Arkansas News

UAMS Receives $3 Million NIH Grant to Address Feeding Practices at Early Child Care Sites

By David Robinson

LITTLE ROCK — University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) researcher Taren Massey-Swindle, Ph.D., and a Louisiana Tech University collaborator have secured a $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to address feeding practices at 80 early childhood care and education sites in Arkansas and Louisiana.

Massey-Swindle and Julie Rutledge, Ph.D., from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, found in prior studies that early childhood care and education settings frequently use inappropriate feeding practices such as hurrying children and encouraging them to eat more. Such practices contribute to eating less healthy foods, overeating and long-term food rejections.

A big part of the five-year, $3,043,419 grant from the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is its “de-implementation” plans for eliminating inappropriate feeding practices.

UAMS Receives $3 Million NIH Grant to Address Feeding Practices at Early Child Care Sites

Seven-Ag coalition secures temporary restraining order against Biden-Harris Administration's latest attempt to unlawfully cancel student loans

LITTLE ROCK – Attorney General Tim Griffin issued the following statement after the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia granted a request by a seven-state coalition of attorneys general for a temporary restraining order against the U.S. Department of Education’s latest unlawful attempt to cancel student loans:

“The Biden-Harris administration keeps trying to go around Congress, and they keep losing. This is the third attempt this administration has made to unilaterally erase student debt on the backs of taxpayers who either paid back their student loans or never took one out.

“I am proud to stand with my colleagues from Missouri, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Dakota and Ohio to stop the election-year theatrics of the Biden-Harris administration and remind the administration once again that only Congress has the authority to change the law. I look forward to continuing this fight in court.”

The temporary restraining order was granted after the court found that “Plaintiffs have obtained documents revealing the Secretary [of Education] is implementing this forgiveness plan … without publication and has been set on doing so since May.”

The court scheduled a hearing in the case for Wednesday, September 18.

To read a copy of the court’s order, click here.

For a printer-friendly version of this release, click here.

New report ranks Arkansas’ food insecurity rate worst in the U.S.

From the Arkansas Advocate:

At a rate of nearly 19%, Arkansas has the highest prevalence of food insecurity in the nation, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report released Wednesday.

Freerange Stock Image

The annual study, which was conducted by the USDA’s Economic Research Service, found that Arkansas was one of seven states where the prevalence of food insecurity surpassed the national average of 13.5% in 2023, an increase from 12.8% in 2022.

The report defines food insecurity as being unable, at some time during the year, to provide adequate food for one or more household members because of a lack of resources. Very low food insecurity is the more severe range of food insecurity, where one or more members of a household experienced reduced food intake or disrupted eating patterns because they could not afford enough food.

New report ranks Arkansas’ food insecurity rate worst in the U.S.

Upcoming webinar to address legal issues in farmers’ right to repair equipment

By Drew Viguet
National Agricultural Law Center
U of A System Division of Agriculture

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Can farmers legally repair their own equipment?

The question is more complex than it appears. With continued technological advancements, companies that manufacture farming equipment may use sophisticated and proprietary technology and software which only the manufacturer has the ability and permission to repair.

The National Ag Law Center's Sept. 18 webinar will feature a discussion on the right to repair as it applies to agriculture. The presentation will be led by Ross Pifer, director of the Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law. (U of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture photo by Kevin Lawson)

Such was the case with John Deere, which eventually entered into a memorandum of understanding with the American Farm Bureau Federation in January 2023 allowing farmers access to tools and diagnostic equipment for repairs. The MOU is one example of the outcome of conversations surrounding the “right to repair.”

“This has been a topic of discussion in the agricultural community and beyond for some time now,” said Ross Pifer, director of the Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law. “The right-to-repair movement advocates for policies that enable farmers to fix and modify their machinery without facing legal or technical barriers. In agriculture, there is widespread interest in right to repair, though there are differences of opinion on how to define and implement it.”

Last year, Minnesota became the sixth state to enact a right-to-repair law with its Digital Fair Repair Act. Of the six states that have enacted such laws — Minnesota, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts and New York — Colorado is the only state to have enacted a law that specifically gives farmers the right to repair their own equipment.

More information on the American Farm Bureau Federation MOU and the right to repair is available online from the National Agricultural Law Center, or NALC.

“Each statute is similar in its general purpose, but they differ in their approach and the scope of coverage,” Pifer said.

