Hope Baking Co. to expand, add 266 new jobs

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

Hope Baking Co. is investing more than $37 million to expand its food manufacturing facility in Hope. The expansion is expected to create 266 new jobs over two years.

“Hope Baking Company is excited to be reinvigorating the operation of the bakery and equipment located in Hope, Arkansas and looks forward to steady expansion of its employment count,” said Dan Serra, owner of Hope Baking Co.

Hope Baking Company is a division of East Baking Company, which acquired Southern Bakeries in March 2023. Since the acquisition, the company has expanded the facility adding a new production line.

Hope Baking Co. to expand, add 266 new jobs

Second lawsuit filed against former Arkansas religious boarding school

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Another lawsuit has been filed against a former Arkansas religious boarding school accused of allowing and fostering sexual and physical abuse.

The Lord's Ranch was a therapeutic facility in Warm Springs, near the Missouri border. The school operated from 1976 to 2016 by family members Ted and Shirley Suhl. They are named as defendants in the lawsuit along with Emmet Alden Presley, a counselor who was the Director of Social Services at The Lords Ranch.

The camp claimed to provide services to students with emotional and behavioral problems. Their website when they were operational said “The Lord's Ranch provides a therapeutic treatment plan tailored to meet the needs of each resident.” It went on to talk about the importance of the Bible in their curriculum.

Second lawsuit filed against former Arkansas religious boarding school

Romanucci & Blandin/Courtesy Photo

Owners of a defunct boarding school known as The Lord's Ranch is facing a second lawsuit.

Arkansas Board of Corrections fires prisons chief in escalating dispute with governor

KUAR | By Hunter Field / Arkansas AdvocateFrom the Arkansas Advocate:

Arkansas’ prison oversight board on Wednesday fired Corrections Secretary Joe Profiri — a week after a judge ruled that Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ cabinet appointee served at the pleasure of the board for now.

Attorney General Tim Griffin has pledged to appeal that ruling, so it isn’t clear if Profiri, who came to Arkansas from Arizona a year ago with Sanders when she took office, will be permanently ousted.

Shortly after the ouster, Sanders announced that she would hire Profiri as a senior advisor, calling his termination a political stunt.

Profiri has had a strained relationship with the Board of Corrections since Sanders gave him a $40,000-a-year pay raise shortly after taking office and without the board’s approval. He was paid an annual salary of $210,000.

Arkansas Board of Corrections fires prisons chief in escalating dispute with governor

John Sykes/Arkansas Advocate

Former Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Corrections Joe Profiri, left, listens as Gov.Sarah Huckabee Sanders talks about criminal justice legislation during a news conference at the State Capitol on March 28, 2023.

Public Health Alum Uses Gardening Expertise to Help Address Arkansas’ Food Access Issues

By Kev' Moye

Entire communities having little — or no — access to fresh, healthy foods is a major issue in Arkansas.

There are a multitude of nonprofits, ministries, corporations and citizens working to solve the problem. Jimmy Parks, Dr.PH, an alum of the UAMS Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, is part of a network of people who are teaching and learning about how to grow and share food.

“My community and my family are my life,” Parks said. “It’s not about serving groups or populations. It’s just that being part of a community sometimes involves practical activities that look like service.”

Parks is a self-taught farmer who works with people in many backyard gardens and urban farms in central Arkansas.

Public Health Alum Uses Gardening Expertise to Help Address Arkansas’ Food Access Issues

Arctic air means extra care for pets

HARRISBURG, Ark. — When arctic air arrives, pets need extra care, said Craig Allen, Poinsett County extension staff chair for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

The National Weather Service at Little Rock said Wednesday that “by the weekend/early next week, Arctic air will surge into the region from the northwest. This will result in below to much below-average temperatures.”

Lows in Little Rock were expected to fall into the single digits by Monday night, with the forecast high on Tuesday being 27 degrees, the weather service said.

Boston the dog sits in the snow. Taken February 2021. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Kerry Rodtnick)

“Outdoor pets need a sheltered place that is well bedded with dry straw, shavings, blanket strips or other insulating material that traps warm air,” he said. “Check it often and change it whenever it gets wet.

“Be sure to have adequate food and water available. Heated water bowls are handy to have,” Allen said.

