Arkansas News

Nashville teen serves as Senate Page

WASHINGTON –– Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts student Katherine Quintanilla traded in the scenes of the Hot Springs campus for the opportunity to navigate the corridors of the U.S. Capitol as a Senate Page this summer.

Quintanilla served as one of 52 Senate Pages who prepared the U.S. Senate chamber for the day’s business by distributing documents to senators’ desks, assisting in the cloakrooms, supporting chamber staff, and – when Congress was in session – sitting near the dais waiting to help members delivering remarks or casting votes.

“It was an honor and privilege to have been able to work as a Senate Page for Senator Boozman and represent the state of Arkansas. Never in my life did I think I would be able to see the inner workings of our government and interact with senators. Being able to witness firsthand potential legislation on the Senate floor was incredible and working on Capitol Hill was the experience of a lifetime,” Quintanilla said. 

The 17-year-old rising senior originally from Nashville, Arkansas earned her appointment to the position from U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR).

“Katherine did an excellent job supporting the day-to-day activity of the Senate and gained a rare perspective on the legislative process. I am hopeful this experience will inspire her to pursue a lifetime of civic engagement. Our entire state can be proud by her service and contributions to this prestigious program,” Boozman said

Quintanilla is an active member of the Future Business Leaders of America and participated in Arkansas Girls State earlier this summer. She also founded the Syrian Emergency Task Force club at her school, which advocates for an end to the civil war in Syria and collaborates with other chapters in the state to promote humanitarian assistance for victims.

Katherine is the daughter of Carlos and Berta Quintanilla. 

The Senate Page program started in 1829 when Senator Daniel Webster appointed the first Senate Page. Today, the program is a unique, highly selective opportunity for high school juniors with a strong academic standing to learn firsthand about the institution often referred to as “the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

Senate Page Katherine Quintanilla and Senator John Boozman

Arkansas ends fiscal year with tax revenue surplus just under $700 million

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

Arkansas tax revenue totaled more than $8.7 billion in the fiscal year ending June 30, with the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) reporting Tuesday (July 2) an annual revenue surplus of $698.4 million.

Total revenue in the fiscal year (July 2023-June 2024) was $8.708 billion, down 1.6% compared with the previous fiscal year and  0.2% below the forecast.

“The year-over-year decline in net available and gross general revenues is primarily attributed to the expected effects of income tax cuts passed in 2023,” the DFA noted in the report.

Arkansas ends fiscal year with tax revenue surplus just under $700 million

Arkansas grocery store reopens in wake of mass shooting that left 4 dead

From the Associated Press:

Google Image

The sounds that filled the Mad Butcher grocery store on Tuesday — the beeping barcode scanners, the rattle of shopping carts and cash register drawers opening — were familiar ones for customers and employees of the only grocery store in the small Arkansas town of Fordyce.

But this was not a normal day for the store, which reopened 11 days after a shooter killed four people and injured 10 others in Mad Butcher and its parking lot. Community leaders called Tuesday’s reopening an important part of the healing process for a town of 3,200 shocked by the mass shooting.

“It’s more than a store,” said Dallas County Sheriff Mike Knoedel, who had responded to the shooting and was on hand for the store’s reopening. “It’s a meeting place. Every time I’m in this store, I’m in it two or three times a week, you’re talking to neighbors. Everybody knows everybody.”

Arkansas grocery store reopens in wake of mass shooting that left 4 dead

Circuit court denies TikTok's motion to dismiss, deceptive trade practices lawsuit will continue in Union County

LITTLE ROCK – Attorney General Tim Griffin today issued the following statement after the Union County Circuit Court denied a motion by TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance, to dismiss Griffin’s lawsuit against the social media platform:

“I applaud the court’s decision to allow our lawsuit against TikTok and ByteDance to proceed. This marks the third time this year that a lawsuit I have brought against a social media platform has cleared this important legal hurdle.

“TikTok argued that the court did not have personal jurisdiction over the defendants in this case, that our claims under the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act should fail, and that the claims are preempted. The court rightfully rejected all three arguments.

“Arkansas is leading the way in holding social media platforms accountable for how they represent themselves to customers and the type of content and algorithms they contain. I will continue to stand up for Arkansans and ensure TikTok keeps our private information out of the hands of the Chinese government.”

To read a copy of the court’s decision, click here.

For a printer-friendly version of this release, click here.

Governor Sanders supports USDA disaster assistance for Arkansas agriculture

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders today submitted a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack in support of the request by the Arkansas USDA Farm Service Agency for a Secretarial Disaster Declaration and the Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP).  The letter is linked here.

“My dad was fond of saying that if a country can’t feed itself, fuel itself, or fight for itself, then it cannot survive. Agriculture is Arkansas’ largest industry, contributing more than $20 billion to our economy each year and employing one in seven Arkansans. It is also an integral part of our way of life,” said Governor Sanders. “I am in full support of the recent request by the Arkansas USDA Farm Service Agency for a Secretarial Disaster Declaration and approval of the Emergency Forest Restoration Program.”