Pifer will discuss the status of the right-to-repair movement as it applies to agriculture during a Sept. 18 NALC webinar, “Right to Repair and Agriculture.” The webinar is free to attend, but registration is required. Interested participants can register and find more details on the National Agricultural Law Center’s website. The presentation will begin at 11 a.m. Central/Noon Eastern.

“The right to repair is a critical issue that affects every farmer's ability to manage and maintain their equipment,” according to NALC Director Harrison Pittman. “We're excited to have Ross guide us through the legal landscape and practical challenges surrounding this important topic. This webinar is a must for anyone invested in the future of agriculture.”

For information about the National Agricultural Law Center, visit or follow @Nataglaw on X. The National Agricultural Law Center is also on Facebook and LinkedIn.

For updates on agricultural law and policy developments, subscribe free of charge to The Feed, the NALC’s twice-monthly newsletter highlighting recent legal developments facing agriculture.

Boozman Celebrates Poland F-35 Rollout

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) celebrated the rollout of Poland’s F-35s that will soon arrive at Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith, the new home of the Foreign Military Sales mission for the aircraft.

Boozman joined officials from the United States and Poland as well as Lockheed Martin leadership to applaud the unveiling of the first Polish F-35 at the company’s plant in Fort Worth, Texas Wednesday. This marks a critical step in advancing Arkansas’s role in protecting the interests of our country and allies.

“Developing these capabilities side by side is critical to ensuring global security. Now more than ever we can see the advantages of interoperability between partner nations, and this event only furthers the already strong relationship between Poland and the U.S.,” Boozman said. “The Fort Smith community is truly excited to see Polish pilots and jets soon fly in The Natural State.” 

In March 2023 the Air Force announced Ebbing Air National Guard Base as home of the foreign military pilot training center. Boozman, along with Arkansas Congressional Delegation members Senator Tom Cotton and Congressman Steve Womack, worked to secure the mission and are continuing to champion federal investments that serve to enhance the installation and community. 

As ranking member of the Senate Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MilCon-VA) Appropriations Subcommittee, Boozman has shepherded legislation through the Senate allocating funds over multiple years to prepare Ebbing to successfully host the program and allied partners. 

In Fiscal Year 2024 Boozman, Cotton and Womack delivered $83 million to the base and are committed to supporting continued investment in Fiscal Year 2025 and beyond. 

Sen. Boozman poses in front of the first Polish F-35 at the Lockheed Martin plant.

Early days of rice, corn harvests near record pace

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

LITTLE ROCK — The first few phone calls an agronomist receives during harvest tend to say a lot about how the fall will go. For Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, the news has been overwhelmingly good this year.

AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE — Both corn and rice harvests in Arkansas are moving at a near-record pace. (Division of Agriculture photo.)

“The frequent refrain in the phone calls I’ve been getting for the past couple of weeks is ‘You won’t believe what this rice cut!,’ and relatively little of the ‘Hey, there’s something wrong with this rice,’” Hardke said. “You can gauge the tone of the harvest pretty quickly.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported Monday that 23 percent of Arkansas’ rice crop had already been harvested, dwarfing the five-year average of 4 percent typically harvested so early in the season.

Hardke said this pace hasn’t been seen since 2010.

“At this point, we’re going as fast as we can go,” he said.

Accounting for about half the rice produced in the United States, Arkansas growers this year planted more than 1.4 million acres of the crop. Hardke said growers’ efforts at early planting have put Arkansas in a good position for an early harvest with good yields.

The earliest harvest efforts occurred on the last day of July, with more producers gradually moving into their fields in early August. With few exceptions, the state has avoided the heat and moisture of 2023 that led to the repeated rewetting and drying cycles blamed for widespread low milling yields.

Hardke said that while overall grain yields seem high, he remained cautious regarding the state’s ultimate milling yields for 2024.

“One of the odd things about milling yield — even in a high milling yield year, where things turn out well, some of the early plantings can have a lower milling yield,” he said. “A quarter of the way through harvest, there’s still a long way to go. The story’s hardly written.”

Arkansas corn is also experiencing a rapid harvest, with 30 percent of the state’s 500,000 acres already harvested as of Aug. 25, according to USDA. The five-year average for this point in the season is 12 percent.

Jason Kelley, extension wheat and feed grains agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said that like rice, early planting in the spring set Arkansas growers up to capitalize on good growing conditions throughout the summer.