Owners need to limit the amount of time indoor pets are exposed to extreme temperatures. Short-haired dog breeds such as greyhounds, Dobermans, boxers, Chihuahuas and miniature breeds “shouldn’t go outside without a sweater or coat, except for short periods to relieve themselves,” Allen said.

Cats, even outdoor cats, will seek warm spots, and sometimes in dangerous ways.

“Cats left outdoors will often crawl into a warm car engine compartment to get warm,” Allen said. “The cat can be seriously injured or killed by the fan blade or fan belt the next time the car is started. Be sure to check for cats or other animals that might have sought out the warmth of your car.”

Schnauzer gets some playtime in the snow in Fayetteville. Taken Jan. 5, 2024. (U of A System Division of Agriculture still courtesy Kwan Seo).

Preparing vehicles for cold weather service can mean adding or changing antifreeze. Pets can be drawn to spilled antifreeze because of its taste, but antifreeze with ethylene glycol is toxic to pets even in very small quantities.

“Promptly clean up any spills,” he said. “Antifreeze is attractive to pets and can be deadly, even in very small amounts.”

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk.

EIA: Solar to lead U.S. electricity generation growth through 2025

by Jeff Della Rosa (JDellaRosa@nwabj.com)

Solar electric generation is expected to account for 7% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2025, up from 4% in 2023, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

On Tuesday (Jan. 9), the EIA released its January Short-Term Energy Outlook that shows almost 80 gigawatts of solar power will start operating in the next two years, increasing U.S. solar generating capacity by 84% and making solar the leading source of growth in U.S. electricity generation through 2025.

“We are experiencing a significant shift in U.S. electric generation, as solar generation grows rapidly, taking market share from coal and tempering the growth in natural gas usage,” said EIA Administrator Joe DeCarolis. “Coal and natural gas remain important to the U.S. electric grid, even as variable renewable resources such as solar and wind grow.”

EIA: Solar to lead U.S. electricity generation growth through 2025

NAACP leader calls stabbing of Conway teen 'hate crime'

KUAR | By Maggie Ryan

The Faulkner County NAACP held a community meeting Monday night in response to a violent altercation that took place in Conway over the weekend.

According to the mother of one victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, a group of teenagers went to Maly’s, an entertainment facility in Conway, Saturday night. Soon after the group arrived, the mother received a phone call from her son who said he’d been stabbed in the face.

She described leaving her home in a rush as soon as she received the call. Once she arrived, she said the police had yet to arrest members of the group responsible for her son's injury.

NAACP leader calls stabbing of Conway teen 'hate crime'

AG Griffin rejects FOIA initiated acts, education amendment

by Roby Brock (roby@talkbusiness.net)

A day after rejecting four proposed constitutional amendments affecting the state’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Attorney General Tim Griffin on Tuesday (Jan. 9) also rejected four initiated act proposals tied to FOIA as well as a proposed education amendment.

Arkansas Citizens for Transparency, the advocacy group seeking to get the FOIA measures on the November 2024 ballot were stymied again by Griffin, who cited problems with the four proposals.

“Having reviewed the text of your proposed constitutional amendment, as well as your proposed popular name and ballot title, I must reject your popular name and ballot title due to the following problem,” he said.

AG Griffin rejects FOIA initiated acts, education amendment

National Weather Service in Little Rock Weather Briefing

We are monitoring two potentially impactful weather events through early next week. The first, this Thursday and Friday, will bring another round of rain, storms, and winter weather. After a brief lull over much of the weekend, an Arctic front will make its way into the southern states, bringing well-below-average temperatures and potential for snow across much of the state. 

The storm system Thursday/Friday will bring a half inch to an inch and a half of rain, with locally more than two inches. The highest rainfall totals are expected from central into northeast sections of the state. Isolated severe storms may occur in central and southern Arkansas. As colder air follows the system on Friday, rain will transition to light snow across the north/west (Ozark and Ouachita Mountains), with less than an inch of accumulation at most locations. Beginning Friday late morning, sustained wind speeds are forecast between 20 and 30 mph with gusts over 40 mph. Precipitation will exit the state by Friday evening, with winds settling down by late Friday night.

By the weekend/early next week, Arctic air will surge into the region from the northwest. This will result in below to much below average temperatures. Once cold air is in place, it appears that wintry precipitation will become more likely Sunday night into Monday. There is a potential for heavy warning criteria snow (several inches). Stay tuned for specifics.