The letter is in response to several strong storms that passed through Arkansas in April and May of this year that negatively impacted Arkansas agricultural producers and forest landowners.  Multiple tornadoes from severe storms on May 25-26 caused significant forest damage in northern Arkansas.  The Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Forestry Division estimates that the storms impacted over 24,000 acres of forestland with an estimated loss of $18.4 million.  

Recent storms also caused negative impacts to the livestock and poultry industry through damage to pastureland, fences, and damaged or destroyed poultry houses.  Row crop and specialty crop producers in multiple counties have also experienced significant damage and loss to various crops including apples, grapes, berries, corn, soybeans, cotton, rice, and some grasses.  

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture has worked in coordination with the Governor’s office to help the agriculture industry following the damaging storms, including providing more than 40 forestry personnel in cleanup efforts and storm evaluations in affected areas. This assistance has included debris removal and access to roadways and utilities, community assistance with planning for debris removal and tree replanting, and clearing trails and other damage at Hobbs State Park. 

Forest landowners seeking assistance with forest management decisions, individual damage assessments, and value of downed timber should contact a consulting forester.  The Arkansas Department of Agriculture may also be able to provide general education and direction to those impacted by the storms.  Additional information about the Arkansas Department of Agriculture can be found at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture website

A compilation of available assistance can be found at  

Additional information about USDA Disaster Assistance Programs can be found at the  USDA website.  Further, under A.C.A. 26-51-314, payments from an agricultural disaster program to a cattle farmer or rancher are exempt from state income tax.

Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance holds first ever meeting in NEA

by George Jared (

The Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance held its first-ever meeting in Northeast Arkansas on Wednesday (June 26). Members gathered at the Arkansas Aeroplex and Arkansas Northeastern College. County leaders gave aerospace and economic updates.

The Arkansas Aeroplex is home to 40 commercial businesses, including Aviation Repair Technologies (ART), a member of the Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance. The Aeroplex, formerly Eaker Air Force Base, features an 11,600-foot-long, 300-foot-wide runway and is the designated site of the National Cold War Center, scheduled to open in 2027.

“We are laser-focused on growing the aerospace and defense industry in Arkansas and promoting the members we have across the state, including those located in Mississippi County, Aviation Repair Technologies (ART) and the Arkansas Aeroplex,” Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance executive director Chad Causey said. “We are appreciative of the invitation to come to the Aeroplex and explore the growth potential that exists here for the industry and our state.”

Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance holds first ever meeting in NEA

Eaker Air Force Base.

$60 million in federal funds available for Arkansas water projects

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

About $60 million will be spent on statewide water and infrastructure needs. The funds are part of the American Rescue Plan that was passed by Congress in 2021.

Gov. Sarah Sanders said $55 million will be used on water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure projects and $5 million for the Arkansas Rural Water Association to assist water and wastewater systems across the state. The legislature approved the funds in Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC) late last month.

“My administration has worked with our federal partners to appropriately put money into Arkansas’ water infrastructure development, and this announcement adds to that commitment, Every Arkansan deserves safe and accessible drinking water, and with this funding, we will move closer to that goal,” she said.

$60 million in federal funds available for Arkansas water projects

Image from the City of Fort Smith

Feds award $25 million grant for I-49 segment in the Fort Smith metro

by Michael Tilley (

The almost 14-mile segment of Interstate 49 to be built in Crawford and Sebastian counties between I-40 in Alma and Highway 22 in Barling has received a $25 million federal grant and is in the running for another $250 million federal grant.

The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) said Thursday (June 27) that the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a $25 million Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant for use on the I-49 segment. The money comes from the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act or Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. No members of Arkansas’ Congressional delegation voted for the legislation.

“After decades of underinvestment, the condition of America’s infrastructure is now finally getting better instead of worse – and today we proudly announce our support for 148 more projects in communities of every size across the country,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement. “Through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we’re funding projects across the country to make roads safer, make it easier for people to move around their community, make transportation infrastructure more resilient to extreme weather, and improve supply chains to keep costs down for consumers.”

Feds award $25 million grant for I-49 segment in the Fort Smith metro

Cotton, soybeans are up, corn tumbles, seed shortage moves rice toward medium grain

By Mary Hightower
U of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — The June “Acreage” report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture showed cotton with its highest acreage in more than a decade and soybeans on the rise, while corn tumbled and rice shuffled between long and medium grain acres in Arkansas.

Scot Stiles: “June Acreage is more or less a reality check for the March ‘Planting Intentions’ report.” (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Kerry Rodtnick) 

Friday’s report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, proved a hot property, with users crashing the servers shortly after its 11 a.m. CDT release.

Graph showing information about Arkansas crops from the June 28, 2024, Acreage report from NASS. (U of A System Division of Agriculture image by Scott Stiles)

“June Acreage is more or less a reality check for the March ‘Planting Intentions’ report,” said Scott Stiles, extension agricultural economics program associate for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

Principle crops planted, acreage down 0.8 percent to 7.156 million acres in Arkansas; total planted in US is 315 billion acres, down 1.4 percent from previous year, NASS said.