“Early planting doesn’t necessarily mean an early harvest, but by the last week of April, we were 81 percent planted, versus the five-year average, which was 64 percent,” Kelley said.

“The month of May was nearly the warmest we’ve had — at or near a record,” he said. “That really sped things along. All along, I’ve felt like we were 10 days ahead of what a normal growth stage would be.”

Early spring rain events in the southern half of the state did impede early corn planting for some growers, Kelley said. Later rain events, however, precluded growers from needing to irrigate the crop as much as they often do throughout a growing season.

He said that corn, even among Arkansas’ most notable row crops, is especially temperature-driven in its development. The high heat of August, along with relatively few major rain events during the summer, helped the crop sprint toward the finish line.

“We’re at a point where a lot of growers are waiting for the corn to dry down a bit more, so they can harvest it and take it directly to the grain terminal,” Kelley said. “The only limiting factor for a lot of growers is if they’ve also got rice or soybeans to harvest.

“Harvest is going very smooth without any weather delays so far and like rice, yields overall are really good this year,” he said.

A looming obstacle that growers in Arkansas and elsewhere will still likely have to contend with is the low levels on the Mississippi River. Below a certain point, the river becomes impassable for the barges carrying grain to the Gulf of Mexico for export. Producers are then faced with the predicament of selling their grain with a discounted basis, cutting into an already narrow profit margin.

As of Aug. 29, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported the river’s level at minus 4.3 feet, with continued drop in levels forecast. In October 2023, the river fell to a record minus 11.5 feet.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

Arkansas AG rejects proposed education constitutional amendment for 2026 ballot

KUAR | By Antoinette Grajeda / Arkansas Advocate

From the Arkansas Advocate:

Arkansas’ attorney general on Thursday rejected a proposed constitutional amendment that would require identical standards for public and private schools that receive state funding.

In his six-page opinion, Attorney General Tim Griffin said he could not certify the proposal because the submission did not include the full text of the measure as required by law.

“Thus, a failure to submit the proposed amendment’s full text in compliance with A.C.A. § 7-9-107 makes it impossible for me to determine whether your proposed popular name and ballot title are misleading,” Griffin said.

Arkansas AG rejects proposed education constitutional amendment for 2026 ballot

Sonny Albarado/Arkansas Advocate

For AR Kids spokesperson Bill Kopsky talks about why the group’s constitutional amendment initiative came up short of the required number of signatures during a press conference at Arkansas Public Policy Panel offices in Little Rock on Friday, July 5, 2024.

Attorney General Tim Griffin leads bipartisan coalition securing nationwide $190 Million unclaimed property settlement with Delaware

LITTLE ROCK – Attorney General Tim Griffin today issued the following statement announcing that Arkansas, Pennsylvania, California, Texas, and Wisconsin—on behalf of a bipartisan coalition of 30 states—have agreed to a settlement with officials from Delaware to end the outstanding damages phase of an unclaimed property dispute won by Arkansas before the United States Supreme Court in 2023:

“This settlement concludes nearly eight years of litigation over unclaimed Official Checks and returns more than $190 million to the people of Arkansas, our coalition partners, and other states. I’m proud of our work on this important case, and I’m grateful to our coalition partners—particularly the attorneys general of California, Texas, and Wisconsin, and attorneys for Pennsylvania—for their hard work on this matter.

“I want to express my appreciation to Solicitor General Nicholas Bronni, who argued the case before the United States Supreme Court. I look forward to reuniting the people of Arkansas with their money.”

The settlement effectively ends the remaining damages phase of the consolidated actions Delaware v. Pennsylvania and Arkansas v. Delaware. Arkansas’s share of the settlement totals $761,907.91 plus interest earned and expenses.

In February 2023, the United States Supreme Court unanimously agreed with Arkansas’s arguments in Arkansas v. Delaware, which centered on which state is entitled to take custody of funds payable on unclaimed official checks sold by MoneyGram, a money transfer services company that operates in all 50 states and internationally.

In 2016, Arkansas brought an original jurisdiction action in the Supreme Court seeking more than $250 million in unclaimed funds from uncashed MoneyGram official check products that were wrongly handed over to Delaware.

Under the Federal Disposition Act, proceeds on unclaimed money orders, traveler’s checks, and similar items must be turned over to the state where the item was purchased. Yet since 2005, MoneyGram has turned those funds over to Delaware, as its state of incorporation.