Arkansas medical marijuana sales set record in 2023

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

Arkansas medical marijuana sales set a new record in 2023 with a 2.53% increase over 2022, and the number of Arkansans with active marijuana patient cards rose 8.4% in 2023, according to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).

The DFA report posted Tuesday (Jan. 9) shows that medical marijuana sales totaled $283 million for the year, up from the previous record of $276 million in 2022. The state’s 38 dispensaries sold 62,227 pounds of marijuana in 2023, well above the 50,547 pounds in 2022. The state has licensed eight cultivators to provide products to the dispensaries.

The Arkansas Department of Health reports 97,374 active patient cards as of Jan. 9, up 8.4% from 89,855 at the end of 2022.

Arkansas medical marijuana sales set record in 2023

New UA ag economist to help farmers assess risk

Andrew Anderson.

Volatile weather patterns, fueled by climate change, geopolitical strife like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, spiraling commodities markets, and other factors impact farmers each season. They have to weigh these risk factors when deciding what crops to grow.

A new economist with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is doing research to help farmers assess those risks.

“Any farmer will tell you that farming is a lot like gambling,” said Andrew Anderson, assistant professor of agricultural economics and agribusiness for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “To be able to have policies that are created understanding that risky environment is really important.”

New UA ag economist to help farmers assess risk

Cooperative Extension Service's Grow Your Own Groceries series continues in 2024

By Rebekah Hall
U of A System Division of Agriculture

LITTLE ROCK — For people interested in learning to grow healthy, nutritious food at home, the Cooperative Extension Service’s Grow Your Own Groceries webinar series offers monthly Zoom presentations on Arkansas-friendly crops for gardeners of all skill levels.

GROW YOUR OWN IN 2024 — To kick off the new year, the first Grow Your Own Groceries presentation of 2024 will focus on setting up a drip irrigation system. Topics this year will also include potatoes, salad greens, blueberries and more. (Division of Agriculture graphic.) 

Krista Quinn, Faulkner County agriculture agent for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said the Grow Your Own Groceries series is designed to connect Arkansans with extension agents’ knowledge about growing and preparing nutritious food.

“I think there are a lot of people who are interested in gardening but have very little experience,” Quinn said. “Often, they did not grow up in families that gardened, and they didn’t really know where to start. If they start looking for gardening advice on the internet or even in books, they quickly realize that a lot of that information often doesn’t work in Arkansas. With the Grow Your Own Groceries program, we are giving people information based on experience and research from right here in Arkansas, so participants have the best chance of being successful.”

The series is a collaboration between extension agriculture agents and family and consumer sciences agents. In each presentation, agriculture agents discuss how to grow a specific crop, with information on variety selection, growing methods, soil health and common pests or problems. Family and consumer sciences agents then share how to store the produce and demonstrate recipes.

“Increasing access to fresh, healthy food by teaching people how to grow it and how to use it in their cooking is one of the main goals of this program,” Quinn said. “Gardening and cooking go hand in hand, and the reward for gardening is getting to eat the food you grow. At times, home gardeners may have a bumper crop, and it’s nice if they know a variety of ways to use the crop and how to preserve it so it can be enjoyed later in the year.

“There may be crops that people don’t have a lot of experience cooking with, but after seeing how it can be used in different recipes, they may decide to try growing it,” she said.

In 2023, extension agents hosted 11 Grow Your Own Groceries presentations for more than 5,700 registrants. Topics included spring peas, pruning berries, sweet corn, cucumbers, fall gardening, hydroponics and more. Quinn said 962 people registered for the fall gardening presentation in August, the highest number of registrants in the program’s history.

“I get a lot of emails thanking us for doing the programs,” Quinn said. “People seem to really enjoy them, and they like the ease of watching at home. I’ve had several people say they were encouraged to try growing a new crop that they’d never grown before. Others have told me that they learned about mistakes they were making with certain crops and were looking forward to correcting those mistakes. One person said that after watching our program and implementing some of our recommendations, they had their best crop of onions ever.”

Quinn said it’s important for Grow Your Own Groceries to provide accessible information to participants of all skill levels.

“By focusing on individual crops or techniques in each program, we can provide a lot of quality information that is helpful to both beginners and more advanced gardeners,” Quinn said. “We’re also living in a time of change, with erratic weather patterns, invasive pests and new technologies available. Through this program, we’re able to keep people up to date on current challenges and opportunities we’re seeing in the state.”