Corn acres dropped 27.1 percent to 620,000 acres, unchanged from the March planting intentions.

“Corn prices have been on downward slide for much of the past year,” Stiles said. “Futures prices for new crop corn were about 20 percent below the previous year when NASS surveyed growers in early March.” 

Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said he wasn’t surprised by the Acreage report.

“Lower grain prices, combined with less-than-ideal planting conditions for some led to the drop in Arkansas acres,” he said. “The spring was too wet, especially in the southern half of the state.

“Northeast Arkansas overall had better planting conditions than the rest of the state, with dry weather in late March and early April,” Kelley said.


Cotton acres were up 31.4 percent to 670,000 acres in Arkansas, while total U.S. acres were also up 14.1 percent.

The huge surprise in today’s report was NASS’ cotton acreage number,” Stiles said. “In March, growers indicated they would increase acres by a modest 30,000 acres to 540,000.”

However, “in June, acres are expected to be 670,000; up 160,000 from last year,” Stiles said. “This would be the highest cotton acreage for the state since 2011, which saw 680,000 acres that year. 

He said that while there were solid indications we have 610,000 to 620,000 acres in the state, “the 670,000-acre print is surprisingly high.

“Cotton prices started a nosedive in early April, losing about 13 cents by mid-June. Prices fell from the low 80 cent level to 70 cents,” Stiles said, “But, cotton yields in the state continue to climb and growers exited 2023 with record yields.  And the crop insurance price of 82 cents this year may have played a role in adding acres.  There was some shifting from corn to cotton going on as well.” 

“In terms of cotton we're in good shape,” said Zachary Treadway, extension cotton and peanut agronomist for the Division of Agriculture. “Some guys are in the first week of bloom and some are into the second week of bloom, but what’s really important right now is water.

“It’s getting hot and dry and want to keep putting moisture on the crop so we’re not stressing it,” he said.


“Peanuts remained the same, which is what I was expecting based on what growers were saying,” Treadway said.

NASS pinned peanuts at 35,000 acres, same as in 2023.

“The peanut crop is in pretty good shape,” Treadway said. “We had some growers that had to go back and replant after extensive rainfall. Some growers are reporting their crop pegging.”

In pegging, the embryonic peanut grows downward into the soil.


Overall, total rice acres were down 15,000 acres from last year in NASS' findings to 1.42 million acres, compared to just under 1.44 million acres in 2023.

Stiles said he was a little surprised by the 40,000-acre decline in long-grain rice acres from March.

“The June survey results are a little puzzling considering the planting progress this year and the rice market rally that kicked off in early April,” he said.

“Generally, in years when planting progresses at a faster than average pace, we tend to see a higher acreage number in June,” Stiles said. “USDA did increase medium grain acres by 10,000 above their March number.”

Jarrod Hardke, rice extension agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said he too was a little  surprised by the dip, but said it was within his range of expectations between 1.4 million and 1.5 million acres.

A shortage of long-grain seed shortage played into the shuffling of acres over to medium grain, he said.

“One of the hardest things to gauge every year is the expected long and medium grain acreage, and then with a seed shortage out of the gate, that changed the mix. And it got very, very weird,” he said.

There were also some missed planting opportunities during good weather windows as growers unable to get the seed they wanted, scrambled to find varieties to plant.


NASS lowered Arkansas soybean acres by 50,000 from the March intentions to 3.05 million, however that was still up 2.3 percent from 2023. U.S. total was up 3 percent to 86.1 billion acres.

“This is still an increase of 2 percent or 70,000 acres over last year,” Stiles said. “Considering the sharp drop in corn acres, some resulting increase in soybeans is not a surprise. 

“Similar to corn, soybean prices have trended lower over the past year as well,” he said. “As planting kicked off in the state, soybean prices were about 13 to 14 percent lower compared to the prior year.  November ‘24 soybeans settled at $11.04 today.  A year ago the November contract traded at $12.66, right ahead of a summer rally that carried prices above $14 last July. A very bearish feel to the soybean and corn markets this year.”

Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist, said “the estimates were in line with what I was expecting. We had another really good start with early plantings similar to the 2023 season. 

“This year’s soybean crop ranges from early planted fields beginning to fill pods to fields that were planted within the last two days,” he said on Sunday. “With the drop in soybean prices compared to last year, I’m getting a few more calls with farmers and consultants asking about different inputs preserving or increasing soybean yields.”


Winter wheat acres declined 39.1 percent from 2024 to 140,000 acres. That followed the larger national trend with U.S. winter wheat falling down 7.9 percent to 33.8 billion acres.

Kelley said the decline was likely due to “lower prices for grain and lower relative profitability compared to other crops.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on X at @AgInArk. 

Ryan Cork named UAMS NWA vice-chancellor, starts Sept. 1

Ryan Cork, executive director of the Northwest Arkansas Council’s healthcare transformation division since 2021, is headed to a new role in the region.