In the opinion issued by Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a unanimous court agreed that those funds are governed by the Federal Disposition Act and that MoneyGram should have turned those funds over to Arkansas and its coalition partners, not Delaware. As a result of that opinion, since February 2023, MoneyGram has been required to report sums on unclaimed unofficial checks to the state of purchase and funds associated with instruments purchased in Arkansas have been deposited with the Auditor of State’s unclaimed property fund.

The settlement resolves what happens with money deposited with Delaware prior to the Supreme Court’s unanimous opinion. Under the terms of the settlement, Delaware will transfer more than $102 million of the property that MoneyGram reported to Delaware from 2011 to 2017 to the coalition states, based on each monetary instrument’s place of purchase. Delaware’s transfer represents roughly half of the report years disputed in the litigation.

In addition, approximately $89 million deposited by MoneyGram in a litigation escrow account from 2018 to 2022, plus interest earned, will be distributed among all 50 states based on each instrument’s place of purchase. The coalition states will receive nearly $55 million, plus interest earned, from the escrow account.

States will assume custody and responsibility to return any property received under the terms of the settlement or from the escrow account to the owners, including paying any claims of property. The settlement and escrow funds will be deposited with the Auditor of State’s unclaimed property fund, where they can be reclaimed by Arkansans.

To read the Supreme Court’s unanimous opinion, click here.

To read the agreement, click here.

For a printer-friendly version of this release, click here.

Marijuana amendment group turns in more signatures

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A group attempting to broaden access to medical marijuana in Arkansas says they have finished collecting signatures.

Image by Dave Cameron

Arkansans for Patient Access is attempting to put an amendment on the ballot which, if approved by voters, would widely expand medical marijuana across the state. If the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment passes, it will allow the drug to be prescribed for almost all medical conditions, as opposed to the narrow list of conditions allowed for the drug now.

A month ago, Arkansans for Patient Access turned in well over the roughly 90,000 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot; in total, they turned in 111,402 signatures. Of those, 77,000 were deemed valid by Secretary of State John Thurston, whose office was tasked with counting and validating the signatures for all the proposed amendments. Under Arkansas law, if 75% of the initial signatures are deemed valid, groups are then given a 30-day “cure period” to collect more signatures.

Marijuana amendment group turns in more signatures

Boozman: Biden-Harris Administration is Failing Farmers and Rural America on Trade

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its latest outlook projecting a record negative agriculture trade deficit for fiscal year 2025. 

“We have entered uncharted territory with the latest projected data on the U.S. agricultural trade deficit.

The Biden-Harris administration is failing our farmers, ranchers and foresters when it comes to maintaining our competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

The President and his team simply must do more to actively engage and aggressively advocate for our agriculture producers on the world stage. There is just no way around it.

Congress must also step up to the plate and pass a new farm bill that makes a robust investment in USDA’s trade promotion programs. The framework Senate Republicans released doubles funding for the Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development Program, the farm bill’s premier trade promotion programs. This is an excellent place to start. Anything less is yet another a step in the wrong direction.” 

Background: The first USDA U.S. agricultural trade forecast for fiscal year (FY) 2025 reveals the agricultural trade deficit growing from a previous record of negative $30.5 billion in FY 2024 to a new record of negative $42.5 billion. U.S. agricultural exports in FY 2025 are projected at $169.5 billion, down $4 billion from FY 2024 and the lowest since FY 2020, while imports are projected to grow by $8 billion from FY 2024 to a record $212 billion.

2024 Avian Influenza Summit to address virus’ impacts on global health beyond poultry

By Ryan McGeeney
U of A System Division of Agriculture 

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — While surges in colds, flu and even COVID may come and go, agricultural producers are always on the lookout for avian influenza — and not just in poultry flocks. In 2024, highly pathogenic avian influenza has been detected not only in birds, but cattle, swine and humans as well.

MORE THAN FOWL — The 2024 International Avian Influenza and One Health Emerging Issues Summit will feature 55 speakers over four days, addressing the virus' effect not only in birds, but other species as well. (Division of Agriculture image.)

To address the current state of HPAI, the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Center of Excellence for Poultry Science will host the International Avian Influenza and One Health Emerging Issues Summit on Sept. 30 – Oct. 3 at the Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

While the general public may be most familiar with the H5N1 strain of HPAI, multiple viruses have infected tens of millions of birds and more than 20 species of mammals worldwide since 2022. In response, event organizers have expanded the scope of this year’s annual summit to address emerging issues affecting cattle, swine, bees, humans and more as part of the “One Health” concept.

This year’s summit will feature 55 speakers over four days, more than doubling the number of speakers at the 2023 two-day conference. More than 1,800 individuals from 81 countries registered for the 2023 summit.

In-person attendance is limited to 200 people and online attendance is limited to 1,000 participants this year. There is no cost to attend either way, but registration is required. To register, visit To see a complete agenda listing speakers and topics, visit

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Arkansas’ manufacturing sector producing more ‘with fewer workers’

by Michael Tilley (

Arkansas’ manufacturing sector accounts for 12% of the state’s total payroll jobs and could add more than 1,000 jobs if recent growth rates continue, according to economist Greg Kaza. Job numbers in the sector remain well below peak employment in February 1995.

Kaza, executive director of the Little Rock-based Arkansas Policy Foundation, said the sector, once the largest jobs sector in the state, still is a big job generator.

“The manufacturing private industry sector continues to make a significant contribution to Arkansas’ economy. One might say, ‘It’s firing on four cylinders with the potential for six.’ In terms of jobs, manufacturing adds nearly one in eight jobs, or 12% of total Arkansas payroll employment, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics records,” Kaza noted in a brief analysis provided to Talk Business & Politics before July numbers were available.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Arkansas’ manufacturing sector producing more ‘with fewer workers’

Federal judge temporarily blocks ‘wet signature’ rule for Arkansas voters

KUAR | By Antoinette Grajeda / Arkansas Advocate

A federal judge on Thursday temporarily blocked the implementation of a new rule barring the use of electronic signatures on Arkansas voter registration forms except at certain state agencies.

State lawmakers in May approved an emergency rule drafted by the Arkansas Board of Election Commissioners that requires a “wet signature,” meaning signing with a pen, on voter registration applications unless they’re completed at state agencies, like the DMV.

In June, voter advocacy group Get Loud Arkansas challenged the rule with a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas against Secretary of State John Thurston, the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners and the county clerks of Benton, Pulaski and Washington counties.

Federal judge temporarily blocks ‘wet signature’ rule for Arkansas voters

Antoinette Grajeda/Arkansas Advocate

John Paul Hammerschmidt Federal Building in Fayetteville.

Unique chicken line advances research on autoimmune disease that affects humans

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — A unique chicken breed is helping researchers better understand vitiligo, an autoimmune disease that affects 1-2 percent of the world’s population.

VITILIGO RESEARCH — Gisela Erf, professor of immunology, holds a Smyth line rooster whose white feathers are the result of vitiligo. The Smyth line, and its parental Brown line, are used to study the autoimmune disease that affects humans. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Paden Johnson)

In vitiligo (pronounced vit-ih-LIE-go) the immune system attacks cells called melanocytes, causing skin pigment to disappear.

The effects are more than skin deep.

“Autoimmune diseases are multifactorial and non-communicable, and one is often associated with other autoimmune disorders. They call it the kaleidoscope of autoimmunity,” Gisela Erf, professor of immunology with the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, said. “Vitiligo in humans, is strongly associated with autoimmune thyroiditis where the thyroid gland becomes attacked by the immune system, and that’s in our vitiligo birds, too.”

Why chickens?

Erf studies the disease using a rare vitiligo-prone chicken breed called the Smyth line, the only animal model for vitiligo that shares all the characteristics of the human condition. These include the spontaneous loss of melanocytes, interactions between genetic, environmental, and immunological factors that drive disease expression, and associations with other autoimmune diseases.

Research with the Smyth line helps scientists observe immune responses that are relatable to humans. Erf recently published a study in Frontiers in Immunology titled “Spontaneous immunological activities in the target tissue of vitiligo-prone Smyth and vitiligo-susceptible Brown lines of chicken,” which was co-authored by Erf’s former graduate students, Daniel M. Falcon and Kristen A. Byrne, and program associate Marites A. Sales.

The study identified the immune mechanisms behind the onset of vitiligo, which could one day inform the development of effective preventative and therapeutic measures for humans.

Erf conducts research through the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station as a faculty member of the Center of Excellence for Poultry Science. She holds the Tyson Endowed Professorship in Avian Immunology and teaches classes through the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences at the University of Arkansas. The experiment station is the research arm of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

Finding answers in feathers

Erf’s study compared the immune responses in the Smyth line to its parental Brown line, which is susceptible to vitiligo but much less likely to develop the disease. A unique feature of this animal model is that the melanocyte-containing target tissue — the “pulp” of small growing feathers — is easily accessible. Scientists can sample it many times before and during the onset and progression of the disease without harming the bird, Erf said.

In fact, based on studying the autoimmune response in the feather pulp, Erf developed this tissue as a skin test-site — a “living test-tube,” she calls it — and a minimally invasive procedure to study immune responses to injected vaccines and other antigens. She has since patented this method.  

“The method came out of these vitiligo studies, and it has been an incredibly successful technique, in my opinion, to study these very complex inflammatory responses where the cells get recruited from the blood to the site of infection or injection,” Erf said.

Examining growing feathers from the Brown line also revealed immune cells entering the pulp, but these cells exhibited anti-inflammatory immune activities, which may be responsible for preventing vitiligo development in these chickens, Erf explained.

The researchers also detected positive correlations that indicate an immune response with regulatory T cells, which stop vitiligo development and killing of the melanocytes.

In the Smyth line, approximately one month before vitiligo becomes visible, an increase in the expression of specific immune regulatory genes was observed. The study states that this early immune activity might play a role in triggering the disease. Overall, their findings align with observations in human studies, with the added benefit of new insights into events before the onset of the disease, Erf added.

This latest study suggests the different responses in Smyth and Brown line chickens could lead to new ways of understanding how the immune system decides between attacking or tolerating melanocytes, Erf said. And that could lead to significant advancements in treatment of autoimmune diseases like vitiligo.

The Smyth chicken was first identified by J. Robert Smyth in 1977 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Erf, who knew Smyth, has worked with the Smyth line since 1989 and maintains the only known research breeding flock in the world.

To learn more about the Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website. Follow us on X at @ArkAgResearch, subscribe to the Food, Farms and Forests podcast and sign up for our monthly newsletter, the Arkansas Agricultural Research Report. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit Follow us on X at @AgInArk. To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Schools implementing LEARNS; funding formula change coming?


What’s the state of the state in education? Schools are implementing Gov. Sarah Sanders’ LEARNS Act. Legislators are performing the biennial adequacy study that will determine school funding amounts for the next two years. In next year’s legislative session, they could craft a new funding formula.

The sweeping 2023 LEARNS Act made major changes to the state’s education system but left many of the details to the rulemaking process. Secretary of Education Jacob Oliva estimated in an interview that “95%” of the rules are ready. Many had to be completed by July 1.

Among the most notable aspect of LEARNS was its creation of “educational freedom accounts.” Through these, 90% of the state per pupil foundation funding traditionally provided to schools instead goes to eligible families that can use them for qualifying expenses for nonpublic school alternatives. Roughly $7,000 per student will be provided to those families this upcoming second year of the program. Up to 3% of public school students can use them for private schools. Next year, there will be no percentage restrictions, and homeschooled students will be eligible.

State of the State Mid-Year 2024: Schools implementing LEARNS; funding formula change coming?

For 10th Year, UAMS Nationally Recognized for Commitment to High-Quality Stroke Care

By Linda Satter

LITTLE ROCK — The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Stroke Association awarded the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) with its highest level of stroke recognition for the 10th consecutive year for providing stroke patients with the most advanced treatments, leading to the best outcomes.

In addition to the Get With The Guidelines – Stroke Gold Plus quality achievement award, the AHA recognized UAMS with three Honor Roll awards for its quick treatment of stroke patients after arrival and its up-to-date, evidence-based care for stroke patients with Type 2 diabetes, who face a higher risk of complications.

The other awards are the Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite, the Target: Stroke Advanced Therapy Honor Roll and the Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll. UAMS previously received the honor roll elite and Type 2 diabetes honor roll recognitions, but 2024 marks the first time that UAMS was named to the Target: Stroke Advanced Therapy Honor Roll as well.

For 10th Year, UAMS Nationally Recognized for Commitment to High-Quality Stroke Care

Republican Party of Arkansas facing internal lawsuit

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A lawsuit has been filed stemming from the Republican Party of Arkansas’ decision to hold closed primaries. 

At a biennial convention in June, the party voted to close their primaries. This would mean that only registered Republicans could vote in primary elections. Hypothetically, having closed primaries could make winning candidates more conservative, as they would be chosen by a voter pool of people only within their own party.