The first Grow Your Own Groceries presentation of 2024 is scheduled for noon on Jan. 18, and the topic will be setting up a drip irrigation system. In 2024, Quinn said her team also plans to cover potatoes, salad greens, blueberries, aquaponics and more.

For more information about Grow Your Own Groceries, visit the program’s page on the Cooperative Extension Service website, or contact Krista Quinn at klquinn@uada.edu or 501-329-8344.

To learn about extension programs in Arkansas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent or visit www.uaex.uada.edu. Follow us on X and Instagram at @AR_Extension. To learn more about Division of Agriculture research, visit the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station website: https://aaes.uada.edu. Follow on X at @ArkAgResearch. To learn more about the Division of Agriculture, visit https://uada.edu/. Follow us on X at @AgInArk. 

USDA grants $5.6 million for Arkansas food supply chain improvements

KUAR | By Daniel Breen

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is dedicating $5.6 million to help Arkansas farmers and food distributors access new markets.

$4.2 million of the funding from the USDA’s Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure program will go toward a grant program for producers and distributors in the state.

Jenny Lester Moffit, the USDA Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary, made the announcement at the Arkansas Foodbank in Little Rock on Tuesday. She said the grants will help Arkansas farmers access new markets, and hopefully help improve the rate of food insecurity in the state.

USDA grants $5.6 million for Arkansas food supply chain improvements

Daniel Breen/Little Rock Public Radio

Jenny Lester Moffit, Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, speaks at the Arkansas Foodbank headquarters in Little Rock on Jan. 9, 2024.

Third proposed Arkansas government transparency amendment submitted to AG

KUAR | By Tess Vrbin / Arkansas Advocate

From the Arkansas Advocate:

Proposed ballot language that would make government transparency a constitutional right in Arkansas still lacks clarity and is unfit for a statewide vote, Attorney General Tim Griffin wrote in a Monday opinion.

In response, the nonpartisan Arkansas Citizens for Transparency (ACT) submitted another draft to Griffin’s office Monday evening.

ACT proposed a second iteration of the amendment Dec. 20 after Griffin rejected an earlier attempt. The group submitted four potential ballot titles:

  • The Arkansas Government Transparency Amendment

  • The Arkansas Government Openness Amendment

  • The Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment

  • The Open Meetings and Open Records in State and Local Government Amendment

Third proposed Arkansas government transparency amendment submitted to AG

John Sykes/Arkansas Advocate

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin speaks alongside Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders in this file photo.

National Weather Service - Little Rock Briefing

We are now looking ahead and focusing on two potentially impactful weather systems. The first is expected this Thursday and Friday (Jan 11-12). The second is expected early next week (Jan 14-15).  

The Thursday/Friday system will bring 1.5-2" of rain, chances for isolated storms, snow across western and northern portions of the state, and potential for wind gusts 40-45+ mph.  

Arctic air will slip into southern portions of the U.S. this weekend into early next week, bringing well below-average temperatures to Arkansas. Warning criteria snow amounts appear possible for Sunday and Monday. 

Boozman, Womack Welcome Army Chief of Staff to Fort Chaffee

Fort Smith, AR – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) and Congressman Steve Womack (R-AR-03) welcomed Gen. Randy George, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, to Arkansas to highlight the training capabilities and capacity found at Fort Chaffee that significantly enhance the Army’s mission readiness.

“Arkansas has always been a proud supporter of our military. We know the critical role Fort Chaffee plays in our nation’s defense and we’re continuing to ensure it is one of the best places in the country for servicemembers to train. I’m pleased General George understands the need to maintain such a valuable asset and appreciated the opportunity to see its unique strengths on full display,” Boozman said. 

“Fort Chaffee is a top-tier training location with many unique capabilities that distinguish it as a premier Guard installation. It was an honor to show what Fort Chaffee has to offer to General George, who personally understands the important role Arkansas’s Third plays in our national security and strengthening our military forces,” Womack said.

“The Joint Maneuver Training Center at Fort Chaffee is a vital component to the readiness of the Total Army, and allows our National Guard units to focus on their warfighting mission. I am proud of the Arkansas National Guard and grateful for the continued support of the Arkansas community and delegation,” said Gen. George. 

Fort Chaffee recently earned Level 1 classification from the Department of Defense as one of five top National Guard training sites nationwide.