In a memo to employees obtained by the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal and Talk Business & Politics, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) announced that Cork will become its new Northwest Arkansas vice-chancellor.

“Ryan Cork, MSHA, has accepted our offer to be vice chancellor for the Northwest Arkansas Region, effective Sept. 1.,” noted a memo from UAMS Chancellor Dr. Cam Patterson. “Ryan has extensive experience in leadership and health care administration combined with knowledge about the health care needs and opportunities in Northwest Arkansas. These qualities will be critical as UAMS continues to expand its academic, clinical and research presence in the region — whether it’s our effort to add more graduate medical education slots or completion of the UAMS Health Orthopaedics & Sports Performance Center that we broke ground on last year.”

Ryan Cork named UAMS NWA vice-chancellor, starts Sept. 1

Ryan Cork

U.S. Supreme Court grants Trump partial win in immunity question

by Michael Tilley (

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday (July 1) ruled that former President Donald Trump does not have total immunity, but would have the “presumption” of immunity for any official acts while in office. The ruling is seen as a victory for Trump.

Early legal analysis suggests the Court’s ruling will make it more difficult for Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to pursue the Jan. 6 insurrection case against Trump because it potentially limits evidence that can be used by the prosecution. The justices were split 6-3 on the opinion and along partisan lines. Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the majority opinion. (Link here for a PDF of the opinion.)

As part of his challenge to allegations he illegally tried to interfere with the 2020 election process, Trump and his attorneys claim that as a former president he is immune to criminal prosecution. Federal law now provides immunity to a president while in office with the immunity related to a president’s official actions.

U.S. Supreme Court grants Trump partial win in immunity question

Rep. Crawford statement on SCOTUS decision in Trump v. United States

Washington, D.C.  Representative Rick Crawford (AR-01) released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. United States.

“The SCOTUS decision today confirms that a President is immune from criminal prosecution for official acts within his ‘conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.’ This ruling should prove to any Justice Department official, Democrat or Republican, that politically motivated prosecutions cannot be directed at the President. Clearly, some of the indictments in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against President Trump are likely unconstitutional. Instead of rushing to a conclusion that is not based on our Constitution and established caselaw, the District Court should reflect on this ruling and determine the best course forward for our nation and not a pre-desired political outcome,” said Rep. Crawford.

Arkansas AG sues over landlord sexual harassment

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin is suing two Jonesboro landlords over allegations they sexually harassed and assaulted their female tenants.

The landlords, Judy and Charles Warren, owned several properties in the city. Griffin says they violated the Arkansas Fair Housing Act

This law protects renters from discrimination; under the law, tenants cannot be discriminated against for race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Its language reflects the federal Fair Housing Act, a civil rights law signed by then-president Lyndon Johnson in 1968.

Arkansas AG sues over landlord sexual harassment

Roy Rom remembered for contributions to fruit industry, university

By the U of A System Division of Agriculture  

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — On campus, he was Dr. Roy Rom, but the fruit industry and the locals knew him as Mr. Peach and Mr. Apple.

Horticulture University Professor Emeritus Rom passed away June 15, surrounded by his children. He was 102.

Mary Savin, head of the horticulture department, said “Dr. Rom was a giant in American pomology and tree fruit science in the late 20th century.”

Roy C Rom was a renowned fruit breeder and pomologist and enjoyed an impressive career in horticulture. (U of Arkansas image)

Rom joined the horticulture department in 1959, conducting work in all three land-grant missions: teaching, research and extension. It was a time of growth for Arkansas’ fruit breeding program as Rom worked alongside two who would be inducted into the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame, fruit breeding program founder Jim Moore and Justin Morris.

“His research was always mission-oriented and developed applicable results,” Savin said. “He contributed to the strong national reputation of the horticulture department and especially the fruit science program alongside colleagues Dr. Moore and Dr. Morris.”

John Clark, distinguished professor emeritus, remembered his former professor not only for his commitment and thoroughness, but also his resilience and for the way he could communicate.

“He was an accomplished speaker. I had him in class, and of course a good speaker is a good characteristic to have as a teacher,” Clark said. “But I later heard him speak formally to public audiences, and he was a true orator. Well spoken, good timing, great enunciation, concise. I admired his ability.”

Clark said Rom’s “favorite crop was apples, and his enthusiasm for that crop was always strong; even having his own orchard was his testament of his love for that crop. He had the same enthusiasm in his research at the Fruit Research Station, be it pruning or physiology studies or his cooperation with Jim Moore on the apple breeding.”

Rom garnered great respect across campus, Savin said. 

“He was a quiet but strong leader within the department, college and across campus. He was deeply engaged in the community and his family’s apple orchard became almost legendary among schoolchildren and apple eaters,” she said. “He was the quintessential university professor.”

As a faculty member, Rom served in several officer roles of Gamma Sigma Delta, including the president, a long-time secretary-treasurer of the UA Foreign Student Association and chairman of the Campus Council and Campus Faculty. Gamma Sigma Delta is an agriculture-focused organization.

Rom also helped re-establish the Arkansas State Horticulture Society, serving as executive secretary for two decades. Rom was recognized for his research accomplishments, as a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science, with the Wilder Medal from the American Pomological Society, and the International Dwarf Fruit Tree Association Outstanding Researcher award. He was recognized as "Mr. Peach" by the National Peach Council.

Born Jan. 29, 1922, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Roy George Rom and Emmie Glaettli Rom, he grew up with three sisters, Betty, Rita and Carol. He attended the University of Wisconsin where he pursued a degree in horticulture. During World War II, his academic career was put on hold, and he became a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot instructor. He was honorably discharged as a second lieutenant at the end of the war and returned to college to finish his degree.

While in college he became the coxswain for the University of Wisconsin championship lightweight crew and, upon graduation, was coach for the Wisconsin 1946 national championship lightweight crew. He went on to coach crew at Yale where he led the 1950 Yale lightweight crew to a national championship. One of his many points of pride was helping form and coaching the Northwest Arkansas Rowing Club.

After college, he met and married Margaret. After living briefly in New Haven, Connecticut, they returned to Wisconsin to start a family and he completed a Ph.D. in fruit crop production physiology at the University of Wisconsin. Shortly after graduating in 1959, he accepted a position at the University of Arkansas.

Rom started the Rom Family Orchard in 1967, selling apples at the farm, to local stores, and at the Fayetteville Farmers Market. He took immense pride in providing quality, locally grown apples for the community and especially enjoyed giving orchard tours to hundreds of school-aged children and sharing his love of apples, nature and the outdoors. He was "Mr. Apple."

In his spare time, Rom had a rich volunteer life in the community. He also loved to camp, hike and canoe with his family. He was a loyal Razorback athletics fan and supported the men’s and women’s intercollegiate teams.

He has since been recognized by the University Division of Advancement as a Tower of Old Main for his scholarship support. 

Rom is survived by his four children: Cristine, Gretchen, Curt and Mark, as well as their spouses and children.

Memorials and gifts may be made to the Nathan Kitt Rom Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship or the Roy and Margaret Rom Endowed Award, mailed to the Gift Administration, University of Arkansas, 481 S. Shiloh Drive, Fayetteville, AR  72704.

Rom will be remembered on July 18 in a service at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks from 5-7 p.m.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on X at @AgInArk. 

Proton Center of Arkansas Marks 100th Patient Milestone

By Marty Trieschmann

Arkansas’ first and only proton radiation center has treated 100 patients since opening in September 2023. To commemorate the milestone, Carson Placker, 7, of Mountain Home, and Bob Sanders, 71, of Conway, rang the end of treatment bell together June 14, surrounded by their physicians and family.

Though 64 years apart in age, the two shared a touching moment when they joined hands and rang the end of treatment bell together.

“Carson is such an inspiration,” said Sanders. “I watch him run into the proton treatment room with no fear, and then he comes out singing. He’s definitely been a bright spot in this experience, and the team here is exceptional.”

Proton Center of Arkansas Marks 100th Patient Milestone

Jeff Long talks family, the Greenway and the changing landscape of college athletics

by Paul Gatling (

A familiar face might have caught your eye during the past year if you frequent the Razorback Greenway. If you’re a dyed-in-the-wool Razorback fan, and you’ve ever spotted a cyclist and wondered, ‘Could that be Jeff Long?’ you might have been onto something.

“I ride it three or four times a week,” Long said during a recent interview. “Sometimes more.”

At 64, Long’s daily rides typically span 25 to 40 miles. However, there’s a unique tradition he upholds on his birthday. For the past few years, he’s made it a point to cycle his age when the big day rolls around in September.

Jeff Long talks family, the Greenway and the changing landscape of college athletics

Ballot Integrity Alert: Attorney General Griffin reminds voters, canvassers of rules governing signature collection for ballot initiatives

BALLOT INTEGRITY ALERT: Attorney General Griffin Reminds Voters, Canvassers of Rules Governing Signature Collection for Ballot Initiatives

Griffin: ‘It is imperative that both voters and canvassers understand and adhere to Arkansas’s laws on the collection of signatures for ballot initiatives’

LITTLE ROCK – With the deadline for submittal of signatures on statewide ballot initiatives fast approaching, Attorney General Tim Griffin reissued guidance on the rules that govern the collection of signatures:


“As the July 5 deadline for signature submission draws near, there will likely be many people across the state this week making a final push to collect signatures for various ballot measures. It is imperative that both voters and canvassers understand and adhere to Arkansas’s laws on the collection of signatures for ballot initiatives. This benefits all involved; it protects the signatures from being challenged legally and upholds faith in our democratic process.”

The law requires that canvassers:

  • Be 18 years of age or older, a U.S. citizen, AND an Arkansas resident.

  • Personally witness all signatures on the petition.

It is a felony for a canvasser to:

  • Sign someone else’s name to a petition;

  • Print someone else’s name, address, or birth date. If the signer requires assistance due to disability, a person other than the canvasser may print the signer’s name, address, birth date, and the date of signing. The person providing assistance must sign and print his or her own name in the margin of the petition;

  • Ask for or obtain a signature when the canvasser knows that the person signing is not qualified to sign the petition;

  • Pay someone to sign;

  • Knowingly misrepresent the purpose and effect of the petition or the measure in order to persuade someone to sign; or

  • Falsely swear to have witnessed all signatures on the petition page.

If you are approached by a canvasser, remember that:

  • Only registered voters may sign a petition;

  • All signatures must be in the signer’s own handwriting and must be given in the presence of the canvasser;

  • Because petition parts are separated by county, signers should only sign petition parts for the county in which the signer is registered to vote;

  • Arkansas law requires that a full and correct copy of the popular name, ballot title and text of the initiated or referred measure be attached to every petition at all times during a petition’s circulation. This is so potential signers may read the full text of what they are being asked to sign;

  • The information a signer provides on a petition may be disclosed in response to a records request made under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.

We have received reports of canvassers leaving petitions unattended in public places. What is the effect of someone signing an unattended petition?

  • This is a canvasser violation only if (1) someone signs that petition while the canvasser isn't there and (2) the canvasser signs the affidavit in the bottom corner of the signature page. If both the foregoing happen, then two legal consequences occur: (1) people attacking the petition can argue that every signature page gathered by that canvasser be tossed out; and (2) the canvasser can be convicted of a felony for falsely swearing to have witnessed the signatures that occurred in his or her absence.

Regarding the collection of signatures on private property:

  • Signature collectors should ensure that their ballot-related activities comply with any posted signs and are conducted with the consent of private property owners.

Any complaints or allegations of misconduct in the ballot-initiative process should be directed to the Election Integrity Unit, Office of the Attorney General, at (833) 995-8683.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders announces appointments

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the following appointments: 

Arkansas 250 Commission 

Christina Berner, Jonesboro, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Cathy Boozman, Rogers, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Debbie Haak, Texarkana, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Sharri Jones, Pine Bluff, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Valorie Lawson, Bentonville, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Ebony Mitchell, Little Rock, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New Position. 

Jan Zimmerman, Little Rock, to the Arkansas 250 Commission. Term to expire July 5, 2026. New position. 

Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training 

James Montgomery, Hot Springs National Park, to the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training. Term to expire January 14, 2029. Replaces James Golden. 

Arkansas Economic Development Commission 

Thomas Dickinson, Little Rock, to the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2028. Replaces Steve Lux. 

Molly Shepherd, El Dorado, to the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2025. Previously vacant position. 

Arkansas Forestry Commission 

Ken Bragg, Sheridan, to the Arkansas Forestry Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2029. Replaces Steven Anthony. 

Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission 

Scott Simon, Fayetteville, to the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2028. Replaces Neill Sloan. 

Jody Pagan, Searcy, to the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2030. Previously vacant position. 

Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 

Michael McDermott, Weiner, to the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2029. Previously vacant position. 

Arkansas Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board 

Dr. Steven Webber, Little Rock, to chair the Arkansas Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board, by virtue of his position as Dean of the College of Medicine of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. 

Arkansas State Claims Commission 

Don Curdie, Little Rock, as Special Commissioner, to hear Claim Number 241833, Nelda Coleman v. UAMS and Arkansas State Claims Commission. 

Milton Fine, Little Rock, as Special Commissioner, to hear Claim Number 241833, Nelda Coleman v. UAMS and Arkansas State Claims Commission. 

Olan Reeves, Little Rock, as Special Commissioner, to hear Claim Number 241833, Nelda Coleman v. UAMS and Arkansas State Claims Commission. 

Arkansas State Rehabilitation Council 

Jennifer Carlin, Sherwood, to the Arkansas State Rehabilitation Council. Term to expire February 1, 2027. Previously vacant position. 

Frank Hellmer, Benton, to the Arkansas State Rehabilitation Council. Term to expire February 2, 2027. Replaces James Grover. 

Courtney Leach, Conway, to the Arkansas State Rehabilitation Council. Term to expire February 1, 2026. Replaces James Green. 

Bradley Ledgerwood, Cash, to the Arkansas State Rehabilitation Council. Term to expire February 1, 2026. Replaces Alex Scott. 

Arkansas Wine Producers Council 

Denis Wiederkehr, Wiederkehr Village, to the Arkansas Wine Producers Council. Term to expire March 1, 2026. Reappointment. 

Board of Directors of the Division of Science and Technology of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission 

Vernon Hasten, Alexander, to the Board of Directors of the Division of Science and Technology of the Economic Development Commission. Term to expire January 14, 2025. Replaces Jeff Standridge.

Osteopathic Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board 

Phillip Gilmore, Crossett, to the Osteopathic Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board. Term to expire July 1, 2027. New position. 

Dr. Shannon Jimenez, Fort Smith, to the Osteopathic Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board. Term to expire July 1, 2027. New position. 

Tim Knight, Arkadelphia, to the Osteopathic Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board. Term to expire July 1, 2027. New position. 

Dr. James Zini, Mountain View, to the Osteopathic Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board. Term to expire July 1, 2027. New position. 

State Board of Optometry 

Dr. James Hertzog, Cabot, to the State Board of Optometry. Term to expire April 26, 2029. Replaces Bryant Ashley. 

Cleburne County Quorum Court 

Rachel Douglass, Quitman, to serve as Justice of the Peach for District 11, for Cleburne County. Term expires December 31, 2024. Fulfills the remaining term of Sampson Wildmon. 

Lafayette County Quorum Court 

Dale Tatom, Lewisville, to serve as Justice of the Peace for District 1, for Lafayette County. Term expires December 31, 2024. Fulfills the remaining term of Jimmy Neal Bickerstaff. 

Yell County Quorum Court 

Thomas Leroy Randall, Dardanelle, to serve as Justice of the Peace for District 9, for Yell County. Term expires December 31, 2024. Fulfills the remaining term of Ryan Millsaps.

Attorney General Griffin calls challengers' decision not to seek U.S. Supreme Court review of Arkansas's successful defense of legislative map 'a win for Arkansas'

LITTLE ROCK – Attorney General Tim Griffin today issued the following statement after the NAACP and ACLU declined to seek U.S. Supreme Court review of the state’s landmark win before the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in Arkansas State Conference NAACP v. Arkansas Board of Apportionment:

“Last year, the Eighth Circuit threw out a challenge to Arkansas’s legislative map and became the first federal court of appeals to make clear that Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is not privately enforceable. The NAACP and ACLU’s decision not to ask the Supreme Court to review the Eighth Circuit’s ruling is a win for Arkansans as it ends that challenge, leaves Arkansas’s legislative map in place, and puts an end to similar meritless challenges in other states.

“For far too long special interests groups have used Section 2 to hijack redistricting decisions and dictate how states conduct elections. The Eighth Circuit’s decision put an end to that practice in Arkansas and six other states. It confirmed that decisions about how to enforce the Voting Rights Act should be made by elected officials, not special interest groups. And here, the Biden administration tellingly declined—when asked—to challenge Arkansas’s legislative map.

“It is important to remember that Arkansas’s redistricting process is handled primarily by three statewide constitutional officers who are answerable to Arkansas voters. I thank Solicitor General Nicholas Bronni and Senior Assistant Solicitor General Asher Steinberg for their excellent work on this case.”

For a printer-friendly version of this release, click here.

Arkansas Outdoor School Coordinator receives lifetime service award from Arkansas Environmental Education Association

By Rebekah Hall
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — For more than 20 years, Eric De Vries has made a career of helping children discover a love of nature and a passion for learning. De Vries, extension coordinator of Arkansas Outdoor School for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, was recently recognized for his efforts by the Arkansas Environmental Education Association with the Robert McAfee Lifetime Service Award.

The award honors an Arkansan who has “exhibited personal and professional commitment to environmental education, service, awareness, knowledge and action throughout their career and life.” For De Vries, this award is due in part to his many teammates and collaborators throughout his career.

OUTDOOR EDUCATION FOR ALL — Eric De Vries, extension coordinator of Arkansas Outdoor School for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, has worked in environmental education for more than 20 years. He was recently awarded the Robert McAfee Lifetime Service Award by the Arkansas Environmental Education Association. (Division of Agriculture photo.) 

“Part of why this award means so much to me is that it makes me think about all the people I’ve worked with for such a long time,” De Vries said. “It gave me pause to go back and think about the organizations, the people and all the unique projects I’ve got to be involved with. I think about all those individual experiences we facilitated that could have been really powerful for our participants.”

The Arkansas Environmental Education Association provides a network for members to collaborate on projects, share programming ideas and recognize leaders in environmental education. The organization defines environmental education as a learning process that builds knowledge and awareness of the environment and its challenges.

De Vries said the award is especially meaningful because of the organization that awarded it.

“These are people I really respect,” he said. “I understand the effort that they’re putting out there, how much they care for their environment and care about people, to do the work that they do. To get this kind of award from those people, that’s really special to me.”

Shannon Caldwell, extension 4-H Center program director for the Division of Agriculture, said De Vries defines the role of environmental educator.

“Eric loves to educate,” Caldwell said. “He likes to ‘edu-tain.’ He knows that if the kids are having fun, they will learn without even realizing they are learning. They will develop a love of learning, and they will learn to appreciate and enjoy our environment and the outdoors.”

Caldwell said De Vries has worked with more than 40,000 participants in the last 10 years at the 4-H Center, and that his career of more than 20 years has had “far-reaching impacts that we will never really be able to fully capture.”

“I look up to Eric,” Caldwell said. “I seek out his counsel when thinking of ways to innovate and collaborate. His level of developing the next generation of environmental educators is an example to all of us.”