The suit is being brought by state Republican Convention Chair Jennifer Lancaster. The lawsuit says the Arkansas GOP’s internal rules give them the power to make this change. Weeks after the vote, party chairman Joseph Wood nullified the decision claiming the party violated their own rules in making the decision. The disagreement represents a current disagreement in the party over ideology and rule implementation.

Republican Party of Arkansas facing internal lawsuit

Michael Hibblen/Little Rock Public Radio

The suit is asking for the primaries in Arkansas to be closed after the state Republican Party voted to close them this year.

Attorney General Griffin praises Arkansas Supreme Court's rejection of motion brought by convicted felon of Little Rock

Griffin offered the following statement:

“Convicted felon Oscar Stilley’s emergency motion sought to resurrect the abortion amendment ballot petition by compelling the Secretary of State to provisionally certify it for the November general election. I applaud the Arkansas Supreme Court’s decision to deny Stilley’s motion as moot after the court had correctly denied the attempt by the sponsor of the abortion amendment to get on the ballot.

“Stilley has no legal standing to bring this lawsuit in the first place. In fact, his filings have made it clear that he cares more about re-litigating his federal felony conviction. This attempt to retry his conviction has done nothing but waste the court’s time and taxpayers’ money.”

To read a copy of the court’s rejection of the motion, click here.

To download a PDF version of this release, click here.

Sanders, DHS Announce $15 Million to Support Arkansans with Substance Use Disorder, Mental Illness, and Intellectual Disabilities

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Today, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) announced $15 million in grants to fund infrastructure improvements that support individuals with substance use disorders, mental illnesses, or intellectual disabilities. Recipient organizations offer Medicaid treatment in community-based settings for specialty populations around the state.

“Vulnerable Arkansans need help – and they deserve to receive that help in modern, well-functioning facilities,” said Governor Sanders.“As my administration supports our most at-risk citizens, these grants will build a continuity of care that helps Arkansans through every step of their lives.”

“The funding awards announced today will create an array of additional services that support an improved continuum of care for both young people and adults who are struggling with substance use disorders, mental illness, or intellectual disabilities,” said DHS Secretary Kristi Putnam. “We are excited to see these investments turn into services that fill gaps in coverage and ultimately make a positive difference in the lives of Arkansans who need this support.” 

This program will award grants to support Youth Substance Abuse Residential Treatment and Supported Housing Units for Young Adults later this summer. 

The different grant types and recipient groups are below:

The Community Reintegration for Children grant funds new buildings that will function as family home environments for children to provide step-down support from high-cost, restrictive settings. Recipients are:

  • Western Arkansas Counseling and Guidance Center, Fort Smith – $4 million

  • United Methodist Children’s Home, Little Rock – $1 million

The Adult Substance Abuse Residential Treatment Facilities grant funds improvements to existing facilities that offer 30- to 60-day treatment programs for adults struggling with substance abuse disorders. Recipients are:

  • Harbor House, Fort Smith – $1,842,004

  • ARVAC Lake Point Recovery and Wellness, Russellville – $2,157,996

The Supported Housing Units for Young Adults grant funds the construction of an apartment complex that will house youth struggling with behavioral health who have aged out of group homes or other services provided by the Division of Children and Family Services or the Division of Youth Services. The recipient is:

  • Rainbow of Challenges, Inc., Hope – $3 million

The Therapeutic Communities for Adults with IDD grant funds the creation of a 16-bed therapeutic community that will provide step-down support from high-cost, in-patient psychiatric care for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and a co-occurring behavioral health diagnosis. The recipient is: 

  • ARISA Health, Jonesboro – $3 million

New UA philanthropic giving was $92.3 million in recent fiscal year

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The University of Arkansas said Friday (Aug. 23) that philanthropic giving in the fiscal year ended June 30 totaled $211.1 million. Of that, $92.3 million was from new giving and $118.8 million was payments on previous commitments.

The $92.3 million includes cash, in-kind giving, planned gifts and new pledges. According to the UA, the giving will support scholarships for students, campus and study-abroad programs, faculty and staff, research and economic development, entrepreneurship and capital projects. Of the giving, $14.8 million was directed to the university’s endowment.

“The university is fortunate to have the commitment of alumni and friends who understand how their gifts directly impact the student experience through scholarships and quality teaching, research and service,” said Sandy Edwards, senior advisor for advancement. “We are building on this commitment as we launch into an even more robust new school year.”

New UA philanthropic giving was $92.3 million in recent fiscal year

Old Main - Photo credit: Michael Barera