Boozman and Womack have been longtime advocates of investing in the training site, having successfully secured funding for improvements to Razorback Range, a new National Guard Readiness Center and a range expansion to enhance simulation exercises.

Senator Boozman, Congressman Womack and General George visited with Arkansas National Guard members at Fort Chaffee on Monday, January 8.

Cong. French Hill: Avoiding government shutdown ‘a very big challenge’

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

U.S. Rep. French Hill, R-Little Rock, will be heading back to Washington D.C. this week as Congress reconvenes, but his working hours may be brief in less than a month.

There are two pending government shutdown deadlines looming – Jan. 19 and Feb. 2. Hill, who appeared on this week’s Capitol View and Talk Business & Politics programs, said only Congress would pick Groundhog Day for a potential shutdown, a brinksmanship move the public has seen play out repeatedly in the last decade.

“This is really frustrating to me. In 2023, there was so much wasted time. We had a debt ceiling deal between House Republicans led by then Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House and President Joe Biden that would’ve allowed us to get our appropriations work done in time. And we squandered that and then we made it worse by throwing Kevin McCarthy out of office,” Hill said of the early October vote to boot McCarthy as Speaker. House Republicans spent weeks trying to select a replacement.

Seven of 12 appropriations bills have cleared the House and are awaiting action in the Senate, where political dynamics differ from the House.

Cong. French Hill: Avoiding government shutdown ‘a very big challenge’

Drought, delay of Farm Bill lead agri headlines in 2023

by George Jared (gjared@talkbusiness.net)

Drought, the federal Farm Bill, foreign ownership of agriculture land and the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) dominated agriculture headlines in Northeast Arkansas during the 2023 growing season.

For a second consecutive year, severe, extreme and exceptional drought afflicted many areas along the Mississippi River with more than 65 percent of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas having some form of drought in September.

Drought was a double-edged sword for Arkansas growers. On the plus side, drought helped suppress crop diseases and speed harvesting. On the downside, the water-starved Mississippi River dropped to its lowest level ever at Memphis on Oct. 17, to minus 12.04 feet. Recent rains along its length in early December prompted a forecast rise to more than 3 feet by Dec. 18, followed by another drop into the negative numbers.

Drought, delay of Farm Bill lead agri headlines in 2023

Randy Zook, CEO of the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, expects tax cuts in the 2024 fiscal session

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

During 2024, the Arkansas Legislature will reconvene for the Fiscal Session, which takes place every two years, where appropriations are handled.

In an interview with Talk Business & Politics, Randy Zook, CEO of the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, said that he expects there to be modest tax cuts implemented by lawmakers.

“There's a reason to be a little bit careful, it’s not just peddling to the metal, but we’re going to have to be careful. The state is still creating a surplus in the first half of this fiscal year,” he said.

Randy Zook, CEO of the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, expects tax cuts in the 2024 fiscal session

Michael Hibblen/KUAR News

Steps leading up to the Arkansas Senate chamber in the state Capitol.

Six selected for Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

The Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame is slated to add six new members to its ranks this year.

Inductees include the late Dr. George Berger, who served as dean of the Arkansas State University College of Agriculture from 1971-1981 and founded the Eagle Seed business in his hometown of Weiner; Dr. Fred Bourland of Blytheville, a cotton breeder who created more than 100 improved cotton varieties adapted to Arkansas; Dr. Mark Cochran of Fayetteville, retired vice president of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture; the late Melvin Daniel of Hot Springs, a long-time ag education instructor and FFA advisor; Dr. Charles Looney, a nationally recognized cattle geneticist who serves as director of the UA Experiment Station in Hope; and Gary Sitzer of Weiner, a fourth-generation rice and soybean farmer who has been highly involved in research and policy work in support of Arkansas agriculture.

“What an amazing group of farmers and those who help our farmers make agriculture Arkansas’ No. 1 business sector,” said Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Chair Debbie Moreland of Roland. “Agriculture is such a critical cultural and economic part of Arkansas. It is what binds so much of our state together. These we will induct have made a national impact on rice, soybeans, cattle and cotton and have helped steer the academic and research efforts that underpin Arkansas agriculture.”

Class XXXVI induction ceremonies are set for 11:30 a.m. March 1 at the Grand Ballroom of the DoubleTree Hotel in Little Rock. Contact Cindra Jones at 501-228-1609 for ticket information.

Six selected for Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame