hole-n-one chances at $50,000 toward the purchase of any new vehicle, a one year supply of Bridgestone Golf Balls, Cuater by TravisMathew, and a Prize Package and $500 shopping spree all sponsored by Gentry’s Chevrolet, Longest Drive Prizes sponsored by Bush Tractor & Seth Tollett Farms, Closest to Hole 1 Free Year Club Membership, and Putting Contest Prize.

Colts Golf Tournament will present plaques to the winners of each flight (3 flights). The tournament will include smoked chicken and fried fish dinners by donation, goodie bags from De Queen Auto Group, giveaways, hole-n-one chances at $50,000 toward the purchase of any new vehicle, a one year supply of Bridgestone Golf Balls, Cuater by TravisMathew, and a Prize Package and $500 shopping spree all sponsored by Gentry’s Chevrolet, Longest Drive Prizes sponsored by Bush Tractor & Seth Tollett Farms, Closest to Hole 1 Free Year Club Membership, and Putting Contest Prize.

Mechanical Millwright Paid Internships Available for UA Cossatot Students at Weyerhaeuser in Dierks

Weyerhaeuser in Dierks is offering some new paid mechanical millwright internships for UA Cossatot students.  This is an opportunity for our students to pursue an Associate of Applied Science – General Technology or a technical certificate for Industrial Technology or Industrial Electricity tuition free, plus $15.96 per hour.  There are 4 positions open for application now through 8/18.  Below are the direct links to the posting along with a job description.   


Mechanical Millwright Intern-01016597 - external - internal



Weyerhaeuser Company is partnering with Cossatot Community College of University of Arkansas to build a talent pipeline.  We are seeking applicants for internship/sponsorship opportunities for our Mid-South manufacturing facilities located in Dierks, AR.  We are seeking applicants with a desire to work in the Electrical/Electronics and Industrial Maintenance areas of study. This is an excellent professional development opportunity.
Key Intern Expectations:

·         Commitment to completing degree at Cossatot Community College of University of Arkansas (CCCUA)

·         Dependability – punctual and prepared to work

·         Professional communication and behaviors

·         Commitment to learning and understanding critical safety behavior requirements



·         Enrolled at CCCUA in Associate of Applied Science – General Technology or pursing a technical certificate for Industrial Technology or Industrial Electrical

·         Must be at least 18 years of age with high school diploma or GED

·         Must be able to commit to summer internship each year while enrolled and will be required to work weekend schedule during school year.

·         Must be able to complete the internship requirements for degree completion

·         Strong verbal and written communication skills

·         Technical writing capability

·         Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work within a team environment

·         Problem solving and analytical skills

·         High level of initiative and motivation

·         Ability to pass pre-employment requirements including drug screen and background check

·         Proficient in MS Office

·         Willingness to work in challenging environments (outdoor temperature extremes)

·         Willingness to perform the essential functions of this position

·         Commitment to at least 3 years of employment with Weyerhaeuser upon graduation from CCCUA

·         Eligible to work in the U.S. without sponsorship


About Wood Products:
We've been delivering quality building products and solutions to our customers for more than 100 years. From builders and dealers to specifiers and homeowners, we offer exceptional product performance and unparalleled support.
For more than a century, we’ve been building our reputation as a leader in sustainable wood products.


About Weyerhaeuser
We sustainably manage forests and manufacture products that make the world a better place. We’re serious about safety, driven to achieve excellence, and proud of what we do. With multiple business lines in locations across North America, we offer a range of exciting career opportunities for smart, talented people who are passionate about making a difference. 
We know you have a choice in your career. We want you to choose us. 

Weyerhaeuser is an equal opportunity employer. Inclusion is one of our five core values and we strive to maintain a culture where all our people feel a sense of belonging, opportunity and shared purpose. We are committed to recruiting a diverse workforce and supporting an equitable and inclusive environment that inspires people of all backgrounds to join, stay and thrive with our team. 

Job:  Operations, Manufacturing, & Construction

Primary Location: USA-AR-Dierks

Schedule:  Full-time

Job Level:  Entry Level

Job Type:  Temporary Work

Shift:  Day (1st)

COVID-19 Active Cases Decline for a Day in SW Arkansas

Active Cases Data for Sevier County

Total Active Cases: 56

Active Cases Data for Howard County

Total Active Cases: 64

Active Cases Data for Little River County

Total Active Cases: 31

Active Cases Data for Polk County

Total Active Cases: 79

Active Cases Data for Pike County

Total Active Cases: 76

COVID-19 Active Case Numbers Still on the Rise in SW Arkansas

Active Cases Data for Sevier County
Total Active Cases: 57

Active Cases Data for Howard County
Total Active Cases: 70

Active Cases Data for Little River County
Total Active Cases: 40

Active Cases Data for Polk County
Total Active Cases: 84

Active Cases Data for Pike County
Total Active Cases: 81