A natural educator

De Vries said his passion for nature was instilled at an early age. His parents met in the Peace Corps, and he lived with them in Tanzania in East Africa until he was 13 years old.

“I don’t remember a time where I wasn’t out exploring nature,” De Vries said. “My parents would just say, ‘Go,’ and I’d be hiking through the bush trying to find pythons and other critters. I think that’s where my love for nature really started.”

His family moved to Little Rock when his father started working at Heifer International. De Vries graduated from Hendrix College in 1994, originally planning to study environmental law.

De Vries served as an AmeriCorps volunteer for two years, working in Perry, Conway and Faulkner counties with at-risk youth programs. When his AmeriCorps team helped start a ropes course with Heifer International, De Vries received his first training in the dynamic team-building activity.

“When I started doing that, I thought, ‘Man, this is a powerful tool,’” De Vries said. “I really started wondering, can one do this kind of stuff for a career?’ That’s when my mindset changed — I don’t want to go to law school, I want to see what else is possible.”

De Vries then worked as a training instructor for the Civilian Student Training Program, or CSTP, an Arkansas Department of Human Services residential program for juvenile court-ordered young men. Through this role, he learned about Arkansas 4-H by taking groups to the C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center.

“I loved CSTP,” De Vries said. “I saw so much change. That’s the thing I love about my job as an educator. I feel so blessed. I’ve worked at wonderful places full of wonderful, hardworking dedicated people. I stayed with CSTP for four years because I saw what a difference the program could make in nine weeks. For some of those kids, it was life-changing.”

De Vries began working as a ropes course facilitator at the Arkansas 4-H Center in 2001, where he stayed for four years. He then worked for 11 years as a regional education coordinator and later as assistant chief of education for Arkansas Game and Fish. In 2008, he earned his master’s in Public Administration from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. When the Arkansas Outdoor School coordinator role became available in 2014, De Vries returned to Arkansas 4-H.

Outdoor skills, life skills

The Arkansas Outdoor School began more than 20 years ago as the RESQ program – Responsible Environmental Stewardship Quest. It was later rebranded, and De Vries said the program now focuses on environmental education and outdoor recreation through the lens of the 4-H life skills model.  

“We teach all kinds of life skills, no matter what we’re doing,” De Vries said. “If we’re teaching canoeing, for instance, we’re going to talk about it, teach you safety stuff, you’re going to go and experience it – experiential education, that’s our philosophy – and then when you come back, we’re going to process that, we’re going to talk about it.

“The big question is, ‘so now what?’” De Vries said. “What did you learn? How do you apply that to the future? What can you really take away from that experience?”

De Vries said another critical skill that outdoor education teaches is the ability to take risks and face challenges.

“Working with kids, especially in environmental education – that energizes me,” he said. “There’s nothing like experiencing a person catching their first fish, taking a risk and trying something new. The skill of taking risks is so important. That could be something that’s life-altering for a kid. In just a short amount of time, I believe the things we do here can have a huge impact.”

Experiential learning – learning by doing – is a pillar of the Arkansas Outdoor School programming. Ensuring the content is age-appropriate and developed for the correct audience is also key, De Vries said.

“We’re kind of edu-tainers,” he said. “We’ve got to educate, but if we don’t make it interesting, will they remember? Will they connect with it as much? I think it’s an art of being able to do that and make every experience special for a kid.

“You know it’s their first time, so even though you’ve taught this one lesson a hundred times, or it’s the thirtieth day of field trips and you’re really tired, it’s the first time for them,” De Vries said. “Can you make this a fresh and wonderful experience for them? Each one is individually super important.”

Educating the next generation

De Vries said the lessons that outdoor education teaches are necessary to create the next generation of environmental stewards.

“With the kids that come through our program, we’re trying to create an intellectual understanding,” De Vries said. “How does the world around us work? What’s a butterfly? What’s the process of metamorphosis? Or, what’s the skill in canoeing?

“We’re also trying to create this emotional connection, so it’s not just this knowledge, but also, ‘Why is it important to me?’ If we want to create good stewards in the future, they’ve got to not only understand it, but it’s got to be important to them. I think that’s where we can really create that opportunity for them.”

De Vries encouraged parents to learn about the outdoors alongside their children and practice their own risk-taking abilities.

“It’s okay to tell your kid, ‘I don’t know how to do this stuff, but I want to learn. Let’s do this together,’” De Vries said. “How cool is that? That you’re demonstrating to your child, ‘I’m going to take this risk, I’m going to put myself out there, I’m going to try.’

“And your child can see, ‘Oh, they’re willing to fail too,’” he said. “‘They’re going to learn with me.’ In some ways, that’s an advantage. They don’t look at you as an expert, but as on this journey with them.”

To learn more about Arkansas Outdoor School, visit and check out the Arkansas Outdoor School Facebook page or the Arkansas Outdoor School Instagram. Contact Eric De Vries at 501-821-6884 or at

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